
Sunday, November 03, 2024

#Candyman #Creepin @Xteena


Full of the strikes and balls that don’t get called because there ain’t any fools leftover for RA
Sun god, stars’ gods with the hush puppies on & the rock & roll, come Monday or nevermore
Ugly faced, my grandma called me out when I made faces at her disciplinary actions, baby
I faced the final schism from the divinity, mother’s womb my first time inside of a little lady.

That was a trip waiting for First Cause’s effects to wane, until the final spike’s driven home
Imagine contraction into a Singularity & then before you know it, a blown Big Bang header
See nothing but the foam on the top of your mug of ale, cancer & immortal pirates of sand
Every grain steady during the infinite revolution and wobble around the ecliptic, Oh Man!

Adios & via con Dias is all I leave you with in your secret pocket, you can cash it in on Never
It’s all just a little adios before I can’t speak or hear a thing anymore, I need a cheeseburger
Maybe two or three of ‘em… fries & ketchup too, pickle & a warm bun, my chief target’s eye
Bulls or men in every case, walking on the water when it’s ice, that’ll be coast-to-coast tie.

I have one big idea that came out of nowhere & I’m passin’ it on to you & my uncle crackers
Don’t even know anything before birth, know a little about a lot, I guess the minions’ fears
More than I knew before my conception as well as more than I’ll know, I’ll die with pie in sky
Seers attempted to give the clues to the mystery, it’s Unknown for a reason, scared to fry.

Fight until we’re dead, live until we die, free choice leads to no choice at all, all our demise
Flap wings, animate legs, hand signal until you can’t keep yo’ trap shut any longer, roll dice
Snake eyes or seven-eleven, you roll ‘til it’s all over, they’ll annihilate your stench in a trench
In your last will & testament, End finalizes the finale, without even one encore, it’s a cinch.

Cheeseburgers and margaritas in paradise is just fine with me, I’ll just do rhumba babies
Bums and junkies who were raised by this culture, in schools from K-12 & beyond, freebies
Pies in the sky, cherry, peach & pistachio cream or was it key lime, can’t recall The Dawn
Fine with me and not so much with you, there’s a finale in the wings, ready, set, I’m GONE!

Exchange your brothers and sisters for immortality of the butterfly, pretending it is so true
When it’s further from the Truth than any other lie from the lips of human beings, so blue
Upset they are from birth to death, crying & laughing all the way to the underground grave
It’s been a long way to the top, I wanted to Rock & Roll, necessary & sufficient, Last Brave!

Mosquitoes bit past the flesh into the capillaries flowing from the heart to the rubber soul
Height and weight more or less than zero, it’s preface & prologue to the finality of the hold
Being head to toe, a mystic and critic of perfection as it was & never will ever be ever again
Marked on the forehead ‘til the rigor mortis triggers the Divinities of the Cosmos, Mortal sin.

Obey kill commands or pay the price of disobedience, incarcerated body-mindful, forever
Staying alive in a cage, awaiting the independence of Life, no sheriff will let bad guys sever
You knew when you cried like a baby, saved the box tops, you created the lyrics to be vaped
Suddenly, the fun begins & ends as quickly as it appeared, I’m left alone, spherical shaped.
r j j stephan, i

c. Dimanche, BLOVEMBER IIIrd MMXXIV Anno Domini @911 AMPST
{ Creaking bones blasted this little ditty out while jammin’ to @CurtisMayfield #WePeopleWhoAreDarkerThanBlue on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/iSDCPKsSf2U?si=inUt6c1zssy0VQY1 }


Saturday, November 02, 2024

Extinction's Abyss #FlipGodOffThePlanet #NowSTFU #WillYou #DoTheKamela #SNL #FERGIE

You got another thing comin’ & it ain’t no shelter from the cold pain, everywhere it exists
On your borders of every country, every continent above the sea, there is extinction’s abyss
All the brave men who would have gone, died with their bravery in the battle against gods
Strangers full of the scat they’ve eaten in another form, cold or warm, meals on hot rods.

