AGAIN, 1, 2, 3 & … 4
Who knows what the unknown will bring today or tomorrow in or out of cyberspace
Nice dreams before you awaken from the deep sleeps granted by nervous systems
High or low, above or below, in any & every case, it’s all about the styles of customs
Making Earth spin & wobble is the mystery that can’t be solved by a spaceman face.
Mint taste, sweet brown sugar, cream of the wheat & whey of the dream fields abroad
Seven continents twixt two poles of smashed rock dust and a liquid gas combo H2O
Cosmic random, accidental mix of menudo, incomprehensible while all the time, high
Never down so low that it’s impossible to rise back up to the top, the Cream don’t die.
It’s up on top of the surface because of it’s lightweight nature, like a cloud in a blue sky
Pieces of the wisdom passed on from ape to ape is right here, right now, it’s free to fly
High or low, for the pleasure of the hunt, the kill of the moving thing, to eat its dead si
Finale, automated response of the causes to the responses, spontaneous causation.
Horns flowin’ the nerves down in a random jazz recollection of how to do nothing well
Up & down the scales creating an unrepeatable memory to apply ad infinitum, in hell
Highlighted in cold-dark with a photosynthetic magic-marker, a fuscia colored mess
Bongos beating the congas to the rhythm’s rhyme with the words that got made flesh.
Stay on track, we’re only moving forward, never going in reverse to return for a favor
All intent of your mind, intent of my mind, all intention is in our power to create a door
Locked, open wide, nothing to worry about since we’re master of the slave cylinders
Acceleration of light is approaching the disappearing act when Nothing has borders.
Hey, feel the beats and move to and fro, try to segway into another after the last one
Already gone into the idea of the good, bad & ugly being all there is in the cosmic fun
What else do you need? You have it all, all there is, in my mind’s eye twisted shout
Energy, sunshine, grown seeds into forms to consume or die trying not to eat it out.
Round house to the left side of the head, backfist to the temple, lips blow men down
There are no ‘buts’ about it, command demands immediate, predictable mind blown
Such as the only way to leave this planet is death, a vision in the mind then all caput
Systems shut-down the atomic, molecular flow of polyunsaturated fat’s erg output.
Get this, you get it, comprehend the bones that live and die without knowing a thing
Before your eyes that can’t see the Truth through the forest of Unknown bull’s scat
Leftovers like breadcrumbs left on a path to show the return of 20/20 visions to sing
Remind the innocent children who were produced by the ones who are done dying.
Write it on the walls, on the paperbacks, inside the hardcovers, in cyberspace void
Answers came immediately as questions arose from the wild & the innocent afraid
Worked and played from seven to seventy, just enough to make the full Monty I sent
Predicated as above, so below, schooled in rules, given crimes, cruel punishment.
Someday, sometime in the not-too-distant future there will be a reckoning to be me
I want this skin & bones, all organs & functioning critical mass between my two ears
Want what the desire hangs on to, peace, love & happiness for better or worse fears
Killed my food, Life killed & packaged, joy to eat dead pies in see-thru lairs by the sea.
I smelt the perfume on your neck when you left the house, y’all ain’t rollin’ a joint
Who is it gonna be, me or whomever you think sees you in their hot bathroom mirror
Peers are unknown ‘x’ factors in the equation of inequality, a paradigm case’s point
Don’t blame the nuns, priests, ministers, preachers or masters who have no fear.
You will never know things for certain, all knowledge is suspected to be falsely true
It took an event that happened from the memory of a man or woman who told a tale
Either close to or right on the money, we assume the Truth because we must, my son
Truth is, anything that sceptics can question & deny, rational induction & deduction.
Upon the stage without an audience, a one man show, star of the Broadway strippers
Blown horns, beats on the skins, strings whining, voice of One singin’ for interlopers
Took over your house, didn’t sign a contract, homesteaded on a stolen football puntin’
Heartache tonight, cut the power, electric and hot water, no radio, no TV, dead huntin’.
In the long run, she’ll will pan out, gold tumbles to the sea by the southern cross I sent
Higher than anyone wants to live other than the Himalayan monks & Yeti Bigfeet boots
You get the picture in any language from Aramaic to Persian Zoroastrian demonic roots
Humility reeks in the upper crust of ½ baked goods, odor’s all too human, One’s scent.
Who knows what the unknown will bring today or tomorrow in or out of cyberspace
Nice dreams before you awaken from the deep sleeps granted by nervous systems
High or low, above or below, in any & every case, it’s all about the styles of customs
Making Earth spin & wobble is the mystery that can’t be solved by a spaceman face.
Mint taste, sweet brown sugar, cream of the wheat & whey of the dream fields abroad
Seven continents twixt two poles of smashed rock dust and a liquid gas combo H2O
Cosmic random, accidental mix of menudo, incomprehensible while all the time, high
Never down so low that it’s impossible to rise back up to the top, the Cream don’t die.
It’s up on top of the surface because of it’s lightweight nature, like a cloud in a blue sky
Pieces of the wisdom passed on from ape to ape is right here, right now, it’s free to fly
High or low, for the pleasure of the hunt, the kill of the moving thing, to eat its dead si
Finale, automated response of the causes to the responses, spontaneous causation.
Horns flowin’ the nerves down in a random jazz recollection of how to do nothing well
Up & down the scales creating an unrepeatable memory to apply ad infinitum, in hell
Highlighted in cold-dark with a photosynthetic magic-marker, a fuscia colored mess
Bongos beating the congas to the rhythm’s rhyme with the words that got made flesh.
