W.W.A.R.D.? Hey, are you talkin' to me? Drop it! C U LATER.... GREAT JAM! CALL THE PO PO! ;-) git git

You don't love your birthplace? Well that's quite all right
Nobody loves everyplace, nobody at all except well, you know
Nature and Love are all that's left in our world, antimatter's fight
Changin' names, changin' faces, moms and dads leavin' slow.
Clean the house and wash my clothes, I ain't shavin' yo' legs
Don't care if you got wings or horns, I love you, you left, no matter
Nothin' to do with anything other than the fear of unknown dregs
Maybe in Dixie or north of Mason-Dixon, skinny legs all scatter.
It's all up to you but just the same, I like the old you better
You remember her right? You forgot about her? Now really?
Tell the truth, you have nothing to bargain with but your father
Your mother moved you twenty times before your first lover.
Your dad had a desire, to deposit the DNA in a matrix' black hole
Makin' the star that you are in the middle of this infinite divinity
Hearts' desires are just the beginning of the origin's thrust
To be here and now, alive on Earth in the Milky Way's big city.
I don't know if it was havin' a lot more fun or writhin' in the pain
But the day after you forgot that I loved you more than blood's rain
I left this little blue ball of water and dirt for the ends of the world
Yeah, I went straight to hell but ain't no blues down here, y'all.
This ain't over 'til it's over, ordered my meal, it never came over
It got cooked, defiled and failed to serve it up, you got crazy lover
Cold when it arrived just like the touch I get when I hold your hand
Was I wrong for holdin' on to you so tight? Blues, he#l, I'm a man.
Dream won't end, it goes on and on, to the big ad infinitum
From one end to the other, straight and narrow vectors in scum
From the sea, from the people, places and things, everywhere
Out of sight, it's all in the deep, blue mind of nobody, nowhere.
They told me to grow up, I did, then they told me to think young
I didn't know WTF thinkin' young meant so I just said sure 'nuf
Blues are really all there really is in the end, without all our stuff
Naked's the day we was born, nowhere like preconception's song.
c. Sunday July 19, 2015 @ 6:66 AM
( written while listenin' to Keb'Mo' - AVO Session on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/7Nblw4PJow8?list=RDejm-js8JW9c )
Nobody loves everyplace, nobody at all except well, you know
Nature and Love are all that's left in our world, antimatter's fight
Changin' names, changin' faces, moms and dads leavin' slow.
Clean the house and wash my clothes, I ain't shavin' yo' legs
Don't care if you got wings or horns, I love you, you left, no matter
Nothin' to do with anything other than the fear of unknown dregs
Maybe in Dixie or north of Mason-Dixon, skinny legs all scatter.
It's all up to you but just the same, I like the old you better
You remember her right? You forgot about her? Now really?
Tell the truth, you have nothing to bargain with but your father
Your mother moved you twenty times before your first lover.
Your dad had a desire, to deposit the DNA in a matrix' black hole
Makin' the star that you are in the middle of this infinite divinity
Hearts' desires are just the beginning of the origin's thrust
To be here and now, alive on Earth in the Milky Way's big city.
I don't know if it was havin' a lot more fun or writhin' in the pain
But the day after you forgot that I loved you more than blood's rain
I left this little blue ball of water and dirt for the ends of the world
Yeah, I went straight to hell but ain't no blues down here, y'all.
This ain't over 'til it's over, ordered my meal, it never came over
It got cooked, defiled and failed to serve it up, you got crazy lover
Cold when it arrived just like the touch I get when I hold your hand
Was I wrong for holdin' on to you so tight? Blues, he#l, I'm a man.
Dream won't end, it goes on and on, to the big ad infinitum
From one end to the other, straight and narrow vectors in scum
From the sea, from the people, places and things, everywhere
Out of sight, it's all in the deep, blue mind of nobody, nowhere.
They told me to grow up, I did, then they told me to think young
I didn't know WTF thinkin' young meant so I just said sure 'nuf
Blues are really all there really is in the end, without all our stuff
Naked's the day we was born, nowhere like preconception's song.
c. Sunday July 19, 2015 @ 6:66 AM
( written while listenin' to Keb'Mo' - AVO Session on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/7Nblw4PJow8?list=RDejm-js8JW9c )
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