

Sunday, March 16, 2025

#PurpleRain L I V E @prince #DownSouthJukin' #YouBrokeMyHeart #GirlYouWentAway #LoveYouSo #NoPainNoGain #ILoveYouSo #AllExpensesPaidNEVER

A gold dollar sign in a circle

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Sustainable from the lucky wicked witch of the west to the minions who invest in DOGE
Remarkable to live to be over seventy and have heard it all, over & over & over, it’s HUGE
Above the rough & ready people of Earth, there are the overlords who live in a deep eddy
Coming out of the magnetic storm just for the chitz & giggles that come from hit comedy.

Caring about Nothing is easy if you’re a baby, just uncomfortably wet & hungry as a bear
In Chicago or suburban Windy City, either way, one way or another, you never get there
Expressways and tollways allow circulation of the evolved commercialism, God of a Void
Message extends to one who awaits the WORD that they’re awake in an infinite dream.

Babies born either conceived during love or hate, it makes a difference to your tax, man
Matter and the animation of it seems to be all there is in the universe, as we know it, fan
Y’all, you & I converged here & now on ‘x’ unknown factor in the equation, ‘X’ bumped ‘er
Stickin’ your middle finger into the cherry pie just ain’t like it used to be, well, I’ve never!

My nose was smashed by someone who is dead now, finally I’ve returned the favor, true
My deviated septum was the least of my worries, check that at the door by the fireplace
Never-Neverland is the place where nobody ever goes, ever & I mean never, in yo’ face
Where and when those answers to those questions evolve into your mind, turns all blue.

Sadness comes afterbirth but never afterlife, think, therefore you are, you know I’m dumb
Like a dog or polecat, turtle or snake you keep for a pet, that’s what divine does, too human
Kids you all are, children all grown up like ethical and immoral malfunctions of the genome
Hard salami tastes like the best dead meat on rye, Dijon & Dill, or maybe just a big Reuben.

Hills & mountains to climb just because you’re here & now, alive & undead to the undertaker
Believe that Faith, Hope & Charity are the three ways you can count on to be successful to her
You know who she is, your sisters, wives, mothers and ladies who just wanna have some fun
Some boys and every girl ever born on Earth to mankind, walk and talk like carry a .48 gun.

X marks the spot on the matrix where the focus of your attention becomes arrested in a bar
Bartender was perfect person to tend it, all guards won’t give up the ball to forwards, I sing
All dreams happen once the eyes close off the light from the outside, ambient radiation star
Thoughts about it all from birth to death keep movin’ to the Ends, at One with all or nothing.

Professionally all very amateurish as above, so below on or off of the boat, shipwrecked tike
You don’t know like I know what a woman has done to me, like it or not, I came and got old
Then I found others to replace the One for a minute until I found the One that rode my bike
On back sissy seat for the gold run, in and out of the country, up and down the hills of Gold.

All full of it, what I ate and drank at the BBQ picnic today down by the river, with Cisco Kid
We were friends since day one, drinkin’ whiskey and wine, sometimes for fly boys & the Squid
On the Rio Grande we ate the salty peanuts out the can, they kept us alive but pinned down
Known to be unknown gringo, like a stealth jet, came in blastin’ 6 guns & didn’t even frown.

Pink to purple rain under a canopy of gas, allowed to be awake & woke for the whole shebang
Worrying about the past won’t change it a bit, future ain’t your concern either, hum bird sang
Heart’s beating as a drum beats, animal skin stretched over metal and wood, bam-bam boom
Rewards for makin’ the circuit in one shot without a hitch, success reward for bein’ a groom.

Music keepin’ my toe tappin’ in synch, makin’ up words that rhyme for no reason, you know it
Cyberpunks lined up for the next best fight for hearts & minds of y’all, swamp folk up country
My oh my, what are we all going to do now that we’ve come to Jesus’ Truth, rise Buddah scree
Early in the morning, before the Earth spins to face the music of the Sun, once again, scan me.

