
Wednesday, February 01, 2023

#GawkingInRetrograde #SlipSlidinAway #PainSufferingDeletePleasure #TowerOfPower2


Pretty as a picture in a rectangular frame, painted or photographed in 2D
Form of eagle/wolf DNA in a shape only a goddess could #con, perfect me
On board the train or the plane or the ship, hey I don’t give a hoot, play ball
For the duration of the parade of fools movin’ like shadows on a back wall.

Joined at the hip in an intersection’s dead end where it hits on perfect timing
Barter and trade the whole shebang for success at the finale, park your sins
Known it for all too long, no reason to let on about recollection in Sing-Sing
Prisoner for life to trade for the one taken in haste, wrong guy paid in skins.

Pouring liquid gas from a fruit picture, like Kool-Aid smilin’ on a shady pitcher
Bored apes walking & talking the smack they can’t back up, no mighty power
Forts to protect the men and the horses from the bad guys’ arrows & spears
Callin’ for your mama won’t help one twit, it’s low down but man, God hears!

Liberated the slaves’ minds from indentured servitude, bodies had red blood
It was dark everywhere without the light, all skin was clearly a sack screwed
Why genetics selected to evolve the brown, yellow, black & blue, it’s so rude
We wouldn’t do that to one person much less the entire creation of the hood.

Stolen valor right in front of your eyes, no hero ever takes credit for done deeds
Only dodgers who ran away from a mean, green machine’s grey matter synapses
Escape without getting a dot upon their ‘i’s’ just like downtown, it leads, it bleeds
Mindful of the reasoning in perception, perspective forever in momentary lapses.

Boring as apes in a loopy sequence of repetition, none know why it’s goin’ on
What it is exactly with the birth and death of living things, rooted or animated
Gold and silver for the poor & downtrodden, bills & strife for the well-off brood
Dummies as Mannequins speakin’ as all humans do, out the side of a pie hole.

Voodoo in the rules that were written in the stars by the token god savior son
Why it had to be the daughter of God yet it wasn’t, just my dad’s kid, my sister
Life living double time exceed the allotted ticks on the back of ol’ big brother
Modern or old fashioned, it’s all out of sight and out of my mind, I’m on the run.

Cool cleft in the chin, nice roman nose on the prima face, it’s full of the power
Of cell activity, multiplying the One in an infinite Space without an end of Her
Music playin’ the strings inside the cranium, fully loaded melodies & lyrics
Natural to press, push, pull or yank on the strings attached to nobody’s Dix.

I think that I thought you were thinking the same thing, that you love me too
As the first & last time the wise & the silly hooked up to cause another at one
A hybrid of RNA leftovers from the Bigger Bang of gravity’s collapse, I’m you
You’re me for a flash, then you’re not me forever, it’s all purple, black & blue.

r j j stephan, i

c. Mardi, Janvier XXXIst, MMXXIII Anno Domini @ 1111 AMPST

{ Drafted ala @MarioLanza https://youtu.be/rRhmogBs-gU & @Pavrotti style https://youtu.be/Q8k3R8kgEUc }


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