
Friday, September 01, 2023

#BlackCoffee #RhymedTime #GotWhatIPaidFor #Freedom

Hesitation WAR IN HADES!
Don’t quote me but I’m just sayin’, you get what you pay for or train for on the government’s mules
Taxes paid by IRS worshipers who pay the taxes for ones who don’t, sounds incredible, we be fools
All in my mind I’m going to go out on a limb, nobody agrees that all human adults are intelligent life
No apology for saying or thinking about the final cut, extinction of species, all too humane sharp knife.

A species’ survival is in the hands of a group of #NobodyKnowsWho but there’s no need to worry, bud
Everything under this sun-star in the middle of heaven shining down here on my tomatoes & cow cud
Evolution and revolution occurs in retrograde until the Singularity pokes the fourth dimension of Time
If and only if the human brain is mindful at the moment of the #BigWhimper then it will drop a dime.

I stepped into the exact same river twice when I was told that the action was impossible, but wait
There’s more where gods come from, watch #Signs appearing everywhere, blows your mind, Fate
Hardly a second will tick off the ticker without your own physical heart doin’ all the work, fortune
Hope you have some because the predators still roam Earth, robbers who used to go to jail soon.

No more, let them eat cake, the judges say it’s a joke & their job is to be the joker, circuit to supreme
No difference between the immoral & unethical, yet very different from the moral & ethical scheme
Good guys and gals against the bad guys and gals, they take no responsibility for societal obligations
So, when we catch the children of welfare and their parents on disability, they’re in the morgue bins.

A slab for everyone of us because we don’t let the corpses rot in the street or alleys with the trash
Our trash collectors and our embalming/incinerating groups keep the civilization from volcanic ash
Caves in hills, mountains & under seven seas without H2O, Earth appears as a solitary, holy potato
Y’all know things epistemologically, but you are Alone with the fact that only one whistle can blow.

Final alert before your next move, this is a chess game & it will end eventually, engage in Something
You’re gonna die today or someday without my opinion, Ai is devolving back into the idiots who sing
Songs played and sung by those with ears to hear and emotions to feel within, as if meant to sunset
Which all of That is all of This? Questions, answers, First Cause & Last Effect, y’all be in It, to win It!

In and out of your mouth deep down through the ears into the skull’s brain, your mama & your pa
Historically hysterical as the Truth is the way it was in a wild imaginary world, a random mix of DNA
Need something more or less to put inside of the vacuum hole you see, 8 miles above your fat face
Nothing bad about being fat, means you’ve stored energy efficiently for future starvation diet pace.
r j j stephan, i

c. Friday, September 1, 2023 @ 911 AMPST

{ Conceptual analysis & rhythm of the rhyme merged while listenin’ to #SlowYourRoll https://youtu.be/0eERCG_pBUs?si=Yk1AyGT45BBW0dJ6  #BrothersOsbourne & #Everlast https://youtu.be/Le-vlctnPLM?si=r5NnEosofVMcAkmZ }




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