
Saturday, February 22, 2025

#LIPSTICKonApig @DOGE #WasteNoMore #LaFlaca @Santana #FamilyGuyCompiled @FINIS @Tesla @Musk #Corvette @Chevrolet

c o r v e t t e
All of us in a hurry to get business done so we can go home, kick back, relax & rest on a flip side
Unrealized divine dividends accumulate unto infinity’s gate, grace knows nothing matters, pride
Masked up like the hooligan-hoodlum you’re grandma thought you’d wind up being, a wise guy
Turning Gold, God’s leftovers droning in a black background of salt & pepper in a random high.

It could have been much worse than it is, your life might not have been so blessed without One
You served masses for the One & did just fine with the Latin, hot boy confessions & communion
Athlete of moderate skills in all sports ‘cept Track, skills to run or jump a lick, yet I gave it a shot
In the end daddio, the fact of life is that Philosopher’s stones are close to my loins, I’m a robot.

My bottom, The Seat of Consciousness is nowhere easy to be found, unless you like hard roads
Talkin’ nearly invisible potholes without a shoulder, just a two-lane highway without any Edison
All Time all-star T.D. passes into a future, in search of a miraculous thing itself, unknowing cloud
It looks like it’s either crimson red or royal deep purple, depending on the Time you’re allowed.

You’ve got what it takes once you’ve arrived on the path to find the philosopher’s stone, a rock
Matter reduced to the Void where you’ve come from before yo’ mother’s womb, 24-hour clock
Tick-Tock from China to the Scorpion Nebula, annihilation of the soft & hard roads to Nirvana Ra
Historically it is naturally, a human’s personal struggle to survive, alone without a deadbeat’s Pa.

If the shoe fits your size of feet, wear ‘em with blessings, some humans go barefoot a whole life
Bless you, bless everyone you know, bless everyone you come into contact with, even yo’ wife
Blasting as fire and brimstone might when experiencing atomic fission and fusion of a holy god
Nobody on Earth has ever known nor will ever know what the (expletive) was the point, hotrod!

Spam & lamb, we sacrifice & consume for the invisible smoke that rises from jump, sunny days
Knights and bishops do what they can to put pawns in The Way of desolation’s stale checkmate
Hair on some naked skin, covering the sinews and muscles of the drones, shock the brain fate
Once you’ve been graced to discover the Truth you can’t believe, in Time’s blinded first date.

Don’t tempt me, on the other hand, go ahead and tempt me, I’ll field the hit, I am adept
After the game is over, silence is golden, no braggadocio for the minions, point, game, set
It’s not for me to say, it’s not for me to persuade anyone of anything at all, don’t trust a fool
Not that I am one of them, I’m not one of them, you don’t know, I do, in the corner to drool.

This means War until you run out of life to kill & leave a fear of death to reign over the believers
Blind Faith works for kings and queens who’ve locked up the only philosopher stones in a purse
Sight unseen with the 20/20 vision allowed by the perfect lenses that bend light into gold-lead
High road, finished at the line-up, life with no parole, walls’ squares of a room to see the dead.

Still alive, still want to survive and breath for my infinite heartbeats that feed on the Electrons
Everywhere with the Neutrinos, Neutrons fill up the Void to feed the Singularity vortex of suns
Milky Way conglomeration of Cause and Effect are a shock to the blind faith of the believer clan
Random chaos, feature of the creatures who live & die as angels & an evil spirit’s barcode scan.

You’re alone with your friends at the party you never got invited to, you showed with no invite
Everyone is surprised you’re there since you perished without a trace decades ago, in a fist fight
Smacked with a baseball bat in the back of the head, sucker homer on my skull killed my drone
Hooked up to machines to keep my heart & kidneys in order of their verve, a holy spirit blown.

There’s a final approach to the runway of never-neverland but I’ve aborted the landing forever
Place in Time and Space will remain undivulged to the minions, although they’d die with a fever
Unable to keep the realized wisdom within, free of the disease of mitigated gall, drink on a cross
Crucified for your words said to the ears and understanding of those built for the Nirvana’s boss.

