
Sunday, March 08, 2020

#Oneness #DualityIsADreamersPutsch #HappyBirthdayRichie

Richard Joseph Stephan · Sunday, March 8, 2020
Urgent in the undisclosed dungeon underneath the complex of simpletons like you and I
It sounds like the mint in the drink is a tasted commodity of unknown proportion, my ego
What I am and where I’ve been is all that I am, conscious of my origin’s Void of mortal sin
Desired existence, desired the sin of disobedience to natural laws, enough to kill your kin.

But being the fireman to put out the fires and to be or not to be the chief of the flame’s burn
Life itself full of feelings in your heart and soul, the humanity in the being flipped a u-turn
Not only for a good reason but also for the sake of existence of mankind itself, I gave a dam
All of the water flowed down from the snow capped mountain tops via rivers to a big mouth.

Contained in a nutshell, what I wanted and needed blew me away, your kiss on my lips kid
Old lady, lady friend, better half, girlfriend, WIFE that moves the home from Space to a skid
Flame burnt the candle’s wax and wick into smoke, it up and disappeared, poof, wait, what?
There I said it in this daydream and you listened and wondered and then rejected this scat!

Pawns, rooks, bishops, knights and queens all serve the king on this Board of the Supervisor
It’s a being at One and undivided like an atom of a cell, a singularity of matter’s energy, Chi
Where or when or even why are words beginning questions without answers, third blind eye
Nevermore to care for the reason humans or any living thing is alive under this planet’s sky.

Whether or not whether but if and not when or why or even how, private eyes are watching
Every move your animated bones make from dawn until dusk, sometimes even in between
Paranoia is a mere matter of being conscious of danger leading to tragedy, a sign to beware
Of what the pride of men and cause/effect forces does to the DNA genome, gods don’t care.

All of the living have been on an easy ride from Africa to the North and South poles and back
Seven continents of uneven rock sticking out of the H2O just because of severe gravity’s slack
Keeping grounded, as above, so below, where it counts, the movement on a Time line’s moot
Like it or not, find a Harley-Davidson of Sacramento or somewhere & go for a Hwy 49 scoot!

r j j stephan, i
c. Sunday, March 8th, 2020 A.D. 3:33 AM PST
{ Drafted this gem to the Dramatics @ https://youtu.be/PgG6SU8L-dI on a #HappyBirthday47 to OUR #1 son, #RichardJosephStephanJr LOLs....kiddin’ #2...LOLs }

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