Getting into the middle of the circle, the square, the triangle or any obtuse angle of Mind
Inside where words don’t apply, it’s an awareness that you’re here & now, ain’t dead yet
Although, any moment today or tomorrow although it wasn’t yesterday’s pitch black hole
Not only do I want to survive Death, but I’ve been programmed to expect a kick in my soul.
No savior for me or for you even though you desire this One with all of your heart’s blood
On deck with all the hands you need to power the unmoved mover, carrying aircraft might
Are you both here and now but also aware of the pending doom in an ultraviolet stoplight
Punks born from spoiled brats & had no moral compass, spread out, The Arc’s great flood.
I am not the public’s enemy but the enemy of the public never likes folks like gangster tools
Contents of the massive, fertile mind just outside of Earth’s atmosphere, well, there’s fools
No obligation of things that don’t think, Nothing is responsible for a divinely caused whore
Used to ante up and bet the raise or call the bluff, gold & silver at the center grocery store.
Now then, getting over the mystified leap of faith that you’re gonna run out of Time in Space
As the Earth’s dirt and rock support the blood running, water running & political loss of face
That’s all below the empty void around this planet and everything we know about Ink Blots
Outside of Earth’s atmosphere, Nothing identifies itself to astronauts & astral camera shots.
It’s a critical condition to be in a helicopter that runs smack into another in a mid-air stunt
But it may not be worse than dying without knowing if your Ego survives the flower blunt
Superlative Ego & Id in charge of the funk you’ve immersed within, a doctor would, a PhD
Not a surgeon or a psychiatrist, just being all too human is more than enough, Godseye’s Z
Offending your defense prior to your retaliation with your own inferior offense, boomer
No accident to be named ‘sound’ of One final noise the animals will hear, soul collector
Sonic boom out of nowhere means something broke the speed of sound barrier above
Look out below a separated air pocket as it repatriates to its previous boom boom love.
Formed shape, cosmic, atomic matter of H2O & heavy metals, wavelength low abstract
This is the one and the same thing as it’s always bee\n & it always will be, a Life’s Facts
Harmony in the end on the way through the unintended chaos, bareback ridin’ a mule
Roadies on tour, stage hands, the ends justify the means, explode & make us the fool.
Spy on your friends, family and everybody else, that will give you the lowdown on it
No more time left in Space once your last gasp blows away into the great lake’s spirit
You may have moved to and fro since the first suck of air inside of St. Ann’s maternity
Decades of months, 740 or more months, maybe less, I’ve lost some time to destiny.
Inside where words don’t apply, it’s an awareness that you’re here & now, ain’t dead yet
Although, any moment today or tomorrow although it wasn’t yesterday’s pitch black hole
Not only do I want to survive Death, but I’ve been programmed to expect a kick in my soul.
No savior for me or for you even though you desire this One with all of your heart’s blood
On deck with all the hands you need to power the unmoved mover, carrying aircraft might
Are you both here and now but also aware of the pending doom in an ultraviolet stoplight
Punks born from spoiled brats & had no moral compass, spread out, The Arc’s great flood.
I am not the public’s enemy but the enemy of the public never likes folks like gangster tools
Contents of the massive, fertile mind just outside of Earth’s atmosphere, well, there’s fools
No obligation of things that don’t think, Nothing is responsible for a divinely caused whore
Used to ante up and bet the raise or call the bluff, gold & silver at the center grocery store.
Now then, getting over the mystified leap of faith that you’re gonna run out of Time in Space
As the Earth’s dirt and rock support the blood running, water running & political loss of face
That’s all below the empty void around this planet and everything we know about Ink Blots
Outside of Earth’s atmosphere, Nothing identifies itself to astronauts & astral camera shots.
It’s a critical condition to be in a helicopter that runs smack into another in a mid-air stunt
But it may not be worse than dying without knowing if your Ego survives the flower blunt
Superlative Ego & Id in charge of the funk you’ve immersed within, a doctor would, a PhD
Not a surgeon or a psychiatrist, just being all too human is more than enough, Godseye’s Z
Offending your defense prior to your retaliation with your own inferior offense, boomer
No accident to be named ‘sound’ of One final noise the animals will hear, soul collector
Sonic boom out of nowhere means something broke the speed of sound barrier above
Look out below a separated air pocket as it repatriates to its previous boom boom love.
Formed shape, cosmic, atomic matter of H2O & heavy metals, wavelength low abstract
This is the one and the same thing as it’s always bee\n & it always will be, a Life’s Facts
Harmony in the end on the way through the unintended chaos, bareback ridin’ a mule
Roadies on tour, stage hands, the ends justify the means, explode & make us the fool.
Spy on your friends, family and everybody else, that will give you the lowdown on it
No more time left in Space once your last gasp blows away into the great lake’s spirit
You may have moved to and fro since the first suck of air inside of St. Ann’s maternity
Decades of months, 740 or more months, maybe less, I’ve lost some time to destiny.
r j j stephan, i
c. Lundi, August VIIth 2023 Anno Domini @ 8:45 PMPST{ Jacked out of the matrix while jammin’ to @JohnCougar #AintThatAmerica https://youtu.be/jJKF14y6JqA }
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