
Friday, July 07, 2023

#BabiesComeOutOfNowhere #StayClose #WatchYourSIX


Soul stripped down to the bare minimum, stuck the plug into the AC/DC outlet for the output
Along came a spider and sat down in my apple cider, it was spiked with acid & I got the jackboot
In and out of consciousness with no reason for being alive here, now or ever there, then babies
A couple of hours after it began, it ended in the grave underground in the trap, down to Hades.

Fun on the table dancer’s higher heels and fishnet stockings, makeup to cake on berry pie faces
All looking like their eyes are gonna blow out their faces, all to be seen was the sawbuck’s laces
Tucked the bills into the tied-up feet, toes and calves, tearin’ up the sound & sight ‘til stop signed
Monkeys, chimpanzees and punks gawking like idiots in a moron storm, Funk & Wagnall’s defined.

Give up or get whooped are the only two choices allowed by under-lords, posse of inbred chumps
Badges to impede freedom to be lawless, communicating all behavior commands or prison dumps
Where you can go with or without the straight jackets applied, hands won’t be tied, my soul cries
Right up there, jacked up so far, Blues ain’t comin’ back out, ring a bell, baked in your mind’s eyes.

Mirror reflector lookin’ back at who you thought you were, you’re all gone, already long gone away
Out wildest dream we woke up from and forgot is the dream y’all should have remembered today
Evil, ugly and as good as it’s always been on Earth, centuries of mud slingin’ 7 dried up desert piles
Continents letting Outerspace suck all liquid out the atmosphere, leakin’ afterlife’s fake Hope styles.

Reincarnation or just One and done, spirit animated this whole shebang in a New York minute’s sand
Gave up some words promising us we’ll be rewarded for giving up Desire & Need to be all too human
Run down the children in the street, let them eat cake in the hospital and in the corner of the college
They glean the wisdom & knowledge of the dead poets and scientists, by osmosis, idiots got the edge.

Cheaper to keep her, the bum is still deep inside of him, animate the dead meat, make it so, a miracle
Idiots & morons ask rhetorical questions which have no rational response, they talk to the stone wall
Dream and die in the dream like there’s no tomorrow, that’s not a command but it’s coded in The Cell
All you’ve done and will do is the Narrow Way that has a point of no return, just one step beyond hell.

We, the people, struggle & succeed in the end, only one way up when you’re flat on the ground zero
Where it all comes down from the pile high in the sky, smoke, mirrors, a buzz or a beep, I am no hero
Named Adam to Zachary, anteater to zebra, it’s all coming down to your karma, be good to all peoples
Pretend you know everything, like God the creator of the heavens, stars, sun, moon & all planets’ cells.

Bicycles, tricycles and icicles all coalesce into the lines that make the shapes in three dimensions of X
Nothing known is the thing we need to know, Unknown needs to be uncovered & acknowledged sex
Just because you think you’re so pretty & smart, you’ll have no doubt, fail & die with no one to care
Ahead of the End game if you lag behind the flock or herd, a God’ll move the hunted to the fire lair.

Coexistent simpletons all forget what is sometimes forgotten, Mr. & Mrs. Black has blank powder
Can’t recall what my memory can’t recollect even with the Truth serum or cup of clam chowder
Deep end dive from the 10-meter platform, backward somersault jack knife with a perfect entry
Mind over energy & matters at hand, gold medal, all American, squeeze of Kluck’s, ancient Artie.

As it is above, so you were below the ocean of blown-out misfiring of spark plugs & dead batteries
Over the hill montage of your age on steroids, China smokes the opium packages the CBD/THC’s
Fine appearance in sight & touch of the form, the scent and taste of the thing itself? Yes, please
No thank you, don’t touch me Brittany, I’ll knock the sunglasses off yo’ face! Such an NBA tease!
r j j stephan, i

c. Vendredi, 7-7-2022 AD @ 222 PMPST
{ Drafted while listenin’ to #TimMcGraw #CantForgetSomethinLikeThat
https://youtu.be/a5qZnq_bHqc & #MorganWallen #AintThatSomeS#it CD link @ https://youtu.be/jY_98uXc3D0 & LIVE CONCERT @ https://youtu.be/I8gNCi5AYpA }



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