This is so complicated that it’s difficult to divulge to the uninitiated, yet there’s no other option
If there is another forced free choice between the live good, the evil bad or the force’s ugly sin
All brighter than my own mind, my father’s, my grandparents’ fathers back millennia from here
Now, at this time, at this point, it’s all about the x’s & the y’s to fill in the blanks with lager beer.
I’m no expert on the subject or objects that result from the predication of the scat that’s extinct
It’s all about the Benjamins mankind invented from dirty gold in the filthy place, Earth’s ice rink
Think therefore you are thinking, all that I am & all that you are, a menudo of Supernatural chit
Cop out on cops & robbers, robbing the hood & pretending that strongest survive & deserve It.
I served those masses of the late 1950’s & early 1960’s with the holy communion, survivor ghost
Holy it was only after a priest blessed the bread with ammunition for the love of who I am most
In the lord of the rings name, there’s something deep in Nothing you dreamt of last night, caput
No waking up anymore after a last gasp, mouth agape, rigor mortis sets black sun, a zoo’s boots.
Horticultural or enculturation of the whole shebang of the conglomerate, if we are One, then…
What I am is what you are and what the rocks to the nitrogen at the stratospheric level of Zen
Myopic in microscopic compression, the soul animating the things, eaten or buried mortal’s sin
Stillborn as the abortion of the species predicts, extinction is immanent and DNA/RNA built in.
Blame it on Adam, Eve, a snake in the grass or your unwed mother of the clutched, ivory pearls
Humdinger I had once I drank the Harvey Wallbangers, relief pitcher full of strikes without balls
Mothers know in the labor of bearing the Truth into the empty walls of the darkness’ dead end
Purpose to serve, shining light on a monster, angelic one at The End of Time, freedom is all One.
Compelling my lips to move once the thoughts get translated from the brain wavelengths
Frequencies that cannot be translated into the vernacular of the culture of the tiny vultures
Emotional division of the babies at birth, comforting the crying infancy forced to pay karma
Around midnight or high noon, all of y’all will find out the absolute Truth about the big papa.
Hey, you know hay is for horses, a dash of oats to keep the digestion animating the species
Until the final birth of anything alive, we’re Alive and Kicking in the stall, then cast to the seas
North to South pole & around the circumference of this planetary anomaly, Life’s ringin’ a bell
Now, there’s not a life anywhere else in the solar system, galaxy or universe of heaven to hell.
Judging everything on its merits that either cause survival of the fit or extinction of the DNA
It’s not personal, it’s universal as the narrow way to become more than an ignorant zygote
Mitosis is what the Thing Itself does, naturally you have blind faith in the starlight fireworks
Blown to smithereens goin’ down from the Supernova’s cinders, neighborhood of the jerks.
Everything is relative and we’re all even steven with the features o the good, bad and ugly
Last gasp is immanent if you know what I mean, if you don’t know, you will, wait a minute
Lucky to awaken in a safe place without being accosted by the trolls living under the bridge
Hurting most but the only one I know that cannot be hurt, underground or upon a hot ridge.
Mailboxes are all empty, deleted & purged of the process of riding the two wheels upright
Never layin’ the frame down upon my bowlegs, breakin’ me into the road rash’s good fight
Straight up to heaven or gravitationally chosen to sink beneath the core of mother’s earth
Diamonds down there, squished into the lightening & thunder, I am, eating the afterbirth.
Finally you arrive, then you expire the USE NO LATER THAN message, swallow it anyways
Spoiled, curdled but it’s the DNA of the cheeseheads near the native American Michigan
Lake below Superior leftover from the Ice Age, when lizards roamed without a good fight
Still a bad smell down in the glades & swamps, an alligator haven for prehistoric, UV light.
Bums and junkies at the core of the apple, grew from a seed in the dirt into a tree’s leaf
Bone dry and crush to smoke in a holy pipe of peace, you’ll remain high yet become chief
Of the following innocents who couldn’t handle the Truth, it is what it is, there ain’t One
Plastic nerves filling up pitchers of lemonade with agave tequila, amour is mi amigos’ fun.
Price to pay is high, timing is the way to succeed, bad timing will crush your psyche too
A moment you’ll find at the end of life if not sooner, that’s it man, caput, it’s all over fool
Arguments with deduced inductions to lead you down a garden of Eden’s path to a pun
Tears to cry, death bell tolls happiness that can’t remain here or now, say it, It’s All done.
I recollect yesterday no more, no worries, bygones become bygones, hollow Earth is funny
Flowing and growing until the infinite parallel lines merge at the never-ending, faux eternity
Mighty, mighty spades & whities wishing that they knew the Unknown, blind faith phuq’d up
No fault divorce, shotgun marriage, common wisdom, fortune ain’t for free, wear that cup!
Balls to the wall, literally & figuratively as it is now and will always be because it’s so pretty
Auburn Dam of God, flowing rivers of H2O gravitating down from the apex, Appalachia city
Hair & scales protect the organic cement, circulation of soul in Time & Space on a mountain
Prima vera is the only Truth you need to know, especial, it’s multi bella mi amigos e amigas.
I bought the hook, the line and sinker for the cast, caught the one that got loose, gottaway
Loathing that moment of Truth, faced with Life or Death going forward, you gotta just jump
Aboard the emptiness or the clouds above you couldn’t see with the sun glassed shades’ fit
Put it into words, as understood, misinterpreted as is, as it was & will always be, Be the chit!
r j j stephan, i
c. Dimanche (Sunday) 7-21-1974 #DayMy#2SonBorn #50 #L #HeardTheCalling @Santana
{ Jacked this One up while listenin’ to #Supernatural by @CarlosSantana on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/h3e1vjlYztg }

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