
Thursday, March 21, 2019


Richard Joseph Stephan · Thursday, March 21, 2019
Tryin’ not to keep eating food because we’re runnin’ out of the dead stuff and all grain blown
Human beings come from an evolution of Nothing, just a dream in a Godhead, you’re known
Stick it in a multidimensional jungle, grubs on rotten logs, eat ‘em until you turn to maggots
Eliminate the culture and civilization from your intense hope for immortality of soul debts.

Hit the balls in the holes, thrown and caught balls, passed and shot balls, nitwit, Eros cut
You can believe anything but you’ll never know if it’s the Truth or not until you fall caput
Down the hatch of paradise here on Earth, shopping malls in the cities of roses and cess
In a pool or in the deep, blue sea, it all winds up there in space, sins the human’ll confess.

Disobeying rules and laws of nature and the divine origin of our circus, Being is here and now
Living and let living, able to defend the ones who want your stuff and your life if you’re a cow
Refuse to let your mind wander to the hunger you feel for the cheeseburger in paradise’s shoe
Morality and the rules of the road be damned, heathens wanted to lower the nation’s low IQ.

Free will to stay alive if and only if you work for the living, or beg at the freeway exits’ signs
Think about your hunger, your friends and families hunger, the inhumane hunger for fines
Pay the tides to your communist community, you keep the dying from becoming holy drills
Of you and me and every other living thing, it’s not our fault, it’s just a fact, #Cosmos kills.

On an unconscious burn of imploded explosion, you won’t see it comin’, me, I’m already gone
Punks and fabulous moments spent inside of their heads, where the holy keep a big cellphone
Boxing and wrestling with the hopeless people left on the riverbeds, backstreets, ghostwritten
Homeless are the USA military vets and children of welfare aid, bacterial farm for mortal sin.

Bring it on down to the foundation, recollect the day before you were conceived by sex rocks
Now, you remember, there you go, yes, absolutely empty nothing there, no concept to analyze
Language to help the chaos from becoming your daily bread, ten commandments, be the byte
Do to other living things like you’d want them to do to you, Void is terror, feel Omega fright.

r j j stephan, i *Header is a caricature of the #MightyMouth of #Stones - M.J.
c. Le jeudi 21 mars 2019 Anno Domini à 09h11, heure normale du Pacifique
{ drafted while listenin’ to 50s & 60s R&R collection on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/POEhK88qwM0 & The Rolling Stones latest jamz @ https://youtu.be/9WqQyMsonQ0 }

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