It’s going to be just fine, there is a reason for the good, the bad and the ugly, logic is the rule
It’s a behavior judgement call and in the end, a judgement of the beautiful and ugly feud duel
Human and divine genes may or may not have recombined in any significant way, wild guess
Probably nothing to do with any being above or below this planet’s rocks and mud, I confess.
Like I tried to say about a millions times for the last couple thousand years, we’re here alone
There is no creator dog or god up above to pray to, the facts are either we’re forsaken or lucky
To be or not to be are super questions but the last one is, “Where we going in a spirit body?”
Fire & ice can’t hurt this Soul, if it exists at all, it’s the essence of cold ice in a dream’s mirage.
Pumping the fuel into the vacuum until the pressure is released by spontaneous combustions
Of the lint, molecular gas in forms that float like ash, compressed rocks, bones & cold blood
Go from conception origins into decedent finality in a wink or a few decades of a moon’s son
Ripped out the matrix of a Big Bang or a Singularity’s infinite stretch, man is but one & done.
Of course, there’s still the complete circle of the cycle of existence, not here, nevermore there
Sisters and brothers of the orphanage have a handle on it, the kids of mom’s & pop’s long hair
Taught to obey the rules and laws which are, live and be good, thrive and strive until the end
Never thinking about that last gasp, until the Time arrives, too late to be as we were destined.
There is therefore no issue regarding the nature of being and where I am going to find love?
You worry is that you have nothing but a leap to judgement blind faith in a governor’s deer
A herd of failed and scared does and lame bucks that can only follow a propped up tail leader
Without that purpose in this dirt, existence is futile, as the borg has foretold, silence! Move!
r j j stephan, i
c. Sunday, May 31st, 2020 Anno Domini @ 11:11 AM PST
{ Drafted while listenin’ to WAR THE BAND #ThatsWhatLoveWillDo & full CD link @ https://youtu.be/IfNc10RGEEA }

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