Download my program funk from mother & father, theirs too, great grand people before me
Police & their justice have nothing to do with the joke, yet it’s a fact of life, it’s hilarious to be
Inside of a jail cell, prison cell or yo’ parents’ bedroom y’all are entitled to remain, turn to s#it
Spooky ghost inside your head thinks it’s immortally mine, as above, so below, deep fake’s It.

You searched for and found the place to laugh & cry in a vacuum of an inherited ghetto of Id
Finding paradise and peace of mind asleep or in my sweet digs of a home away from heaven
Now and then it appears to be a ghetto when it doesn’t go my way, then Life gets all sudden
You don’t know, nobody does, forget about it soon, it’ll do you no harm to win the Tesla bid.

Hits and the aftermath Runs make the whole world go ‘round, All’s squashed in by spun poles
Probes far away from here see nothing but an extended nothing without any backflips or rolls
And without any doubt, if you remain solvent, you’ll be able to pivot from danger until an end
Like any original origin & it’s conceptual analysis of evolution’s thrust, y’all just here to offend.

High on sunshine, funk germinates a seed to permeate Earth with sweet leaf & the fine wine
Application to the groove keeps honesty and it’s flip-side at bay, animate lump of skin & bone
Time & Space rely on the thing itself to be here & now from the alpha to the omega in theory
Reality rears it’s ugly head ad infinitum, eternal checkmate moves, yin-yang, hear ye, here ye!

Pops called me The Gypsy Man when he heard my WARtheBand collection of All Day Music
He liked it since he was hip to the sailor scat of the US Navy, signed up at sixteen for kicks
Laughing at the moon during basic training, others didn’t know the moon was in the sky top
None of the bothers who showed up ever said their names, black angels of the Hades’ flop.

All words were written by humans not divinities who create chit & abandon it all too
Pole to pole, clear around the equator, spinning, wobbling, slippin’ right into the dark
Eyes wide open but can’t see anything, not even my own reflection in a magic mirror
Spelled words, strung together the thoughts from above or below my own mortal fear.

To the store, the bank, charging station and the best of the rest, in 0 error synchronicity
No need or want to get more than the future will allow, things go bad like garbage chitty
Olfactory sense confused by the sweet and sour of the composting, wasted days of Man
Ate it, shat it, ad infinitum for the duration of the heartbeats I welcome to my Chevy van.

To the end of Time and Space, thrusting your hips up and down, as if that’s the method
Yet it ain’t nothin’ but a momentary lapse of reason, 10 second climax if lucky as a god
On the flip side, hard times lead to no time at all before you get to the best of Times’ Id
Does whatever it wants to, whenever it pleases without regrets, The Way ain’t ever hid.

Middle of the road like music that is neither hard nor soft, yet on time rhythm & blues
Love and the lost ones who cancelled their own love for me, all converges in beef stews
As I planned it, as I step aside & watch it happen, as I leave a helping hand to ease it in
States of being society dregs in forms of Skin-Tight trousers, @Doge #IAM #AlreadyGone!

Stick ‘em up! This is a #HoldUp just in case you’ve misjudged the situation, ain’t no joke
To anybody but you, words mean something, they mean nothing to you though, go broke
Regardless of your needed desire, y’all join the herd, then go whichever way wind blows
If & only if you act as if you’re innocent, stupid or unfortunate, then follow river’s flows.

Brothers and big sisters among us taught us to amend parental guidance, y’all we skintight
With the fine ladies at the club, dancin’ alone or with a shy somebody that looks away site
Forms and contents, a mix of matter out of terrestrial super consciousness yield the taunt
Subjects and their overlords are all there is in the Milky Way, prove I’m wrong, just don’t!
r j j stephan, i
c. Dimanche, 3-16-2025 @ 711 AMPST

{ Kicked out this jam while entertaining mellow y’all with #Soul @WarTheBand Mackin’ LIVE in @Japan 1974 link @ https://youtu.be/xbB0FOrynAA?si=-niPp7-SbPf_gy3a }
