
Wednesday, January 30, 2019

#SayWhat @ricoSacto #ricoSacto

A single atom spun, two lips cause an unnatural effect, systematic star formation, guffaw flaw
Suns, my son’s stars, my gravitational field becomes the Void of coherent gas-dust collidings
Putting effects behind the causes, a #FibernacciSequence causes a rubic cube, vortex of Ra
Fractals are infant blocks of complexity, quantum mass of a proton, 13.8 billion years sing.

A momentum disruption of the fabric of Space, from the Past the Future becomes soon
Presence is a matter of a momentus realization that our ancestors elevated the bafoon
Cooling the ash and cinders from their annhilated state of remains, where did I go now
Never was anywhere in sight of the mirrors in the fun house, snow caps to bust and blow.

I won’t relate the equation more than once and it may be repeated in an infinite sequence
Survival of the fittest is the code of the day, if you break the news, it’ll crush your innocence
Consumption of the heroes and sinners, the saints and ghosts of the Self, I’m unconnected
On-line, out of sight, out of mind, in and out of the attic and cellar doors, calculus is Void.

Dark matter’s dark energy of the unexplained nature of this mysterious Mass, down stream
Isolation of the ego and a launch into the enlightened state of Being God, Creator in and out
There is nothing but the things and nothing at all, that’s comprehensive, functional fake hope
Unified theory disconnected, Positron out of Time in the E=mC2 place’s, God’s twisted shout.

Stones rolling and the rocks left over from the critical burn and fast freeze, human to become
Atomically profound in this paradigm shift, a calculation of quantum shiftsh, One’s vibration
Unconscious, subconscious and conscious theories of the Cosmic amalgamation of a vacuum
Black holes cannot destroy matter, interference patterns are what I am, a dynamic hologram.

I think, my mind, a casket or urn, in or out of units of Plank ripped, proton fabric of The One
Not a small one but a big One, imprinted inside of my awareness, my old memory recalls Fun
I changed, Space and Time changed a misfortune or three, being The water or The killer sun
Passing through the path with attention to the flow, cosmic dancing with One I Love, the OM.

Black holes spin, coffee is stirred, the cream spins and the heat rises, toilets drain into sewers
Dynamic love of life and amazed at the light and darkness spinning a matrix for our ancestors
From the infant to the lucky elder who escaped death by accident or murder, mystery intact
Nobody can guess correctly, it’s a natural desire to want the Truth but Nothing is a vacuum.

Everything that can be imagined is all of it, connected bytes of ancestors C, N & Fe sub-atoms
Stardusted and animated to masticate and digest the star stuffing, a holiday of gin and rums
Proportional to a comprehension of the Nature of Being, peace and happiness 3.14 quantum
Being a radius and a diameter of a circle, being will disappear into the holy void, verbatum.

r j j stephan, i * HEADER is #TheScream by Vango Vincentvangogh
c. Wednesday January 30, 2019 A.D. @ 7:11 AM PST


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