For the sum of the additional, distracting subtractions from the atmospheric Stratus A dream erupts into the natural world, a reality of the all too humane cosmic dusts
Many kinds of a One, atomic implosion of everything that exists in the universal Ids
Left and right, up, down, over & out of the mold you’ve inherited via DNA/RNA kids.
Now then, may have your attention please? Cease to comprehend language, as I do
With one swoop you can forget everything from Ga, Ga, Goo, Goo, God, God of screw
How else could we get here & now without the Love, without the sacred heart blood
Well, you know the answer to all rhetorical questions, this Evil Life was all the Good.
Nobody you know & anyone you’ll ever meet down the lonely stream of Mercury flow
Will be of assistance to the navigation of the thing itself moving about without a red leak
Blood thirsty for the flow of living fluid coursing through veins and arteries of the meek
Here’s the confused messenger, I know you are an idiotic fool at the royalty’s job blow.
Among the treasures of gold, silver & shiny rocks left over from Big Bang’s magic spell
There is something about everything even an idiot might observe at the bottom of Hell
Where angels fear to go, nobody gets out alive, soul-sentenced to Jung’s Sigmund Freud
Launch the rockets, fire up the engines’ fusion power to fizz away matter into the Void.
This time while occupying this space on the planet’s surface, water, gas & stone rocks
Say it just because you have no idea, not an inkling about the nature of the dry docks
Sitting, lying down, standing up, rolling via two-four wheels, chopper blades or wings
In each & every case, the alpha & the omega treasure the equation’s sweet nothings.
Mindful of the idea, the thought that mankind’s mind can’t exist outside of Earth lands
Don’t shoot the messenger with high CBD’s & GMO’s to silence the infidels in the sands
Going into gridlock down before a Friday Night slam, full force and power to inseminate
Spirit of the holiest leftover ideas from foreign tongues of the Tower of Babel, First Date.
First base single or a walk unless your rear’s a target of a curving screwball, curved up
Too far to hit the ball for a homerun, 350 to 440 feet from home plate’s five-sided mold
Pointed dead center to the strike zone, low batter knee to high batter letters, buttercup
On edge for you to slide upon, sharp as a fresh razor blade, made in the USA, steel cold.
Somewhere in this Time on this Planet, you will reemerge with your minerals’ medicine
Magic potions of mixed emotions, happiness and the lack of happiness, sadness’ sin sin
Candy licorice makin’ it all worthwhile, you are feeling all you are as immersed in plasma
Faith followed by blind humanity, no regrets, death evens it all out, your karma, my karma.
By the hookers and the crooks who steal shirts off of innocent backs, lit black light streams
Happy is no worries at all about being taken advantage of or eaten by the hungry in dreams
Unreal that you can’t recollect what you saw on television, why y’all forgetting trivial things
Fill your empty psyche full of the First Cause’s intent, now what ‘s One to do, sweet nothing.
Bought your mother and father a home in the parks of oak, they died and left the old boss
Old bones in harms way but never any notion that you & I need the force of @pi to be alive
Once upon a magic carpet ride over a sweet peach & cherry colored sunset, show high five
All y’all will ever see for the duration of your living large, the #BigGuy being is mental floss.
3.14 pi times itself is still a fraction of 10, 985.96 to be precise, now or never is the Time out
Think about your dead predecessors implicating The End is just a skull & crossbones’ doubt
Pirates on seven seas have buried the booty, the maps are tattoos on daughters’ job blows
Infants tattooed by needle puncture, apex to pole, there is somebody yet, nobody knows!
r j j stephan, i
c. Lundi, 7-31-2023 A.D. @ 1259 PMPST
{ Clicked on the bait & snagged a double whopper with cheese rewarded by a concert by #JGeilsBand #MyAngelIsACenterfold on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/lKgd2wneKX4 & @TheMightyTemptations #MASTERPIECE link @ https://youtu.be/0vvuhLZiPA0 & @JellyRoll #HITS link @ https://youtu.be/PunDCoz-S4g }
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