I got a line on the hashtags in front of the love & hate speech drippin’ out of your genius lips Speak easy like a beatnik in a smokey dining room with expressive espressos & China cups
Jellybeans for everybody even sugarless for the diabetic getting ready to give up the ghosts
Out of their poor organic lifestyle, your mother & father conceived you & your little sisters.
Passing like ships in the night, nothing can be seen without the dawn of light upon the word
Microphone is &ou didn’t know as you whispered the phrase, “These idiots are morons.”
Now they know you think that they’re idiotic morons, you’ve got no backup & can’t recant
Liars and deceivers cannot be trusted further than a cluster of lung butter coughing paint.
Mucous membranes cannot be breached if you get my drift, I am in benefit mode of luck
Everything you need to be happy is available & denied to all, you get what you can, smuck
Blood in your dried-up spirit that you spat out with mighty mickey mouse & a woodpecker
Cartoons stuck in the past, only the road runner wins in the end, ask all the coyotes’ I fear.
Hear their howls in the night at the full moon that scares them in the darkness, live & die
All they know in their packs is that they live and they die, on to the light, dead or alive high
Mental illness is physical illness and the only way to get out of this life without holy guilt
Bums and the junkies who turn into the leaders of the packs of malcontent ocean silt.
How are you? You won’t be fine when you have your door broken down, pitch your tents
All blue, red or white in the form of coagulated mother’s milk from a statue of fake Liberty
Hard liquor drunks & heroin addicts of superman Kryptonite eat the world, ladies & gents
Unintelligent life not found on Earth by alien UFO’s, passing in & out of Time, a Space key.
Knuckles are folded into fists, they’re bloody good & bloody well right, you tube is blown
Kids wearing their hand-me-down clothes from my siblings and cousins, Truth is unknown
As above, so below you see what you get, if you’re blind you get nothing and nothing less
Nothing cannot be seen & when you’re blind you can’t see something either, so undress.
Look forward to a final gasp of gas like your ancestors who feared that funeral pyre, son
I can’t believe there’s nothing but this and that, life & death for no apparent good reason
Ill conceived, born, lived & died like all of them, the good, the bad & ugly, simply the best
All or none of the above answers for this multiple-choice exam, extra credit as a final test.
I’m the wolf who did the huffin’ & puffin’ to blow your ill-reputed house down, recycled you
Back to the future where nobody but you will know you’ve snapped in the time warp glue
Everything is nothing and vice versa as well, it’s a silly proposition without a logical ending
No rational conclusion deduced or induced from propositions without veracity, pretending.
Being serious or joking like a joker without funny jokes, forgetting the punch lines on cue
We’re not worthy of being in the presence of great women & men, just forget about it too
It won’t change with Time in this Space, a First Cause will not repeat & Last Effect is Void
Points from A to B to C, drawn lines make the triangle, inflated into 3D pyramid & cuboid.
Truth is false and the lies are all true, words are fluid without in-cursive meaning to the gods
To humanity and the other animals slippin’ into my awareness before dismissal in hotrods
I can do the quarter mile in 9 seconds flat, lookin’ to break into 8 but my rig starts flyin’ high
So above it is and below it must be, no chance for error, Truth is set, when you die, you Die!
r j j stephan, i
c. Mercredi, April XXIVth , MMXXIV @222 PMPST
{ Tracked this pablum out of the bottom of quicksand in the mind, while listenin’ to #CosmicCoolerOfMe @ https://youtu.be/Mr1JCXN_8v4?si=JtD3_RHYbdpIlcz_ }
<3 ONE LOVE <3
Jellybeans for everybody even sugarless for the diabetic getting ready to give up the ghosts
Out of their poor organic lifestyle, your mother & father conceived you & your little sisters.
Passing like ships in the night, nothing can be seen without the dawn of light upon the word
Microphone is &ou didn’t know as you whispered the phrase, “These idiots are morons.”
Now they know you think that they’re idiotic morons, you’ve got no backup & can’t recant
Liars and deceivers cannot be trusted further than a cluster of lung butter coughing paint.
Mucous membranes cannot be breached if you get my drift, I am in benefit mode of luck
Everything you need to be happy is available & denied to all, you get what you can, smuck
Blood in your dried-up spirit that you spat out with mighty mickey mouse & a woodpecker
Cartoons stuck in the past, only the road runner wins in the end, ask all the coyotes’ I fear.
Hear their howls in the night at the full moon that scares them in the darkness, live & die
All they know in their packs is that they live and they die, on to the light, dead or alive high
Mental illness is physical illness and the only way to get out of this life without holy guilt
Bums and the junkies who turn into the leaders of the packs of malcontent ocean silt.
How are you? You won’t be fine when you have your door broken down, pitch your tents
All blue, red or white in the form of coagulated mother’s milk from a statue of fake Liberty
Hard liquor drunks & heroin addicts of superman Kryptonite eat the world, ladies & gents
Unintelligent life not found on Earth by alien UFO’s, passing in & out of Time, a Space key.
Knuckles are folded into fists, they’re bloody good & bloody well right, you tube is blown
Kids wearing their hand-me-down clothes from my siblings and cousins, Truth is unknown
As above, so below you see what you get, if you’re blind you get nothing and nothing less
Nothing cannot be seen & when you’re blind you can’t see something either, so undress.
Look forward to a final gasp of gas like your ancestors who feared that funeral pyre, son
I can’t believe there’s nothing but this and that, life & death for no apparent good reason
Ill conceived, born, lived & died like all of them, the good, the bad & ugly, simply the best
All or none of the above answers for this multiple-choice exam, extra credit as a final test.
I’m the wolf who did the huffin’ & puffin’ to blow your ill-reputed house down, recycled you
Back to the future where nobody but you will know you’ve snapped in the time warp glue
Everything is nothing and vice versa as well, it’s a silly proposition without a logical ending
No rational conclusion deduced or induced from propositions without veracity, pretending.
Being serious or joking like a joker without funny jokes, forgetting the punch lines on cue
We’re not worthy of being in the presence of great women & men, just forget about it too
It won’t change with Time in this Space, a First Cause will not repeat & Last Effect is Void
Points from A to B to C, drawn lines make the triangle, inflated into 3D pyramid & cuboid.
Truth is false and the lies are all true, words are fluid without in-cursive meaning to the gods
To humanity and the other animals slippin’ into my awareness before dismissal in hotrods
I can do the quarter mile in 9 seconds flat, lookin’ to break into 8 but my rig starts flyin’ high
So above it is and below it must be, no chance for error, Truth is set, when you die, you Die!
r j j stephan, i
c. Mercredi, April XXIVth , MMXXIV @222 PMPST
{ Tracked this pablum out of the bottom of quicksand in the mind, while listenin’ to #CosmicCoolerOfMe @ https://youtu.be/Mr1JCXN_8v4?si=JtD3_RHYbdpIlcz_ }
<3 ONE LOVE <3
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