
Wednesday, December 29, 2021

#MyMaria #GiftedGold #StolenSilver #BabyLikesToRockIT #BoogieWoogieChooChoo @TheTractors @GretchenWilson @MontgomeryGentry #BlahBlahBlah #DontEvenGive-a-RIP #RIPmadden #CheckYaOnTheFlipSideBrother #LetsGoBrandon

Let's go Brandon simplicity between eyes & ears, center of your jacked up forces in easy fixes
Because the fix is in, just because you think you're so pretty and smart doesn't mean anything
When #TheGoing gets tough, the #Tough get going, it's a matter of time before humanity's XO
Multiplication of the division won't allow any additions or substractions from the status' quo.

Mercy for the poor and weak until the Trojan Horse enters the castle's entry, a twilight slop
Monkeys don't care much for change until the food and shelter is removed from a cage, son
Daughters don't like it uncomfortable, unfunded police dept will fund welfare bumb junkers
Good ground beef goes to waste if it's not a hamburger or a sloppy joe, house the homers!

It's Time to get closer to the reason why you should sleep with one eye open, safe Space kin
You need to express and protect yourself from the bad guys that the Cisco Kid hasn't beaten
No Lone Ranger, Wild Bill Hickock, Bat Masterson, Roy Rogers, Dale Evans or any Clarabell
"I know nothing!" no more than Sgt Schultz of Hogan's Heroes, no reference?  Look it up, Hell!

Pork and beans, beans and pork from beginning to the bittersweet end, a miraculous dish
Imagine you and the music, alone inside of the empty quadrant of Space called, in Vitro sin
Naturally, what's difficult is the point, if it was easy it might be worth the journey, so perish
All, with no exceptions, before & after our own births, will decay to goldust, gravity's origin.

A play of cops and robbers in perpetuity, check before & after play on Calgary Hill in '0' A.D.
You & your mother conceived you in a blink, a monkey is dreaming that y'all are alive for me
Pumpin' up the air in the balls is all you must do before you kick, hit or throw it away to hell
Crazy world you've made, just shut up and do what you're told, move along, nothing to see.

Forever or for a minute, either way the money and the gold is in the safe, there is a combo
Nobody left the Truth for the ignorant to find here, there or anywhere else, it's Gadam's fall
Form of that matter is a mere shape of things to come, nothing and something is in the flow
Crisis' DOOM, Phd's imbecilic, half-witted, mother'd up children, grown up too bad to bawl!

r j j  stephan, i
c.  FREEZEMBER XXIXth, MMXXI Anno Domini @ 9:11 AMPST #BlahBlahBlah #BlahBlahBlah
{  Dressed out while listenin' to #BabyLikesToRockIt #BoogieWoogieChooChooTrain on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/vqSOiawh0vI }

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