Snowing until the mountains are capped with frozen rain, before it melts into rivers of gas
Hydrogen and oxygen in their own ways, are the matrix of Life anywhere in the cosmos’ ass
Not nice to fool mother nature nor the creation of blind faith minions who crave dead food
In the end, when the proof for Truth cannot be denied, there’s your foster parents’ blood.

Produced your soul with a gamete & ovum created from nothing but the First One, dangers
Full of jelly or custard, that Bismarck didn’t sink, it thrived into the sinews filled with blood
You feel it, we all feel the same thing when we do identical things, act One product of mud
Possibly there’s no encore after the Play, when it’s over, it’s all over, Yanks lose to Dodgers.

Inappropriate behavior exhibited, a doppelganger neither with my permission nor knowledge
It’s a put-on if you ask me, to show the world that there’s a power much bigger than hot fudge
Hitting the road with Jack, it’s much longer than the maps indicated, 2 inches are 200 kilometers
Hopping ‘til Easter then dying for a rise out of rigor mortis, only One god can perform, not hers.

I am utilizing a tool of this trade, an ethereal persuasion from a sped-up present in the SF bay
Dreams appeared out of nowhere & in no time at all, they vanished into thin airshow, The Way
By no uncertainty principle can anyone exist on a planet with freed slaves & their progeny mix
Masters’ daughters and liberated slaves’ sons evolved into wealthy, upper class, private dicks.

In the showdown, there is always the ends, the shots from the duel in the dirty, dusty pathways
Chilled Earth, Wind & Fire in a cornucopia that yields all there is from ancestry & descendantry
Love or the lack of it didn’t matter before, only in between before the fixed legend eclipses it all
Talkin’ a singularity of the creator’s wounded heart, love can’t stay out in the open, it’s Ai’s fall.

Pitches down the pipe, struck out twenty-six in a row, fast-screwballs, bored kids run out of time
We kid you now when we normally kid you not, cheaper to keep her, beats rhythm, holy rhyme
Cake made in the bakery of mama, she cooked & cleaned while I waited for a piece of the sign
That the eight cuts will lose one of them, masticated the fruit & nuts, the creator was so fine!

Pine box at the end keeps your bones until the wood & your parents’ DNA dissolves, as you do
Superego can fill the volume of the Void with more cache & digits than a zillion-trillion or two
Haunted by ghosts no more my man, my woman like my mama stands up for the Truth, as I do
Created by the unknown & left to fend for themselves, those unseen before us, feared Me too.

I can’t blame anyone for fearing the significance of signs of stop & go signals, I’d like to signify
But I can’t tell you the word, the code or I’d have to terminate your remaining time of life to die
It’s a sound from A to Z, combined with a rattle and a hum, replacement for the deplorable guy
Unknown commodity, sideways or up and down, it’ll end in a solo whimper, so have a good day!

Idiots close to the vest stay right there, forget about you & your hallucination that you’re alive
You’re in a dream & you’ve been fooled to think you’re in a reality other than that, you’re jive
Yet you’re free as the flowing water comin’ down the mountain from the melted white snow
Simple mind inside of your head, the wall is in your head, I lie that you lie, you’re lying now.

Moron, you get it now. You could fly in a blue dream without your wings, just die first, hu-man
Winner, winner, chicken dinner, can’t fly for a reason, bake, fry, BBQ their wings, all too human
Beans & seeds to keep the ignorance occupied with clutter & immaterial forms of dead-life sin
Mortal & original offenses are the natural beast’s behavior, laws are to tame the beast’s skin.

Pinch yourself if you think you’re sleeping & dreaming, this is reality & it’s the way it is now
For now, cause & effects repeat ad infinitum and there’s nothing you may change, just blow
Lips closed tight, wind up & out the face, screech in the ears to be blocked, deleted in spurts
Fear me & you until the loathing appears from the place underneath the sister’s dark skirts.

