w.a.r. band of gypsies do GET DOWN
The border is secure, believe me, there’s no Trojan horses at our coasts, copy a holy montage SsssssssssssbootliquorssssssssssssS
Murder your freedom by following the ten commandments & the one Golden Rule of old age
Yes, if you ain’t a teenager anymore, this is the medicine for you to swallow without a chaser
Lucky if you have ‘income’ & unlucky without a job or friendly face anywhere in your insight.
Wake up every morning in a field under a cardboard box for privacy, next to the RR track path
A switching yard a half a block from the first landing on home turf in utero, no way to know it
Accidental intent learned from the wisdom of the ancients, to be or not to be unconscious too
As you roam from pace to pace, through the gnarled valley of happiness and sadness’ screw.
It never was your fault yet you’ve been persuaded to accept responsibility for souless singing
Regardless of your slant of the heart bleeding on the Valentine’s saints to forgive mortal sins
Despair is out of the rhetorical question, end of life’s last gasp realized this years ago, winning
You don’t know like I know & since nobody knows, we must be nobody, it’s prodigal, my sons!
By the by, near coastal wasteland that no man has eye witnessed, it’s invisible to a third eye
Four eyes or even spyglasses have no effect on seeing atoms of invisible radiation, so get high
Check the planted seeds, the nurturing & DNA manipulation of the genome, bleed the salary
Higher than you can handle, you don’t want to go there alone, you won’t like a night gallery.
Meaning nothing more nor less than you’re damned if you do, damned if you up & down hell
Noodle this out, at One Origin, before your conception you didn’t exist, now you’re immortal
Come on man, use logic, subjective, objective predication to see the light, ultraviolet, infrared
I’ve nothing but a skull to show for this LOVE evolution from a zygote, I think ashes are dead!
No evidence of survival after the 208 bones can’t support your ambitious dreams of a ghost
Which is what moves you & everything else that’s alive on Earth, probably cosmic-wide too
No way to know it, epistemological uncertainty, a principle of the Unmoved Mover re-groove
Constant principle is a state ‘tween #PopTart bubbles in a Void, St. Valentine, love, MY Love!
r j j stephan, i
Mercredi, 2-14-2024 Anno Domini @ 666 AMPST
{ drafted for my sweet love C.A.S. <3 }
<3 <3

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