Don’t shoot the messenger again, before & after the zero, all negative & positive subatomic ions
Breathe in and breathe out, the diaphragm takes care of the autopilot, heart beats with all sons
Daughters who turned into mothers of brothers & sisters, a dead labor of love, some gave it all
Smoked ash, embalmed, consumed hunger of animals & bacteria above, so below, we’ll all Fall!

None of the nuns nor the priests and priestesses use the Word, the Sound for taming the geists
Spirits in a night fake disappearance once the light produces a silver lining in the clouds of mice
Twilight of rats and roaches who get their chance when the silence stays for infinity, game’s over
History of ancient & modern civilization leaves nothing but smoke & mirror code, all undercover.

Porch has a swing, a place for Big people to sit ‘til a heavy weight of lard arses collapses the chit
Place in Space on the highway and byway of Chicago Avenue, got on the road in ’69, just phuq it
In the service of my civilization a minute, rewarded with retirement to turn lead into fool’s gold
Hence, there’s a period at the end of the final gasp of gas, regardless of Reality or illusion load.

Now & then, it’s finally over & you have nothing at all to say about it, you’re a cog in the wheel
People are just people, whatever the fornication that means, Nothing at all is close to a steal
Soft for the food, hard for the protection of the thing itself, the thing that thrives as God’s tool
Used every morning & evening before the afternoon, Sight unseen, got it covered, wise o’ fool!

Daddio, are you done yet? Speaking easily or most difficultly means that is your problem, so
Hard road finding this philosopher’s stone when you know it’s red or purple, in Time & Space
No maps, just intuition & the ability to magnetize the county trash dump & recycle junk station
Hot water in the ice cubes of your mind’s synapses’ cells of anonymity where you imagine Sin.

You ain’t responsible for the things that are caused by the effects of the First Cause, innocent
As it was the day you got conceived, trust me, it ain’t your fault either, you’re what heaven sent
How you deal with the rest of your luck of the draw, that’s probably already written, olden fear
One dream for everyone, it’s a matter of war and peace on the planet in the middle of nowhere.

Are you with me or not? I don’t care one way or the other, I’m just your final chance to elevate
Between the top of the stratosphere and the empty volume of nothingness, it’s a blinded date
Your mama is all I can say, the day you were born, blinded by the light, you screamed just as I
Not a single peep on the last blink, seems to be a bait & switch dilemma for this pie in the sky.

Streams and rivers full of the heads of steel, on the trouble hook, scent of oyster, hens jumpin’
Roe for the rest, cannibals of their own hunger for self-indulging survival of the most fit, to rut
Idiots of a fancy culture, dressed all naked apes up like they’ve come to party with the minions
Do not shoot the messenger except with a speedball addiction, it’s a matter of WAR, Time sons!

r j j stephan, i
c. Samedhi, 2-22 MMXXV Anno Domini @ 711 AMPST
{ Drafted while jammin’ to @WARtheBand #GreatestHITS on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/Wx_OrjGn9lo?si=DYv-WWiTavZ-lYgj }

Wednesday, February 19, 2025

#BlownUndercoverBrother #OnlyYouBabe #HotLegs @JossStone @RodStewart @CurtisMayfield #StonedJunkies



Scared of your mama & papa because they use corporal punishment to tame the beast within
Nobody knows why the cultures & civilizations survive the machinations of this solar system
All we have is archeological evidence and written word in undecipherable form, extinction son
Daughters too, nobody gets out alive with memory intact, Dark Star above is all the same sun.

Black hole just the emptiness of the twilight zone where there’s no place to set up the camp
Nothing matters once your breath gets snatched out of your heartbeat power, blood vamp
The whole thing in half & doubled up the cuts up to four & fortune opened the plethora of it
Highlights for low lives inhabiting the open canopy of the great outdoors, all naked Earth chit.

Free your mind, what that is can be the substance of the existence you treasure goes caput
Up in smoke, forgetting the historical record of your recollection from birth to present cut
Grits and collared greens going through your solar system’s heartbeat of lucid mind game
As below you see the causes & effects, if repeatable experiment confirms, Truth in a meme.

Loving the forgotten negative and positive memories, all were figments of imagination too
Created to store for retrievability at a future time, during any argument for the Truth of you
Asking why Life is happening to Whom, as should be a harbinger to a 64,000-dollar question
Squawking as you know is not only impossible to spell but also, It is an original sin position.

