
Wednesday, August 19, 2020

#EyesCouldUseALittleRain #OnTheWindowPane

Richard Joseph Stephan · Wednesday, August 19, 2020
Stepped back a few paces when I got a whiff of the aromatic sense, my daddy was my brother
I knew it was a disguise for the hookah smoke and since I did not care one way or the other
I inhaled to my heart’s involuntary delight where all of my joy originates, a bit below my belt
Not for a small reason, I am falling in love with my violin’s sweet rubbing chords I surely felt.

A concerto with a B flat or in A diminished, hey I don’t care if was a C sharp, the deed was in
Before and after the flow of the sounds from a delightful angel in disguise of wood and nylon
A dream might end right near a last rhyme, at that point, being spent, I am a Matter’s mirage
All of it came of a dream out of nowhere but some Grateful Dead grave down by Baton Rouge.

Magic or just a coincidental accident of random circumstances winding up in a favorable win
All that even an orphan expects or wants is peace, love & a fair shake to get some laughin’ in
From NYC to Peking. over to Moscow, London, Lisbon, Paris, Rome and Lake Titicaca H2O
Formula for success of the genome is identical to a millennium ago, strong survive, weak go.

As far as you can see or hear, nothing feels as right as the sound of an opus in a concert hall
You close your eyes for a moment and fly away on the wings of your soul to an unknown port
A hole in your soul that normally is closed for business, then opens wide to accept a holy gift
Strung out on the wood and the mind’s direction of the phalanges upon the hearse gear shift.

Cup was full, then half full, then half empty, then the lights went out, no dawn e’er returned
Out of the Way to see what was going on while still on the path, there is no world of the dead
Guidance from the people who abided by the ten commands and rules of the road, made me
Know ethical judgements from A to Z, I row my boat gently, life’s a dream, did I tell you, G?

On the Dry Creek River I can recollect the steelhead jumpin’ for flys below the fogginess
Creme de la crop moves the rest behind it, no time to waste dilly dallying for indecisiveness
Rocking the soul within is all I can do, I wish you the same for holy Nicolo Paganini’s sake
Pick away, saw that fiddle ‘til the cows come home, @MarshallTucker1 & @CharlieDaniels1.

Bright as day and dark as night all in one day, around in circles we go without gettin’ so fake
Not much anyway, sometimes if you spin around too fast you get sick, like you’re from Mars
Monkeys and men are the same, they like their heads to stay steady so they can keep awake
In the end, my baby’s some kind of wonderful, to me and the world, I’m rewarded! My stars!

r j j Stephan, I
c. Mercredi, 19 August 2020 A.D. @ 1830 hours PST

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