
Tuesday, August 23, 2022

#KeepOnKeepinOn #ThingsHaveChanged #RedNeckWoman #JOJO #AlanWATTS #CurtisMayfield

No question that you'll always be with me, Freedom's reverse is absolutely true as blue
As below my grounded, winged feet on the floor, so above the dead man who lost you
Fools naked skin in the game with the wise men who die knowing the fools of plunder
I looked since birth through elder aging, yet the Truth wasn't visible but it's no wonder.

Allowing your attention to focus upon the waking dream you're naming your life, go man
Up or down from the place my feet are planted when I stand up straight, hitch hikin' fan
Gone in a minute when the time comes to move on, no runnin' just walkin' slow as a slug
Ready to die with the rock salt reverse osmosis, it's all movin' to the equator's jungle rug.

Gardening is not the way to go, you aren't Eve & I ain't Adam, nobody more guilty either
Sons and daughters arising & evolving OUT of the smoke movin' IN like a hobo bummer
Skin in the game and used on the slide guitar, nobody knows what a fuss cats will call it
On a tour bus rollin' from town to town, got my own room, my, TV, radio & phone chit.

Brought the whole shebang to the tailgate party behind the corn, a field of dreams I am
It's all about a creek 'bout 2 AM with no clothes, skinny dip at the full moon glow, Man
Short and sweet as it could possibly be silent mystery instead, in the name of majesty
Creekside, never in the daymare only unconscious concussion rings, an L.S.D.  #5150.

Can't be concerned about the ability of anybody other than me, competent nowadays 
Life's too short to worry about it right now or tomorrow, t'was all about my yesterdays
Gone wild with the that my senses are in que, drafter this while jammin' to  sax blows
Organs keepin' the blood and limbs movin' in the matrix' code, illusionary as a chimera.

Taxation rules to the king & queen, tell 'em to stick it right where the sun don't shine
I got satisfaction and rejuvination on the cosmic and infrared wavlength, frequency sign
As it is above so it is below my ten toes & flat foot bottom, Earth revolves my beer stein
To the store or asleep dreaming, it's Time passing the wine, a grim reap of class, I'm lyin'.

Dashboards full of the mink stoles left by the animals who carried the coonskin, ol' Davy
Crocket and Boone got me through the black and white radiation in my eyes, I'm saavy
I know astigmatism was caused by TV radiation in lit or dark rooms, did I mention TV?
Wavelength low or high, all comin' in & we all gotta go on to the far away scheme to be.

Let it all down when you're in ture so you can get all the hidden secrets deep under chit
Outside this Earth's presence, there's nothing you can sense, get to know it, you need to
Lookin' for a love everyday lived, found it sometimes, other times not so much as a clue
Holy heart place of my honey in the hive, it's a tell-tale muscle, knows I love it, I found it!

Rough and just tough enough to make it through a gang's land of where I came, shat
Grandchildren of bad guys wanted to fight, I left 'em all alone, survival of the fit tete
Only get to be seven decades old by sheer luck and accident of being in the right Plot
In Space and Time where everything happens for a reason, whether you know or not.

Tunnel of darkness at the Kiddieland or the Riverview, all about the roller coaster ride
Slowly up to the top & at the peak a final gasp of breath before it's taken away to slide
Repeating ad infinitum, life getting rough for the easy to get along sons of mothers' Ho
Incubated until the production could disconnect and survive with a little help to blow.

Premium moves on the game board always keeps the odds high that you'll win again
Never losing if the eyes on the target for the prize behind it, drooling for the next win
A Yada Yada drink of Girl Scout cookies in the seemless monkey pit of monster Homer
A DNA replica of the missing link, inserted to end the whole shebang, it's caput, GRRRRR

r j j  stephan, i
c.  Mardi, August XXIIIrd, MMXXII Anno Domini @ 411 PMPST
{ Jammed to @PatrickStump @DarylHall @DarylsHouse #IDontCare on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/YNfKL2jCO-8?list=RDMM  & @GretchenWilson #GiveARip #RedneckWoman @ https://youtu.be/82dDnv9zeLs}


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