Sons and daughters have come & gone, greatest grandmothers and sufficient grandfathers
Prefer to be unpredictable to avoid being ambushed by the haters & jealous fool brothers
Thinking that because their damaged mind thinks something, it must be by definition, true
Benefits under our wings, strong flight to come & go at will, dig it, fool’s gold of royal blue.

Game well played; rules broken only if there was danger of losing the breath of the holy soul
In the Cadillac or the Tesla, it all comes down to a Maserati, now that I can tell you see, fool
Not that you really are a fool but hell, you look like one anyway, that & a dime gets you void
Null as it is when nothing is presented as all there is, cancel culture, I’m woke & it’s no joke.

Vibrations and the inner secret of what happens when the brain gets a dose of imbecile
Ain’t peculiar as it is and always was, you don’t want to become the imbecile with no X-file
Everyone knows the alibi for being a moron is that it ain’t the idiot’s fault, lay down on it
Syncopations measure your justification for remaining present, above dead grounded chit.

Bent out of shape and doing everyone wrong as the reciprocating of the karma cosmic bust
It is peculiar and there’s nothing normal about the thing, moving without purpose to slack
Realize it, that you have it all, ain’t nothing more nor less than what you gleaned, The Fact
I’m peculiar, our world is peculiar, escalating, getting stranger, mother & father all just lust.

Intelligence and wisdom are both necessary and sufficient for access to the occult secrets
Of saviors and saints, you sing hymns to the basic tunes of A sharps and flat Cs on axe frets
Guitars workin’ the rhythm & waitin’ for the rhyme to fill the air with the hip wavelength
To your point, having not had any THC for hours, my mind is in the presence of all clear light.

Astronauts all abandoned in outer space due to an uncanny injection of mission trajectory
Gathering the apology to present to the survivors, the time to retire was end of the story
Next month is coming, it will mellow me out like the first time I blew a bong of Thai stick
Separation of the spirit from the skin and bones is as easy as pie, if you’re ol’ dead Dick.

Once you know you can’t ever forget about it, unless selective amnesia beats your skull
No need for crossbones if there’s no meat on the bones, it’s the case in hearts & spades
In pink, in red, in purple & black, full spectrum of the royal blues, shotgun tokin’ to pull
Uphill downhill has a limit to repeat, in a plethora, chance slash & cut, I got sharp blades.

There’s hot blood in the clear water, it turns pink & disappears into wild blue yonder skies
Talking and walking is what the people learn to do after they scoot right up to a health spa
All soil comin’ from their recycling solid and liquid consumption of planet Earth’s white lies
In one ear and out of the other, out of the womb of the ladies who fertilized the free ova.

Perfect one helping the D.O.G.E. succeed at the acceleration to extinction of homo sapiens
Efficient use of Time in Space until it’s unneeded, stop the clock, Time Out pneumonia signs
No wings or legs, no breasts, no heads or feathers, skinless & deboned, Kentucky bluegrass
Three, two & one unknown countdown to total annihilation, faith, hope & love your pasts.

This is not your first rodeo & you will roll along until there’s a funk worth its weight in gold
Fearing nothing but Fear’s concept analyzing the tricks of pragmatic power, the kids got old
Over the hills are the cover for reality, the other side of the mountain has nothing but ICE
Frozen, never too cold, it exists for nothing, it’s accidental, random cause of mitosis’ dice.

There is a ‘pi’ that’s 3.14 units of nothing but a hole, get sucked in & nobody ever gets out
A live THING, dead in the matrix of fish & fishermen, pagans & Christ’s sake make gods pout
As per chance, there’s survival past the last breath, then & only then will happiness manifest
It’s unhappy if you’re in pain, disappointed by the loss of pleasure & health, don’t be a pest.

Here and now, in this present that succeeded yesterday’s past on into tomorrow’s dead air
Hip is being totally understood by the ignorant who can’t comprehend simple math’s fanfare
Think you can’t add two plus two or three or four, you’re right & you’ll dead in a NYC minute
Not my choice, we’re here now, we’re gonna get out of here even sitting on our + or - butt.

