
Monday, December 27, 2021

#GotNoDejaVous #BeingInTimeOnenessInMultiplicity & #NeverNeverland #HereTodayGoneTomorrow #NoOffense #Paradox #DieAlive #HighHopes @Springsteen @David_Gilmore

It's a tradition passed on from the campfires that burnt the wild weed seeds to flirt
Fell out of the black and blue to be buried into the red, white & the Blues sand & dirt
Justifying dancing when there's no party, no partner but there's a beat about a hole
Surrendering to ONE, a wholeness of the oceanic motion, stirred well an empty soul.

Over the rainbow isn't as far as you might think, it's a refraction of sunlight as you see
Pattern of discovering that there's more to reality than meets a 3rd eye's portal entry
I might die tonight but if you lie to me, I'll never know the facts, factoid life of a feed
The attention which is fluid, on a scale of 1 to 10, 1 being most fluid, I am a 1/2 breed.

1/2 bred attention to the reality before us all forces my hand to discriminate vs fools
Although it's no fault of any fool that they falsely reason to inevitable, conclusive rules
Commanding deity of this here & that there leading edge of a cube's incomprehensable buzz
Mundane Monday, it just can't be trusted, fine wave-infused in pecky cedar's fine gold dust.

You get me straight and you got me, from that point on to infinity, frets shred, jams finalized
Babysitters moved on from the easy gig from God to the dirty rocks, commandments all dead
Doing to others as you would have them do to you, main ingredient of peace on Earth, no war
One thing more than than that miniscule point on  dimensional matrix, Time like ne'er before.

Immersion within the complex acid combination, thought arises to self-examination of eyelids
At the core, in the center of the whole shebang, death stops the multiplication of productives
Regardless of your or my respect for the living and the dead, there are no shortcuts to the End
It's a finale without an encore, all's complete, you're all alone with me, I'm good, return-send.

Over & under, above & below, either or both as it is, I'm the first choice to shoot a shorty film
At eleven or seven with or without the camera roll, matter and energy sugar, atom bondo rim
Monkified humanity, all too human, still on the journey from ignorance to enlightened T-bone
Mesmerized in dreams of being too human, a regiment of monkeys site-seeing, GI Joe blown.

r j j  stephan, i
c.  FREEZEMBER XXVIIth, MMXXI Anno Domini, Lundi @ 808 AMPST
{ Conscious of death's end of life, #Scratch led to the instant/constant awareness of The Fact of Life, jammed on @CurtisMayfield #BackToTheWorld on a youTube loop @ https://youtu.be/kvkBtKi9VIc }

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