
Sunday, August 20, 2023

Dimanche Munch @AC/DC concert 1977 @Nickelback

All bottoms are up as the top goes down when the heat puts your cardio under arrest
Eyes not necessarily wide open but there's hope on the horizon, it may be vain, alas
There's no news therefore it's all old data streams of humanity's sheer idiocy, maybe
If not idiots then the only other option is the full set of morons & miscreant dead sea.

Fill her up higher than full until it overflows into the gutter where brave men fear to go
It's gigabytes bigger than the both of us so if you could trust me for a moment, it'll flow
Upstream where the trophy fish bite the lures and bait of mankind, rubber wader Zen
Truth is you catch and release the trophies, hoping they'll fight your arms once again.

Conclusion follows the premises whether rational, logical, reasonable or not, afterbirth
Last sound, last word before you kiss your mama goodnight, I love you ma, just kiddin'
Face slap/tap & a good night my boy from Ma, that was like the theme of Rare Earth
Slow down, movin' faster than 80 in a 55 so, continue for a fine & wreckless driving sin.

Ferocious cats and snakes or rabid beasts of prey continue the life line survive & thrive
On or off of the MRI scanner the radiation records anomalys in the field of focus alive
You know like I know things that others don't know, some will never know yet, we will
On your mark, set, one for the money & two for the show, three to get ready & 4 to GO!

Obscene or sacred rites to conjure the ghosts who come in the form of leftist Marxist
Doing the philosophical colloquium in Sicily's old town was the ticket, die the hardest
Sentenced to death by jumping off a cliff, tried to fly before I hit the ground running
As I suspected the soul & angel became One, my preflight was only my basic training.

Flight mode for the hunt and the air fight for dominance of the victor's nest, so high
Upper atmosphere in the stratosphere, the air's thin but the breathers are mighty
Freaks of nature, a genetic aberration of random, recombinant genes, necessary bull
A condition preceding and forgiving trespasses against us & our kin, the Void & Null.
Steel and basket balls rolling and bowling the pins down into the gutters with hobos
All there ever was after high school and college was the promise to breathe in blues
When the ending comes, you won't be warned, you'll just be dead & gone mortal sins
Blinded by faith in the afterlife light out of this world, underground, earthly coffins.

Here is perfect and here is the opposite imperfect, yin and yang of the Zen koan line:
You say One word up now:  A thought I think I'll bow to: Dog God kneeled cuttin'
I believe in nothing I can't know for certain, uncertainty principles buried in a mine
Way down deep inside the love, the heart's inner sanctum, if & only if God is, I'm All in.
r j j  stephan, i
c.  Dimanche, August XXth, MMXXIII Anno Domini @ 303 PMPST
{ Kracked this out the noggin' in twenty minutes with nothing better to do than to listen to AC/DC @ 10-27-1977 on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/LeVAHvuCpdQ }

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