
Sunday, January 06, 2019

#WhatItIsLike #WhatItIs #SomebodyTellMeToo #SoundOfPain #OohAhh #OohAhh

Richard Joseph Stephan · Sunday, January 6, 2019
It’s alright to be here and now with the remnants of civilization, terrorist’s love of a Scratch
Layin’ and swingin’ in a hammock, wide awake or in a deep sleep in a waterbed’s cache cow
Got laid out after I got laid with a boat-full of #Kauai leis and goose-down creature comfort
Periodic tables and analytical deductions to feast on, nothing is better than the here and now.

Birds and bees gave my father the chills of this short life, he told me that x’s & y’s play robots
Lookin’ for the best ones who make each of us smile wide, a happy pleasure gift, oh my mama
Into the adult and the phase of machine strain and breakdown, drift away into the Forgots
Thinkin’ of things we’ve done and what we’ll do to carry on through this insoluble dilemma.

With a stick, a rock or a blade, a bullet hole or a slice of flesh, our meat is USDA quality #1
For no other reason than we’re lucky, nothing eats human beings, cannibals are an anomaly
Yet other species of animal eat their own, relatives or strangers of the same species, yes son
Not my fault, I’m just a drifter livin’ a dream, nothin’ but me on my own, looky here, I see!

Outside cosmic stew where even the Grateful Dead fear to go while still kickin’ in the barn
A veritable void, an absence of matter, not even one atom, no dawn or eve spun myth yarn
Something for everyone and Nothing for nobody, that is where the ball bounces, a punk scam
Cheating you out of your money and your turns to become rich and famous, holy God’s dam!

All of those tobacco leaves giving me the time and changing the dangle, a wobble of star dirt
Kicked by my own boots when I was down on the ground, kicked my own arse, lost my shirt
Dipped, smoked, rolled my own or stoked a pipe for a whiff of dead sailors’ Earth, 7 salty seas
I’m a model of universal Space, recallin’ old, bloody days? Timing’s everything, more please?

Forsaken purpose for being alive and surviving the struggle until the bitter end, I’m Cali-Eyes
Hippies and gurus playin’ the game without tellin’ anyone the punch line to the cosmic comic
You are all, everyone of you, alone, both now and forever, go away and come back, a God dies
Without an apology for losing immortality to daddy’s skin, bone, smoke and mirrors schtick?

r j j stephan, i
c. Dimanche 6 janvier 2019 à 10 h 10 (heure normale du Pacifique)


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