Rouge lipstick on a pig may be appropriate in formal situations but it’s not in the hog slop
All the cool fun has been squeezed out of the electrical outlet, empty shell of a blown top
Hits form the bats make the runs go home, it’s not over ‘til it’s over, Yogi Bear Uh, word UP
Higher than low underground, lower than the absolute zero of the things’ themselves cup.

Puns overlooked if the mind isn’t adept at hidden meanings in the sounds of silence’s speech
At the podium or just behind the microphone, words come out, words return a sandy beach
On the way out of a vortex of wild blue water, immersion ends at the core, Dead quicksand
Dumping garbage, refused containers & wasted, solid & liquid matter, strike out, get fanned.

Flood is merely the Earth in the form of hardened gas getting too hot to remain in one chunk
If you flow like the rivers of Earth, away from the poles of North and South toward the center
Spinning and wobbling around the sun, the star’s ecliptic goes perihelion half the time, I am It
Power to dissolve the mud, the blood and beer is within, we have what it takes, hot dam chit!

r j j stephan, i

c. Mercredi, February 19th MMXXV Anno Domini @ 1111 AMPST
{ Jam produced while listenin’ to @JoeBonamassa concert link @ https://www.youtube.com/live/sn9MX5a5Now?si=deEWaAfZK-m6hTOL }




Monday, February 17, 2025

#RhumbaMan @MavisStaples #RhumbaGirl #PhiladelphiaFreedom

Not so full as the whole shebang, in fact, empty of it all but I’m here for the party too
High as above Earth’s atmosphere and as low as the inner core of the middle of Earth
Flies winging it from leaf to leaf, gold and silver collected in the rock form, love so blue
Heart’s broke, I am as ignorant as I was at conception and birth, death in store for you.

Rolling from the mountaintop to the foundation of the inner core of stardust, holy hell
As if you didn’t know, pretend that you’re naïve and don’t know better, ring-ring a bell
Double Eagles don’t fly, they’re in the bank with the #QuantumFund, you and I are we
Meaning nothing more nor less than dissolution of everything, plunge into a holy city.

Color-blinded into the black and white, everything faded to silver & black, like a Raider
In Vegas or the Bay, either way there’s no way to win it all, never, not now and not ever
Supreme courts and their inferior pretenders declare freedom is slavery & reverse achoo
Nothing to sneeze at, it’s a humdinger and nobody ever sees it comin’ drivin’ the screw.

All wings on the right and left of a high-flying Eagle bird from a nest to rest, a flip-off to all
Funds not registered and can’t do business investing in increasing something from nothing
Beef is the dead meat, chicken is the dead fowl and water is the leaking gas of Outerspace
Knowledge is important and impossible, it takes forever to discover you’re only your Face.

Your name, your life from birth to death, your history before & after you died, that’s all gone
Gone beyond anywhere you’ve ever heard of, so you wouldn’t grasp the intricate conundrum
Fade into a black hole Singularity, nobody gets out alive, Freedom’s all about being up in hell
Miscreants and the followers of foreign language texts, sticks and stones mighty shock shell.

Herds move to and fro, followers of the head leader of the pack, followed by death and dirt
Graves or ash dumps for the corpus dillecti full of seeds of extinction & survival of the hurts
Coming around the corner, up the back hill or just like a ton of bricks out of every nowhere
Gone like you never had one moment to spare, faded to black-backed voidness, over there.

Can’t buy thrills once they’ve depleted their inner sanctum storage of magic potions of GA
Magicians with magic words & potions of mixed up matter and energy knots, say: Sha Na Na
To be alive, to exist breathing and recycling matter, as we’ve gone for eons, that’s survival too
Only the strong and very fortunate can lay claim to success, I think, hence, I am nobody’s fool.

Goofy dog, I’m all me, caught that redheaded honey, sweet as sugar beets on mama’s table
Where it all comes from is an ephemeral mystery, a dream come true, like it or not, I’m able
Prepare to be It, as you’ve been trained to avoid the termination of your living thing to be
Can’t rise above a deception perception of blind men & women who see It, Nothing’s free.

A shoe box with a humming sound, lights emitting burnt waves of the tides’ psyche
A triple hit on your brain reverberates inside your bones and sinews on a motor bike
Lie back in your sissy seat, go faster than a speeding bullet through a dead portal slick
You & I can’t go back and forth between life and death, somebody can, ghosts’ tac-tic.

