
Wednesday, January 15, 2025

#ILoveLA #MakinLoveOrJustLyinAround @WARTheBand #GOLD @TheEaglesBand @Nirvana


What’s the buzz?

 it’s our issue!

You have no reason to be irresponsible & irrational, the bad guys steal from good guys
It is not of this world to be examined by the Science & Philosophy of dreams of psy-flies
Through the final stop of our genome, there is fear & loathing to be dealt with, deep inside
Inner sanctum is the place in space where it all resides until death do us part, I’ve Pride.

Holy scat atop a high mountain where angels fear to go, how long will it be ‘til a bye & bye
You know I loved it the moment I arrived at LAX, man that was the best back in 1974’s sky
Perfect day to fall in love with L.A. & nobody knew me then & still don’t know me in Rome
But only if the Truth be told then it’s a matter of time on the streets & boulevards of home.

Punchin’ in your mouth that the punks taught you how to use, you do it yourself if you could
You can’t so you won’t, there is no lying about the Truth that be told, it’s when you get wood
In the deposit mode, if you get lucky & the female’s got 18-21 years with nothin’ at all to do
Like an infection or mind funk anyone can catch unless you’ve been vaccinated with Blow.

Painkillers and pain enhancers will kill you if a motor vehicle accident doesn’t get you first
Sights unseen and predication unheard of both contribute to the hysteria and unholy thirst
Kicked the door down even though it wasn’t locked or closed all the way, all cracked holes
To the top & down to the bottom, who knows what the sum of all zeroes is? Nobody knows.

Things themselves that God’s damned to Hades down under the equator of illusory treats
If you’re lucky enough to have people who care about you once you’ve gone decrepit stats
No heart beating, no breathing, wondering or caring about the useless & nugatory mothers
Ghosts enter the tiny egg to animate the inanimate, say whoa man, this is a ghost, brothers.

Contusions letting the blood turn from purple to red, all 5 pints gone in a New York minute
Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose, just pay attention to the record & be in it to win it
No reason to be playing just for the symbolic appearance of caring about the living bull shyt
In the hashtag words of a mockingbird, one tweet after another droppin’ from lips, I slipped.

Reasons within the rhyme and the inductive reasoning of the deductive arguments for & VS.
Hearts and the souls accompanying them live to breathe & propagate the 8 feet high fences
Common denominator and product of the dividends, it’s the sum of all fears’ monstrosities
About the forehead and cervical concoction, the hot numb skull & backbone of the cities.

Error is predictable considering circumstances bestowed upon parents by heaven-scents
As all of our ancestors left tall tales and relics of threads they wore while outside the tents
Roaming around the deserts, easier to find water than in the hills and meadows worldwide
Seven continents of the underwater dirt exposed due to devolved H2O’s catastrophic glide.

Death by disease, old age, murder, suicide or freedom’s defense, that’s all there is below
No hell at the bottom of the Earth’s core, just molten iron as in the center of any old star
In perpetual orbit about another star, our binary suitor from nowhere close to the gods
Far, far away from the thing itself, it’s a form of nothing at all, shapeless, gassed hotrods.

Selective amnesia in love with keeping your heart unknown to you & everyone on Earth
Simulation of reality so that nobody knows that the perceptions are dreamlike chimera
Infinite in scope & substance, the essence of every galaxy cluster’s nucleus, Ra Me Rah
On the way to the end of a fool’s errand, it’s a quick stop for some Luckies & an RC cola.

Known perfection and unknown amorphous imperfection, finite & infinite, it’s what I bawls
Clues to the solution of the mystery, to know what you know is all you can beckon a scan
Mirth spit into the microphone, the song sings itself, hardrock & drama full of fool’s spam
Interior decorated with wall-to-wall carpets in a room, wallpaper over prime, stoned walls.

Chunky monkeys full of the scat they’ve been force fed by their caretaking mothers of God
Complete without regard for sharing your things with those who deserve nothing at all, et al
On the nature of the beast, the woman or man that you are, girl or boy you buried in the sod
To grow tall only to be whacked by whacker blades, crew cut monster from ZZ Top & Muddy.

250 billion dollars of damage every time the sun wants to set the whole shebang ablaze
Bleed out every ounce & pint & quart of the colored liquid sunlight, what else could it be
Purple blood inside hearts & hot red=blooded continental human beings’ 3 widish scree
Pretenders rule Reality displays from birth to death, y ‘all might get a tombstone in Space.