Creatures of variable mutations of DNA, some still here & now, some long extinct, even day 1
Nothing more or less than everything under the sun, our closest star, a bit of the astral cluster
Milky Way, immaculate conception inside of a virgin, a pope, bishop & cardinal can preach, sun
It’s the invisible One behind the origin of the sun & the whole universe of blown stars, buster.

Up and down from the bottom line you can jump to the top shelf of ingredients, old schools
Nothing is up there, where everyone wants to go, final destination of dead witches & ghouls
Humble your soul’s molecules & atoms down to the nuclei, proud to be dead weight keepers
Fick led people from the holy water to the insipid missiles launched & discovered monsters.

Telling the bad guys where you hide from the predators is the idea you get before extinction
Every extinct species on Earth, from A to Z, some undiscovered, some archeological foreskin
Saying words, sounding as A, E, I, O & U, sometimes Y & there’s consonants like the eighteen
Five and ten stores have cheap goods, penny candy in jars, security internal morality sting.

Bitten by the eye-teeth and canines to bleed out the form of life that is food for vampire ilk
They are already dead, painfully alive with the minions who deal in guilt and chocolate milk
High five and ten stores closed for business, today and tomorrow, forever and a day or two
High times, blood flow, brain’s mind, speak, see & hear no evil, kill purple people eaters too.

Everyday you wake up, stay awakened up to 16 hours & then resume the unconscious fire
Fire up the engines waiting for the shot to begin the race, the finish line’s ahead, love a liar
Perfection between the zero & the One, any other number is imperfect & part of the hole
It’s empty & it’s never been full of anything except once, at the Big Bang, boom, let’s role.

Sucking down into the Singularity there’s a point of no return, nobody wins at the ending
Hair is burnt, skin is love in a hotdog bun, the space between stars & planets is full of scat
You can feel the Truth coming into the veins and arteries, streams, rivers & an ocean thing
Atoms H2O gas recombination, The End dissolved, hydrogen, neutrino-oxygen Mega boom.

r j j stephan, i

c. Samedhi, BLOVEMBER 2nd MMXXIV Anno Domini @ 1111 AMPST

{ Drafted while listenin’ to @JoeRogan interview with @DonaldJTrump on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/hBMoPUAeLnY?si=qQQBUy7ENShaRiKn }


Friday, November 01, 2024

#AllSaintsDay #MOTOWN TOP 100 #TheNewRadicals


Fighting in the middle of a jungle then going into a concrete heaven above dirt
No maps for the quest to locate a lost memory of what you can’t seem to blurt
Being alarmed by the information in the telegram isn’t the intention, it is done
Born to be innocent and guilty as charged eventually, ad infinitum karma one.

Even at the end gets you opening into the Void, odds are you bought into debt
Jumped out of a window after you shot yourself in the head, double jeopardy
For some but not all, causes & effects are always in control, magic trick buzz
Marshland to the deserts coast to coast, pole to pole, 7 continents of 1st Loves.

They just don’t write ‘em like this anymore, a knack for the scent in the room
Sweet perfume and beauty combine for the promise of the divine sweep broom
What I got in the oasis, nobody gets it if you tell them with words, it’s unseen
Not for your eyes only, my insight of the thing itself within is what all I mean.

Nobody but what we’ve got that animates our bones can help us, force is ours
Hands or feet, twenty phalanges & metatarsals in disarray due to the gravity
Lying down with the sheeple is as if you want to become an agar dish of virus
Get up & get down, get up off of your feet, dance and sing for the tax money.

Blame your parents or the folks you call your gang, your peeps or whatever
Searing heat cooks the tough until the chit melts in your mouth, filet mignon
Flips and backward somersaults off of the high dive won’t ending get done
You can do it your way or my way, either way, it’s done in time to have fun.

Airwaves in frequency & wavelength from a bass & a treble of double trouble
Cake in pieces of eight, halved, quartered & halved again, I at all eight 1 by 1
I beat myself up, it was a beat down, knocked up punk I turned out to be, son
Not a problem for me, just for every single other being on Earth, all rockin’.

