
Sunday, February 04, 2024

@BoJackHorseman #FullMonty etc, etc, etc . . . mash potatoe chips' tips ....look out below! @LukeCombs & @TracyChapman duet ...bottoms' UP!

Just too busy thinking about us because you were dreaming about the missing links of Ever
It’s walks in the moonlight on the beach or at the park that made it all worthwhile, forever
It’s not a problem, I just didn’t see it comin’, a fast ball right down the middle of the plate
Man, it’s a battle, no it’s a war of the millennia and I’m on the way to losin’ my stride’s gait.

Fine lines between the parallel winner’s cups, above and below got covered up by star dirt
Light and dark come from the holy spirit within the Catholics, nobody else got any, that hurt
Why the creator would leave out the atheists who can’t believe their own eyes and ears noise
Flying like an eagle or dove won’t help the all too human point of view, It fades to black, boys.

Daughters and sons I didn’t have will be happy for eternity, I am irresponsible for not procreating
More of the fodder for the fathers who never cared about MY fathers, brothers or cousins of bling
They worked, they played, they lived happy and sad, buried the loved, gasped & left eyes wide open
No choice, no freedom to choose not to croak in your bed, in your truck or in a church pew, I’m ZEN.

You laugh, you’ll die without that last bottle of wine & walk in the moonlight & some foolin’ around
Magazines got pictures, you got the real thing you thought was just a stepping stone on the mound
Pitchin’ the balls from 90 feet or whatever the distance from rubber to home is, brushed back punks
Crowded the plate, on the left and the right but I shaved their chest & nose hairs off their sick junk.

Not everyone dies when the body gives up the ghost, some living humans believe they live forever
Almighty words written on the cave walls & the dead pulp of the life’s blood trees, burn or learn it
Words of subjects, predicates, objects strung into phrases, sentences, paragraphs & bottles of wine
In the end, taking the time to listen, you find a thrill in finding out, joke’s another lost fruit of a vine.

Party until you sleep or die trying to have a good time because the reverse is what you run from fast
Nothing more nor less than surprise that you’re an invisible lump of scarcely a soul at all, but alas
Gods don’t give a twist in the night about your opine of the situation, housing unknown, food gone
No job, no money, no way to see past the railroad tracks, Maria got hit by a truck in front of daddy’s.

Poor then better and then depression from the moment the unspeakable, unthinkable occurs, smack
In the face of shock-jock minds too busy being all too human, fabulous snap happiness turned sorrow
Time away in the country slowing down & fooling around, drinkin’ wine, smokin’ on the porch in back
Tracing you & your packaging from the original sin to the finish line above or below the stones below.

Don’t stab the messenger because you’ll find the knife slicing through blood & bone that began here
Where you think you want to be, here and now, isn’t the place you’re gonna go to, but it’s too soon
It ain’t for a small reason that you are ignorant, it would kill you if you knew, I’m just an ape’s baboon
Came from Nothing, literally, before I was conceived in my mother’s empty womb, I had no fool fear.

I walk, I scooted and crawled and I can run but I can’t fly, I won’t try to jump off of a cliff & clap hands
Get the bums and junkies to repair their queer, closed minds, damaged by the chemistry of thrill fans
Killed the game, ate the spoils & died of poison blood & stomach aches, karma needed to bite it back
Function of the pyramid from bottoms up to the top is just to be or not to be, so there’s no question.

Full tank but I came up empty of the smoke and mirror images leftover by the DNA & RNA codex fix
They called it lust, love or just getting’ it on for a minute like a cough or a sneeze, but it ain’t no tricks
Proper language leaves behind the meaning of absurdity and solid jokes about dumb MFrs in charge
Of men & mice who notice the facts of life are rigged without free choice, only One lives that large.

Rats and roaches leftover from the holocaust’s ashen dust, hopes resurrected death spirals in utero
It must be the past if you say so, it’s this future that nobody knows except to speculate friend & foe
Who is the enemy of the civilized but the savages of the seven continents, tribes of egos that all die
One way or another, you got a code, texted S.O.S. FedEx, UPS ground or airborne, four walls of a fly.

I never wanted to be fabulous, that was your intent to become the one who is the epitome of OMG
Hell on Earth is just a way of expressing not applying the Will to Power, making dreams come up free
Price is free of charge, because billionaires never pay for anything, it’s the diamonds or the lace gems
Cartoon-films, recollections of memorable experiences, inaccurate, embellished without raps & dams.

At the undertaker, at the wake, at the funeral, in the ground’s being dead & gone, ash & bone earned
Joke was on you that you’d know why you knew me for a minute or three, mom didn’t abort, it honed
House of cards fallen, Bridge, Spades, Hearts, Poker, Old Maid or another shuffle of paper rectangulars
Quadrilateral will drive you insane with the lines of angular trajectory, joke is on you, got your jugular.

World spins they say, it looks like wind is blowing clouds by from the south or the north, westward HO
Nothing is there when everything becomes the Void, intended by the Power I can only conceive, not be
Nutshell philosophy, y’all sat down too long and your gluteus max’s are asleep, legs tingling to backflow
Bars all empty at 2 AM, god spirits all remain, y’all slow down, drunk drivin’ in the land of foo-foo free.
r j j stephan, i

c. Dimanche, February 4, 2024, 6:66 AMPST

{ Collected tidbits that fell off the back of the truck last night about 2:00 AMPST, jacked it up while jammin’ to #TooBusyBeingFabulous #GroundHogDayAgain on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/hsDX5V1Jw-M?si=iFf0oG_sPP3hP26f }


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