Gigs to be done before the concert that never, ever occurred at Woodstock or Big Sur beach
Honey too sweet to be the holy scat left over by the masticating defecators of maggot lunch
Harmed by the flies on the walls, they carry words that fill the heads’ minds to catch a ball
Or hit the ball with something, maybe even kick the ball between two sticks of the pall mall.

Horrors allowed to be without a studio audience, inside a coffin post-mortem verboten
Stress is the necessary condition of being on point for being most fit to survive the joke
High or low, Simon says scat & Schusters repeat ad infinitum, it’s text-book mortal sin
Mindful on normal idiocy in the rooms of every house burnt to the ground, up in smoke.

No harm & no foul in every single case, unconcerned about your mingling with the fools
If they become wise as a result of the interference, then & only then they’ll swim in pools
With or without fish, gods disappear into Zeus’ wild blue yonder, Taqiyya & Tequilla toast
All split infinitive in the guillotine & now always, forever as the headless horseman ghost.

Prick the cushion with as many straight pins as possible & you’ll experience full Nirvana
Space’s Time is a fool’s illusory diversions, I ate a peach tree whole, Allman to Santana
Road of infinity has no finale, don’t even go there, never even try or it’ll be much too late
Born to be wild not to be tame once the Motor started runnin’ & I rolled upon the highway.

That’s Life between the ears of you and me, I ain’t the one who started this, I’m a passenger
On your buddy’s foul account of the bloody things from Birth to Death of our inner stranger
Hills slope upto the tops of the mountain range of woke lunatics planted by the Big Banger
If and only if you look at us baby, then and only then you’ll know why you ain’t an all-nighter.

A hit and then a run before there’s another memory recording it other than your own spark
Killer whale of people on seven continents ‘cause you’re here & now, swimmin’ with seals
Looky here now, creeps come in all sizes for one and all, a scared baby born of hater snark
Apes believe in their feeding time & get a bit cranky if the food is late or tasteless cat meals.

Pills engorged until bowels got so inflamed even frozen ice couldn’t mend the harm done
Seven holes in the human face larger than size of a skin pore, eyes, ears, nose’s & a mouth
Dozens of eggs flowing when the state of martial arts retrieves wisdom’s power of a drone
Nothing was ever made in the shade, all of it can be exiled to deep space’s north & south.

Heads ache for a minute or two, take a pill or not, you’re impinging on brain matter, greys
Why the Greys left the grey stuff up in the RNA of the cranium when creating a DNA haze
Mighty or weak inside your mind & out to your fingers and toes, determined hoe & a heave
In or out of the digs that Alice left for us all to engage with, mighty Earth gods Adam & Eve.

Pine wood hollowed out for you to remain unrotten, buried deeply in an underground setup
It will always be this way that it is until the last gasp or Big Bang’s sling to the Big Hush TFU
Honey sweet for a while ‘til it turns rancid due to the atmospheric pressure to be dissolved
All senses ultimately return to Nothingness, don’t blame the messenger, mystery’s solved.

r j j stephan, i
c. Mercredi, Janvier 15th 2025 A.D. @ 1111 AMPST
{ Drafted headaches to Hades while jammin’ to my head pounding, I’m hungry!  Jammin the finale while listenin’ to @WarTheBand #LowRider https://youtu.be/Wx_OrjGn9lo }

Sunday, January 12, 2025

#StopPretendingThatYoureSomoneElse #SoulSearching

You are now homeless because you’ve spread homelessness, hum bums’ junk, Elvis & y’all
All streamin’ bums and junkies rule the uninhabited wealth of the high hill of the fools’ hill
Bums invaded the neighborhood of gold & silver hoarders, underground safely down low
Real estate agents, owners of the properties in paradise above & beyond the dregs below.

Tricks with or without magic words can cause the effect because of your will to power trip
Stark view of the world as we know it can suffice for all you’ll ever know and never skip
In the heat of the frozen night, undercovers that mysterious curiosity nobody recalls at all
Shot the guns and rifles, to be certain of the uncertainty of bad guys in mean streets’ pall.

Steering clear of the obstacles you could see, hear & smell but couldn’t touch good taste
Drinkin’ the alcohol only makes you want to drink more alcohol, a downward spiral mate
Our ancestors and descendants were & will be the filthy bums, drunks on the backstreets
Pumped the love and hate joy-juice into thin skin, down to the 208 bones’ hard rock beats.

