Long knives sharpened for the feast to fatten the quarry for the slaughter, it’s all the same old news Vicious cats and dogs were conceived to be alive and hunt for the tools of survival, a bite, killer here
For the sake of the family, the herd needs things done due to their leaning toward extinction blues
Can’t defend yourself or your family so you are the food for the rest of us who drink blood & beer.
Fish swim below the surface, there to be caught, killed & devoured, like spiders and snakes in a pit
Dreamer dreams, wakes up to find nothing more nor less than another dream in the dream, da s#it
You’re an instrument & then you wonder why you get played by the musicians who think into a note
Dots and lines on an 8 ½ by 11-inch page of tree-pulp pages, lighter than the ink, blues that I wrote.
For me to say what I mean and for you to know what I didn’t say, what I didn’t mean is all I ever want
Dizzy or lucid, a mind goes to waste in the end, there’s nothing to save the sane nor the imbecilic rant
Freedom ain’t just a word, it’s what can’t be secured by the dependents of Earth-muddy water & rock
Gods’ air breathed, I killed plants & animals for food to survive starvation woes, still die by a sea dock.
Gongs and bells filling the emptiness of the dawn’s sunrise, to wake up or die, plug into the AC/DC hole
In the wall or on the floor, it’s a party awaiting my presence, the power to begin is all in my right hand
I’ll set right here a spell, thinking about it, I know I am here and now, I don’t know why but I’m on a roll
Down the alley, ‘tween gutters, 3-hole ball’s sliding, turning & hooking into a 1-2-3 pocket’s strikeland.
Pushed and pulled until completely useless and limp, unable to do anything but swing with the inertia
Collapsed as all things must be in the end, everything into a Singularity of Black Holes, religion hysteria
Are you following the argument from premises to inductions and deductions even Plato couldn’t deny
Conditional as the word ‘if’ is, there is nothing more nor less than fire, Time is naturally, a One scat fly.
Frozen to melted into liquid gold and lead, the gods are good since they don’t exist in Time & Space
Freedom from Gravity and forces of revolution around one of the many stars of fake infinity’s face
No regard for any needs or wants of the thing itself, 208 bones and 650 muscles move the unmoved
Why you sang this song only God knows, maybe nobody knows, before the Big Bang, gods grooved.
Into the vinyl or magnetic tape or media from the aliens who never show, sound & sight fade to ice
Gas to liquid to hard rock, that’s the line between life and death, animation and utter dissolution dice
Dots from one through six on each of the six sides, one is a die & two or more are dice for a cash cow
Up against a wall or just in a circular jerk of friends and rivals who want nothing but all you have now.
Everyone has no idea what the reason is for the miracles you & I observe during waking states of being
Knowledge and wisdom are impossible and important to succeed in the quest to stay happy, singing
Polite and rude at one and the same time, it’s a yin & yang of man & woman, ma & pa getting’ jiggy too
I thank them, I think, for carrying on & meeting me in the orgasm I am, I turned out to be nobody’s fool.
Ate pablum, drank formula, ate the candy & drank the sevens’ up & cokes before I let them eat my teeth
Needed teeth to eat and the sugar needed to eat the teeth, dentists recommended more, I did a lot less
Finding a line to the destination was anticlimactic, I knew the sole answer, soul couldn’t believe or see it
Nothing before the light, nothing after the light, nothing before anything at all, a universal high bong hit.
r j j stephan, i
c. Lundi, Freezember IVth MMXXIII Anno Domini @ 1111 AMPST
{ Knocked the filling out of the hardball while jammin’ to #LetGoAndLetTheUniverseWorkItAllOut link @ https://youtu.be/sYeijcrgCSE?si=OWN2n8y-unAQexED }
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