
Wednesday, July 14, 2021

#LostInSpace #AdInfinitum #WaitWhatNoWay #TooMuchSoulForGravitationalCollapse #BlackHolyTheorecticalPhysics

The hairy operation is academic, power of positive drinkin' since I was knee high to spooky tooth
That fire burns hot and ice freezes you stiff as a corpse only brittle like a set of atomic false teeth
Helping you to your second helping that you'll never finish in one sitting, any song's about today
Amazing joke, forgettable 60 seconds, nothing personal 'bout anything itself, humor fadin' away.

Remember yourself once you die because those you leave behind will only dispose of your mass
In a barrel over a waterfall or undersea with Davy Jones, perhaps just food for the carnivore ass
Moving the unmoved mover to get experience being the First Cause of everything & a black hole
It's right there in front of even the blindman's eyes, still in the sockets full of rods, cones & soul.

Close to the mind, the brain it's inside of and the pretension and expectation of voided reason
In the case of a spontaneous combustion of the star we call the sun, no God making it be One
Our whole philosophical perspective may be turned upon it's head, being over heels in a tin bar
Not that you're responsible for being an accident of conception, birth & death, indeed, you are.

Inside of you where nobody else gets to feel the compassion and mercy for yourself, it's whirlin'
Like a dervish, spinnin' like being dizzy in the head is the status quo, as if it's a way to be, um no
Nothing against being antievolutionary for the weak molecules and atoms of the human swirlin'
Mitosis in a maelstrom of atomic fission and fusion then due to gravitational collapse, I'm ridin'.

Radical hippies and gypsies rambling around the planet until the Roots began the rule of the Elf
Wanting to remain in one place & stopping the rambling-gambling, sweet & sour fruit of nothing
You come from the North or the South poles and anywhere else among 7 continents on the shelf
All for One, I'm One for all, you've found a godspell put on me until I go lightsout in a boxing ring.

Spectacular to be in the middle of the spirit's amorphous form, I got what I got, happy as a boar
Philosopher of history and wasted time from dusk until dawn, pretending it means so much more
God thanked folks by handin' out sinner's spanks for your dark Id's reversal of being all too human
Rules believed, broken, disobedience to positive thinking about matter, Way of the warrior, Man!

r j j  stephan, i
c.  Mercredi, July 14th, MMXXI Anno Domini @ 4:44 PMPST
{ Dr. Saxlove blowin' note on #GreenJazzVolFive #ChillGrill #GreenOut link @ https://youtu.be/ctpOUkzDgvw }

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