c o r v e t t e

All of us in a hurry to get business done so we can go home, kick back, relax & rest on a flip side
Unrealized divine dividends accumulate unto infinity’s gate, grace knows nothing matters, pride
Masked up like the hooligan-hoodlum you’re grandma thought you’d wind up being, a wise guy
Turning Gold, God’s leftovers droning in a black background of salt & pepper in a random high.
It could have been much worse than it is, your life might not have been so blessed without One
You served masses for the One & did just fine with the Latin, hot boy confessions & communion
Athlete of moderate skills in all sports ‘cept Track, skills to run or jump a lick, yet I gave it a shot
In the end daddio, the fact of life is that Philosopher’s stones are close to my loins, I’m a robot.
My bottom, The Seat of Consciousness is nowhere easy to be found, unless you like hard roads
Talkin’ nearly invisible potholes without a shoulder, just a two-lane highway without any Edison
All Time all-star T.D. passes into a future, in search of a miraculous thing itself, unknowing cloud
It looks like it’s either crimson red or royal deep purple, depending on the Time you’re allowed.
You’ve got what it takes once you’ve arrived on the path to find the philosopher’s stone, a rock
Matter reduced to the Void where you’ve come from before yo’ mother’s womb, 24-hour clock
Tick-Tock from China to the Scorpion Nebula, annihilation of the soft & hard roads to Nirvana Ra
Historically it is naturally, a human’s personal struggle to survive, alone without a deadbeat’s Pa.
If the shoe fits your size of feet, wear ‘em with blessings, some humans go barefoot a whole life
Bless you, bless everyone you know, bless everyone you come into contact with, even yo’ wife
Blasting as fire and brimstone might when experiencing atomic fission and fusion of a holy god
Nobody on Earth has ever known nor will ever know what the (expletive) was the point, hotrod!
Spam & lamb, we sacrifice & consume for the invisible smoke that rises from jump, sunny days
Knights and bishops do what they can to put pawns in The Way of desolation’s stale checkmate
Hair on some naked skin, covering the sinews and muscles of the drones, shock the brain fate
Once you’ve been graced to discover the Truth you can’t believe, in Time’s blinded first date.
Don’t tempt me, on the other hand, go ahead and tempt me, I’ll field the hit, I am adept
After the game is over, silence is golden, no braggadocio for the minions, point, game, set
It’s not for me to say, it’s not for me to persuade anyone of anything at all, don’t trust a fool
Not that I am one of them, I’m not one of them, you don’t know, I do, in the corner to drool.
This means War until you run out of life to kill & leave a fear of death to reign over the believers
Blind Faith works for kings and queens who’ve locked up the only philosopher stones in a purse
Sight unseen with the 20/20 vision allowed by the perfect lenses that bend light into gold-lead
High road, finished at the line-up, life with no parole, walls’ squares of a room to see the dead.
Still alive, still want to survive and breath for my infinite heartbeats that feed on the Electrons
Everywhere with the Neutrinos, Neutrons fill up the Void to feed the Singularity vortex of suns
Milky Way conglomeration of Cause and Effect are a shock to the blind faith of the believer clan
Random chaos, feature of the creatures who live & die as angels & an evil spirit’s barcode scan.
You’re alone with your friends at the party you never got invited to, you showed with no invite
Everyone is surprised you’re there since you perished without a trace decades ago, in a fist fight
Smacked with a baseball bat in the back of the head, sucker homer on my skull killed my drone
Hooked up to machines to keep my heart & kidneys in order of their verve, a holy spirit blown.
There’s a final approach to the runway of never-neverland but I’ve aborted the landing forever
Place in Time and Space will remain undivulged to the minions, although they’d die with a fever
Unable to keep the realized wisdom within, free of the disease of mitigated gall, drink on a cross
Crucified for your words said to the ears and understanding of those built for the Nirvana’s boss.
Don’t shoot the messenger again, before & after the zero, all negative & positive subatomic ions
Breathe in and breathe out, the diaphragm takes care of the autopilot, heart beats with all sons
Daughters who turned into mothers of brothers & sisters, a dead labor of love, some gave it all
Smoked ash, embalmed, consumed hunger of animals & bacteria above, so below, we’ll all Fall!
None of the nuns nor the priests and priestesses use the Word, the Sound for taming the geists
Spirits in a night fake disappearance once the light produces a silver lining in the clouds of mice
Twilight of rats and roaches who get their chance when the silence stays for infinity, game’s over
History of ancient & modern civilization leaves nothing but smoke & mirror code, all undercover.
Porch has a swing, a place for Big people to sit ‘til a heavy weight of lard arses collapses the chit
Place in Space on the highway and byway of Chicago Avenue, got on the road in ’69, just phuq it
In the service of my civilization a minute, rewarded with retirement to turn lead into fool’s gold
Hence, there’s a period at the end of the final gasp of gas, regardless of Reality or illusion load.
Now & then, it’s finally over & you have nothing at all to say about it, you’re a cog in the wheel
People are just people, whatever the fornication that means, Nothing at all is close to a steal
Soft for the food, hard for the protection of the thing itself, the thing that thrives as God’s tool
Used every morning & evening before the afternoon, Sight unseen, got it covered, wise o’ fool!
Daddio, are you done yet? Speaking easily or most difficultly means that is your problem, so
Hard road finding this philosopher’s stone when you know it’s red or purple, in Time & Space
No maps, just intuition & the ability to magnetize the county trash dump & recycle junk station
Hot water in the ice cubes of your mind’s synapses’ cells of anonymity where you imagine Sin.
You ain’t responsible for the things that are caused by the effects of the First Cause, innocent
As it was the day you got conceived, trust me, it ain’t your fault either, you’re what heaven sent
How you deal with the rest of your luck of the draw, that’s probably already written, olden fear
One dream for everyone, it’s a matter of war and peace on the planet in the middle of nowhere.
Are you with me or not? I don’t care one way or the other, I’m just your final chance to elevate
Between the top of the stratosphere and the empty volume of nothingness, it’s a blinded date
Your mama is all I can say, the day you were born, blinded by the light, you screamed just as I
Not a single peep on the last blink, seems to be a bait & switch dilemma for this pie in the sky.
Streams and rivers full of the heads of steel, on the trouble hook, scent of oyster, hens jumpin’
Roe for the rest, cannibals of their own hunger for self-indulging survival of the most fit, to rut
Idiots of a fancy culture, dressed all naked apes up like they’ve come to party with the minions
Do not shoot the messenger except with a speedball addiction, it’s a matter of WAR, Time sons!
r j j stephan, i
c. Samedhi, 2-22 MMXXV Anno Domini @ 711 AMPST
{ Drafted while jammin’ to @WARtheBand #GreatestHITS on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/Wx_OrjGn9lo?si=DYv-WWiTavZ-lYgj }