

Saturday, June 27, 2020

#BlackHoleSun @ChrisCornell & @NoraJones & @EdgarWintersGroup

--------  #DontStopNow #Pottstown  --------
It isn’t easy for your face to grow the hair nor your arms and legs, it’s easier to go bald
All you had to do in order to get here to the present presence you’ve gained in the fall
There’s no reason for reason or the Earth, moon, Sun, the stars or the cool empty Void
Yet, it is what we’ve got and we’ve got to give it everything we have, no choice to avoid.

Pernicious in life and subtly as silent as a vacuum without a lick of gas, unfold God’s matrix
Completely void of ignorance and propaganda babble of the minions who roll with Hendrix
Monkey men and their women who do what rats and squirrels do, polar bears, lions & fox too
After an infinite number of moments awake inside of the dream, an alarm bell rings for you.

Playing games of chess and charades will get your Time to pass quickly until the end stops
Like it or not, it’s the way it is, live and die maybe happy or sad yet alive for once or karma
What happens next once you find out you are here for this short time, alive genome of pops
When the majors and minors expose the innocent yet talented to the nature of this beast.

To be or not to be a bean or a seed, that’s the question left well answered without sin & hell
My fence is all around me, everything you thought was true is not so, awake to the #Woke
No need for tickets so you jut show up unannounced and boom, you’re under their rooftop
If it’s the Sun Times or the Post or Herald, all’s one answer to every question, supernatural.

Microbes under the microscope appear to be living an entire life of moving about grace’s sin
Whether or not you and I like it is less important than the fact that it’s a necessary condition
Barometers and thermometers measure the pressure and heat or frost, it’s all fairly perfect
For something that bean with the mud, the blood and the beer, a Pandemic polemic sect.

r j j stephan, I
c. Saturday June 27th, 2020 A.D. @ 11:11 AM PST

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