Soul begins the scoot on the road, up the middle to the end of the clear lines, finite redux
High or low, seen or invisible to the sixth or the other five senses, days of old are pure luck
You were conceived either on purpose or in error, in every case roll & sweet leaf, Za ZEN tea
Runaways don’t turn into Getaways easily, balls ripped from their backs for social security.

Sensational alpha before the dawn turns into an extinct omega, we had to take it easy, man
Understanding & Acceptance of the Truth as it is, are required blind faith, One won, amen
Before each of our conceptions, saving your skin and bones wasn’t necessary, now it is, so
Dreaming you live and die on Earth is the cosmic psychopathic trail, whistle me, just blow!

My brown-eyed girl animates sleeping, inanimate objects of stone, obliterated a freemason
Out in bright sunlight with nothing to hide in a shadow of anything in itself, eyes wide open
Punch directly delivered to the two lips & chin, recall an uppercut to the jaw-drop the gums
You can’t fool mother nature & better love yo mama, karma isn’t kind to mother’s slums.

Essence of incense in the olfactory region of the form, scratch & sniff for the full effect of It
Living free or indentured makes a difference to humans alive on Earth, rich, poor, same chit
Oxygen helping to keep us all alive while carbon-O2 we exhale is used for cash, gods’ gold
Built to rock, stone & plastic fastened together in forged steel, it’s skyline to be rigmarole.

I have a secret which cannot be bifurcated in anyone’s mouth, you hear nothing at all y’all
Conceptual analysis is the tool your father warned you about & you played contrarian ball
Law enforced right after the crime is committed to avoid chaos’ lawlessness down under
Of the women and the puppy love served up in the way too early teens, SNAFU & FUBAR.

Penniless without pockets anyway, wealthy in a manner of speaking, far, far away, too far
Radioactive blood feeding the frenzy for a gold standard & live jerk-offs alive in a bell jar
A rat and a mole confronted each other inside of a floating container, it’s hard to swallow
No more being nice to the relative species, “No More Mr. Nice Guy!” what I oughta bellow.

Hound dog song clarifies the way it is, the way it goes more often than not, a ghost towner
Not alive & not dead but in between a rockin’ hard place & Outerspace’s empty chattaqua
Etcetera comin’ in threes like you’ve never seen before, now that I mentioned it, she sees
Overhears about what nobody but you will find, creepin’ afoot explains stone ‘hood’s trees.

In search of the miraculous trip only gods get, there are too many now homeless in the hills
Where the angels lived on a hill above the creepy fires that sealed the thievery speed bawls
No desires for things unrequited nor unrequired by the thing itself in me, underground to fear
Pity for the less fortunate who made the beds they sleep in, they don’t like it, God don’t care.

Called them punks because they seemed beyond good & evil, both in & out of stone temples
On the corners off the busy streets, using the cross-street to nominate the group of greasers
Or the future American religious-political fodder farmed from Wisconsin to Colorado fool gold
Shut your mouth oughta do the trick & keep the occult out of sight, certain it can’t be found.

In theoretical jargon, the conclusion deduced before a last gasp for one & all, that’s all folks
Splashin’ & screamin’ but it’s what’s happening when there’s a Big Bang & nowhere left to go
Past to Future in a snap, hardly a moment spent in the Present, Presence a gift to never give
Truth for all Life in all forms is just to be or not to be, Francis Bacon retrograde to Plato alive.

Regardless of your knowledge & recollection of facts of life & death, it’s happening Supreme
Wisdom of the ghost within is to remain humming silently like a well-oiled cyber-punk meme
Ruthless to defend power within at all costs, a priori premise & a posteriori deduced, it is sent
Masticating live birth, day & night ala womb to tomb & so on, it’s out of my hands, get bent!

r j j stephan, i

c. Dimanche, 1-12-2025 Anno Domini @ 1111 AMPST
{ Slapped this out the demons’ mouths while showing @TheRollingStones #LivingInAGhostTown on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/fq-NsyKxDiI }


Wednesday, January 08, 2025

@ELVIS @TheRollingStones #LivinInAGhostTown @CasperTheFriendlyOne @Bill_Burr #ChopperFatherAndSonFun #RichardPryorZorro #ThePhenomenon #BrooksAndDunne #PhilosophersStone @VanMorrison #MATRIX @KeanuReeves

love l.a. like angels
In a manner of speaking, love is a representation of the feeling inside your heart & soul
Deeper than you usually can get since it’s beneath your conscious mind’s eye, on a roll
For the sake of the Truth to be told without sucking in a vacuum like Outerspace, it’s all OK
Evolved from ignorant apes & now enlightened with the doubt of One in dark hole, lay lay.