I know you didn’t ask me but I’m gonna tell you a secret about sex you need
If you are an accidental conception between two strangers, no love to bleed
Let me help the awareness along, it doesn’t matter to Soul, to be is all spurned
Afterlife’s swill-like promises for gods fearful of darkness, buried or burned.

Preparation for the drapes to fall before the curtains come down, I’m rockin’
If you wouldn’t mind, please copy happiness for Mind’s single being sinkin’
Just a form and a shape of the matter left over from the Big Bang’s hot dust
Sun is the star without which we’re less than history, rockin’ boats that rust.

Sinkin’ down with the pretty and the sadly not-so-much, not their fault RNA
There’s mutation and recombination that ought to be extinct yet it’s all DNA
Before homo sapiens deduced labels for the things themselves, after the facts
Became history of ancient lassies, all that Mankind will leave descendant lads.

Commandments scratched lines & curves on rocky stone, as if that has gravity
Persuasion of the elders who blow horns & beat drums in the blues of the city
It’s alright that it happens that way since there’s no choice, yo’ playin’ possum
I ain’t worried about your worries, you must be in a hurry to die, go git some.

I’m gonna keep runnin’ ‘til my legs don’t work, ankles, knees, hips ain’t gone
Walk, trot or run a bit without getting’ hit-tackled by a 200-pound trainwreck
Hear that rhythm flow out of the back of the frontman, keeps you runnin’ on
Sun’s ‘G’ flame photosynthesized seed anima from an immaculate conception.

Dead right and grateful that I am, my intention was conceptual interception
Seriously an equation that had a solution, ‘x’ unknown to you & any wise-ass
You see them all the time, a Mr. Know-It-All that knows more than you & I
Logic & Reason led me to the same place at the same time, now, it’s a true lie.

Adonis or the last man ever born to woman, all of the bodies in between, dead
Holding on every moment I get the chance to, I think I’ll take what God bled
How many minutes? How many decades less or more than a hundred of ‘em
I’d go for immortality without disease, mental, physical or psychological, slim!

Bring all your weapons to the battle, the dream ain’t ever gonna last, eh chuck
Boredom is called ennui by some, others call it Mind’s time-out for don’t GAF
You either know what I mean or you don’t, if you don’t just follow me, Homer
And so on & so forth as the odyssey continues, I rest the ode to Plato’s power.

Fool of sentiments of happiness, reality of conscious imagination materialized
Better than nothing, anything is better than nothing, Void is blood, a king size
Funk defined in the trouble of the treble and the face of the bass, fool’s errand
I believed, blind faith remains for a last gasp of gas, Singularity’s wall of flies.

Park your elephant and donkey at the door, they aren’t allowed in the furnace
Too hot for the beasts of burden, only the brave and innocent git it, about face
Reasons runnin’ out of valid conclusions for the veracity of a happiness warp
All too human & not really divine, grown form out of one, microscopic twerp.

Your hips spread but it ain’t your fault, the creator’s faux pas, could be worse
Completely and securely shut tight as a drum, no entry allowed on the horse
An encore remains in the backstage smoke, like a dream takes over attention
Before we wake up, never to be #Woke, alright, alright, alright my grandson.

Anthem for the funeral parade, already gone & slidin’ away from the current
Raised to be exactly the way you see, it’s what you get, this time, every time
Come se, come sa and whether you like it or not, your luck is heaven sent
Above and below this ground, Day of All Souls, grow, gig, retire & all get bent.
r j j stephan, i

c. Vendredi, BLOVEMBER 1st MMXXIV Anno Domini 333 PMPST
{ Drafted while jammin’ to 50th Anniversary @DoobieBrothers concert at @RCMH 10-26-2022 link @ https://youtu.be/BM8pZqgb3z8?si=-rMNH1uDhuZM8NTC }