Who in the world were the mothers and fathers of philosophers and killers of Life and Being
You and I are descended from the illusions and refused junk of the hysterical men of Time
Using the spinning planet as the justification for being morons and idiots with no Sublime
Spinning enculturation byte by byte, unnoticed by newborn babies who never learn to sing.
Now hear this, beautiful girls out on the lakes and near the riverbanks, good weather & love
Put right in the right place at the exact moment you needed me to appear out of blue sky scat
Came down here for you and to show you how to have some fun, since this is all there is, God
Knows nothing more nor less than a bottle of 151 Rum, so lucky I’m old enough for the Spirit.
There is one or two more words to say and write down to re-read in centuries to come ‘round
Around in circles, I chased myself ahead of where I always was, caught up with my last breath
My heart broke, love fell into the black hole, dream broke into the nightmare, I’m earthbound
My ancestors’ bones and mental meanderings are all dead n’ gone, easy to burn and astound.
Shots of whiskey and heartache won’t help the day after I get to hell, alcohol burns it down
That’s where my grandpas put that scat, in the wine, Italian side, on the whiskey, Kaiser side
Sicilians and Irish mixed the American Dream into my brothers and sisters who never frown
Happiness’ gift from Ones who took the trouble to struggle to survive, y’all got a #Free ride.
By the way, there’s nothing personal, comin’ after you with raw nature of a beast we’ve sown
Eating, mating and a myriad of motion in between sleepy jokes, nothing but God goin’ down
Alternatives to deaf n’ dumb belief in gods of the dirt roads, paradise promised by #Darkstars
Forgot all about the infinite space between things, atoms, stars, galaxies and ElonMusk cars.
It’s now or never, you’ve got so much time and then it’s over, pretty quickly gets a hold of you
Brings your blood and bones to a halt in the dirt, underneath the rocks and water, DNA’s fizz
There may be another time to do this over again, there may not be, this might be all there is
You don’t get sweetness today, you can’t stay a bit longer, prince n’ pauper, drink, deep blue.
c. Rocktober 2, 2018 Tuesday @ 4:04 PM PST
{ Co-written (by sublime Jack Daniels, me, myself & of course, I) while listenin’ to some Eric Church #DesperateMan & HITS on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/sq93t3J4R5c }

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