It’s fine, it's all
about being one happy hippy
Fill a buster all the way up to the top, it’s never over the top just up to the precipice of the lip’s edge Time puts everything in yo’ belly in perspective whether you like it or not, it’s the final attempt to hedge
My bets that are all underdog shots in the dark, where I make my living and dying days full of the scat
Freight or passenger transportation of the herds of clothed and naked apes, all along like a feral cat.
In our ol’ by-and-by we’re state of the art, further than we suspect, heavenly pits’ graveyardly topsoil
Hard rocks and slate of stone, four walls, a plaster ceiling covering up Cielo-azure skies, marbled ground
You know and I know deep down inside what the score is, we’re winning & it’s One to Nothing, Winning!
Last gasp from further struggles but you wanna hold that breath forever, you gotta blow it out the thing.
Shocked finger in the wet socket, electric ladies being stroked by slow hands & fickle tickles of the game
What I am, who you are, where & when the place & time is now, later or before tomorrow’s God fates
Brought you down to Hellfire where your guardian angels fear to go, they can’t handle the heat’s flame
Hitched a ride with the fastest mustang in Missouri, headed to Illinois’ Quincy College, felonious dates.
Strong striptease and a weak finish to the fake pause before the orgasmic tension flies into cherry pie
All sweet & either cold or warm from the oven, it’s the essence of sweet & I ain’t gonna ever lie, I’d die
Custard’s good, whipped cream, cherries, bananas, lemon meringue or chocolate mousse, two lip licks
Dreams can’t come true when you can’t slept a wink, Hot Potato began what can be called, Dick’s kicks.
In the finale a couple hours after the beginning of the movie, everything makes sense, so complicated
Beyond the good and the evil we’re indoctrinated with, there’s just the last gasp of gas, rigor mortised
Five won’t get you ten anymore, the blood and bones atrophy, get burned or buried, like all our kinfolk
Rolled away god-dog souls out of sight & mind & in the long run, dead & gone, rock, granite-stone joke.
Slow hand moves fret to fret, chords diminished yet sharp in a minor way, headed to a seventh heaven
A, B, C, D, E, F & G combined or single, all alone staccato or dragged into the warm oven’s pork & bacon
Wise or ignorantly aloof in the same equation to fill the empty gap of zeroes and ones, I am that I am
What it has always been & will always be, me, myself & one ego, the I, the master of sons, God’s dam.
Calculate the trigonometry and advanced algebra Life beyond the Evil function of a twilight zone-sun
Unrelated to mother, father, sister, brother, cousin yet related to caves & hard rocks, some & everyone
I know what I always say but I’ve forgotten now, I’ve gone too far deleting my memorable baggage et al
Harps stroked, fingers’ bones calloused just to keep the rhythm & the beat in synchronicity’s bubble.
Morphed from living protoplasm into the stench aroma of uncooked dead meat, head to the feet
Perfume for the dead, no stinking and no hunger for the dead things to defecate, out of our seat
Holy and defiled at one and the same time whether we like it or not, All good is awfully, evil bad
Pricks of pins, forcing openings wider to let out the mud, the blood & beer, Coke Caine clear out!
r j j stephan, i
c. Mercredi, July XXVIth MMXXIII Anno Domini @ 444 PMPST
{ Jacked out of this here rock, listenin’ to @EricClapton #SlowHanded; @BobSeger #LikeARock on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/fMIJuuk1SFs & #Route66 @TheRollingStones link @ https://youtu.be/Q131ZJ6YkG0 }
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