Stay on track, we’re only moving forward, never going in reverse to return for a favor
All intent of your mind, intent of my mind, all intention is in our power to create a door
Locked, open wide, nothing to worry about since we’re master of the slave cylinders
Acceleration of light is approaching the disappearing act when Nothing has borders.
Hey, feel the beats and move to and fro, try to segway into another after the last one
Already gone into the idea of the good, bad & ugly being all there is in the cosmic fun
What else do you need? You have it all, all there is, in my mind’s eye twisted shout
Energy, sunshine, grown seeds into forms to consume or die trying not to eat it out.
Round house to the left side of the head, backfist to the temple, lips blow men down
There are no ‘buts’ about it, command demands immediate, predictable mind blown
Such as the only way to leave this planet is death, a vision in the mind then all caput
Systems shut-down the atomic, molecular flow of polyunsaturated fat’s erg output.
Get this, you get it, comprehend the bones that live and die without knowing a thing
Before your eyes that can’t see the Truth through the forest of Unknown bull’s scat
Leftovers like breadcrumbs left on a path to show the return of 20/20 visions to sing
Remind the innocent children who were produced by the ones who are done dying.
Write it on the walls, on the paperbacks, inside the hardcovers, in cyberspace void
Answers came immediately as questions arose from the wild & the innocent afraid
Worked and played from seven to seventy, just enough to make the full Monty I sent
Predicated as above, so below, schooled in rules, given crimes, cruel punishment.
Someday, sometime in the not-too-distant future there will be a reckoning to be me
I want this skin & bones, all organs & functioning critical mass between my two ears
Want what the desire hangs on to, peace, love & happiness for better or worse fears
Killed my food, Life killed & packaged, joy to eat dead pies in see-thru lairs by the sea.
I smelt the perfume on your neck when you left the house, y’all ain’t rollin’ a joint
Who is it gonna be, me or whomever you think sees you in their hot bathroom mirror
Peers are unknown ‘x’ factors in the equation of inequality, a paradigm case’s point
Don’t blame the nuns, priests, ministers, preachers or masters who have no fear.
You will never know things for certain, all knowledge is suspected to be falsely true
It took an event that happened from the memory of a man or woman who told a tale
Either close to or right on the money, we assume the Truth because we must, my son
Truth is, anything that sceptics can question & deny, rational induction & deduction.
Upon the stage without an audience, a one man show, star of the Broadway strippers
Blown horns, beats on the skins, strings whining, voice of One singin’ for interlopers
Took over your house, didn’t sign a contract, homesteaded on a stolen football puntin’
Heartache tonight, cut the power, electric and hot water, no radio, no TV, dead huntin’.
In the long run, she’ll will pan out, gold tumbles to the sea by the southern cross I sent
Higher than anyone wants to live other than the Himalayan monks & Yeti Bigfeet boots
You get the picture in any language from Aramaic to Persian Zoroastrian demonic roots
Humility reeks in the upper crust of ½ baked goods, odor’s all too human, One’s scent.
Music played into my ears, poured out of the output in people, places & things at large
Part of the live reason for the presence we enjoy here & now is because we’re runnin’
The Dozens & scams behind games people play, road’s gonna end, don’t know when
It’s now already when it used to be soon, way back when it was an unknown in charge.
Now we have this here & that there, all pronouns with verbs and the conjunctions jive
Flight of the Eagle birds is a reflection of knowledge that your spirit, your soul, it’s alive
Found out a long time ago but nobody agreed with my evaluation of the thing itself, AI
Regarding the first subject examined and the final objective synopsis on the bull’s eye.
Raining when the sun shines because we’re under the thunderstorm’s cumulus clouds
Earth is wobbling & spinning counter-clockwise, an axis fake, imaginary ecliptic kicks
Blind faith opened eyes, First Cause of the Last Effect in reverse sequence, bottoms up
Tops down so you get the salty sea wind blown in your face, pain burned into the scars.
Now, I found out you put me on the shelf with the Plato & Aristotle junk about Socrates
Pinpointing the whole reason for being alive is wondering why you exist here in Hades
Hell ain’t a bad place to be, ask the astronauts who’ve been in empty Space for days
Back to the ground of being is good, well, better than Nothing, it’ll never be the same!
You got the same key I’ve got to open the locker door, all you need’s right in there, hung
Onto the drips and drags of the slow poke who will get to the end eventually, bell rung
I’ll tell you what mama told me if you promise not to make fun of me callin’ my daddy
Listen closely to what I say, probably won’t repeat ever again, love ya lassie & laddy.
Son, there’s more than a sun up above, it’s a power unlike the forces we know on Earth
No analogy with any person, place or thing that we have any words for, my useful idiots
Worry like a roadie makin’ certain that the show goes on, on point timing for afterbirth
Dripping envy’s courage, brave in the face of pending doom, heroism of God’s robots.
In the long run, you talk about it, smoke & drink on it, awaken by the results of bad juju
Leather & lace in the long run extend the final result to one last toke of breath, a Mumu
Jinx taboos created by toxic reactions to Earth’s plant dust, mainlined, drank, smoked
Heart & soul transit to Nirvana with a dove, a parrot & a bald eagle, forever I’m stoked!
Doctors and nurses appear on the first day of your birth, without crying you don’t fold
So, slapped on the crack, you begin the journey of carrying on in the wonderful world
Whether karma applies or not, It’s laughing & crying & it may be too late, we’re tools
Known rules, gifts of gab, pearls of the wise I’m livin’ on, dead & gone kinfolk, all fools.
r j j stephan, i
c. Samedhi, Janvier XXVIIth MMXXIV Anno Domini @ 911 AMPST
{ Drafted while jammin’ to @.38Special #HITS on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/ElvEFRdd3zQ }
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