Junk got into tiny veins & arteries of retro-evolved lumps of fecal matter, nuclear war
Dreaming of fools I relate to, being a fool myself, once I wake up, it’s Hell way too far
Never knew that a sharp knife could end the dream with a slice, choice cut and a stab
In the movement, plunge to resistance, down to the bone, twist, turn & remove scab.

It’s what it is regardless of your opinion which may be right or wrong, it is what it is, fool
Light of the sun inside of the wires & walls where the plugs commiserate with the hole
Dehumanize the children who grow up into the philosophers who join the military’s #Aps
Cause of your #LMH1 plant Forty Two, carry your mama inside her own womb, God claps.

Prick up your ears, you will die either today or some day in the future, the past is a chimera
A LMH-1 is a load of Italian bread out of the oven, aloft in gravitational collapse of Yogi Bear
Angels in the outfield comin’ in and out of the portals, peace is silence, Title A drone droppers
Red Rover Atomic Powered Missile, ready to die or not, you will terminate, mothers’ phuqrz.

Here’s a drone, there’s a drone, everywhere a drone-drone, a dimension in your head space
Silence is appropriate for the Space-Time slot you’ve tripped into today, you slappin’ my face
High and mighty, free time is missing to you, it’s all bought & sold by the aliens’ who’re at one
With all atoms in the solar system, galaxy & universe of Nothingness’ end game, 2 tons of fun.

Kicked hard right between the legs without notice, breath stops, taken away for a long spell
Pain and suffering come just before disbelief that the feeling is all there is, no pain, so no gain
Fine and dandy to write it all down but if nobody reads the words, silence shines like gold air
Higher than you’ll ever get & lower than you can go, treasure found & lost in my longest hair.

On a merry-go-round & can’t ever get off since there’s nothing but a Void above & below us
Ripped off tombstones in dirt above graves, Time comes & then it’s gone, It falls down below
Space between hard atoms, lost and found my identification, doctors and nurses cured my ills
What I am is exactly what I am, oxymoronic pair of pigeon-toed, two feet’s ten toes, It all kills.

Blood is going to bleed out of the container, veins’ arteries of the liberty freeway, at one heart
Auricle and ventricle there for the party, in & out, ad infinitum for the duration of our fake art
Walk, crawl until it’s time for deep dive, a one & a two & a three, ready, set & love God to go
Rub it in deep into the skin & bone, it’s fear of the light in the darkness, terror’s what I blow.

Mink stole, dead rat around her neck and shoulders to make her feel like a gun moll on high
Nothing to fear except for the fear of fear itself, it’s all about the Nothingness’ void, yet I lie
About all subjective objects interacting as above in heaven, so it’s the same below on Earth
Pain relief in one heartbeat, survival’s desire leftover, dark matter’s all that I am, afterbirth.

Possible that low probability events may occur and cause undesirable effects of extinction
Species all too human & some not so very much, whistle blow in the dark, God’s mortal sin
Think that you’re thinking? Persuade an idiot and a moron of the Truth, then it’s “That Said”
Deceive and perceive your ancestors on the left, right, above & below the living & the Dead.

You know, I know nothing & you think you know most of it or all of it, organize chaos’ crime
Subjects & their predication causing undesirable effects, termination of blood lines on a dime
In one ear and out of the other, the bullet passes through like a cut blade thru Ends so bitter
High tides, low down to the core where gods never went, made-men need Mafioso babysitter.

Mirror image, I see nothing, I am nothing in a world of things, noun without predication chit
Dream fading, lights turning off, fading bit by bit until I’m used to the darkness, it’s mortal sin
I’m here & now, in a D.O.G.E. just cut from the bloated teams of five & ten in a seven-eleven
Found what was never lost, can’t get all you need for the soul’s spirit, I chew tobacco & spit.


r j j  stephan, i

c.  Lundi, 2-17-2025 Anno Domini @ 333 AMPST

{ Kicked this out the bed this AM around ‘3’ for no reason I know of other than, just because & listenin’ to #JustBecauseYouThinkYoureSoPretty on youTube link @   https://youtu.be/lZMXD5-lFIw?si=jAg_K9yqe0CE6nHQ }