Pounced on the prey when the time was right, Timing of course, it’s everything required et al
Killing the prey & eating the flesh off its bones is the same as what happens if y’all are food
Nothing we can do about it but starve to death with muscle atrophy in thin air, not too good
Attitudes & Timing are everything, man & woman alike, the species survives at our will y’all

Fear of Nothing is healthy since if you die, you cannot enjoy this ride on the planet’s orbit
This is what it’s all about, astronauts have discovered the whole shebang, Man, this is It
Outerspace is no place for happy soul infused species, whether human or any old genus
Face the Truth, if you’re lucky, it all ends up in a hearse, Brooks & Dunne got word to us.

Blind faith helps the survivors of loved ones, friends & relatives who die accidentally old
Or young with a beautiful corpse, either way for whatever reason under the sun, it’s gold
Everything above an below, here and beyond this atmosphere is all there is, oh, good grief
Even a cartoon has the gist of the game, break or obey rules, you owe your debtor relief.

Paid in full gets you to where you would have been even if you still owed the mortal debt
Armed with weaponry from heavens above, just skin & bones & your ol’ soul power to rent
Bring your imagination to the gold vein deep underneath the planet’s rolled pebbles, I say
It’s lead transformation due to the core of hell’s fire intensity, where devils lived in the day.

Need the consciousness of a being whose eyes are wide open, even if legally blind as a bat
Radar and sonar to reconnoiter Earth’s surface from boundary to coast, a drone’s bull scat
Contact with the unknown will come soon enough, I accompany corpus dillecti & maggots
Unknown, indeed, what you don’t know won’t hurt, Life exists due to the Sun’s quiet riots.

Savior, Buddha, high priest, pope, cardinal, bishop nor monk know any more than hermits
Eyes & ears perceive it one day at a time, ready to pivot on a moment’s notice, blown to bits
Accidentally on purpose, offering your life’s survival for the sake of your country’s freedom
No more necessary than being conceived or being born to a woman, a fatherless orphan.

Historical record in the cloud storage, recalled instantly for ease of proof, it is what it shall
Security and the body-guards should be the only assurance we need but can’t get at all
You may not be able to grasp the Truth if it’s a violation of your own blind faith, it’s all likely
In the end, free choice is not communistic or socialistic, it’s a question for a holy psyche.

Comedy and tragedy should be all you need to know to comprehend the pending doom
All of our kin & friends not to mention the Billion of human beings in existence, out of room
Banish your bad self from the common good and infest the agar with a viral byte of scat
1’s & 0’s fill-in the blanks, equation in trigonometric calculus to amend conclusions shat.

Without an iota of witty retort to return fire from the sniper in the jungle tundra to the sky
Out of sight and without a trace of sound, the kill shot penetrates to the holy bull’s 3rd eye
At the end of the day, all darkness appeals to the sunny boys of the clear light, innocents
Follow leaders to the doom of the legion, only the strong survive, remainder extinct sins.

Mortal or original violations of the creator’s predetermined rules disguised as commands
Where is this One who would be like the scientist responding to the experiment’s hands
For real, there’s nothing more to it than this one explanation, Void the Singularity’s finale
Origin sleeping giant’s spark of gas chain reacts to implode, forced explosion to oblivion.

Invisible angels you know are all too human 20/20 vision, yet see all humanity’s revelries
Metaphysical philosophy ala rational displays of reason and logic, premise to conclusion
Requiring deductions to formulate a final display of argument for the Truth of subjection
Objection to the hero ejection of a verbal display for the record, a fem fatale’s injection.

Oh, I’ve been in love with L.A. since 1974, oh that December in El Monte & Santa Monica
You never know when the time is right but certainly, Timing is Everything or nothing at all
Presence both before and after the thing itself animates its nature within the Void 8-ball
Game over, 8 ball in the side off the 9, banked into the corner off the new #GulfOfAmerica.
r j j stephan, i
c. Mercredi, Janvier VIIIth MMXXV Anno Domini @ 1730 hours
{ Jammed this while jammin’ to @Eminem on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/YVkUvmDQ3HY }