
Wednesday, September 04, 2024

#PITBULL #EARTHwindAndFIRE #BONUSpicksOmine post this epic rhyme!

Y’all Gtf over it !

Gone to confession again for the 500th time & I’m just a mind in the gutter, kids
Don’t do as I do, do as I say & I’m in the position of sayin’ right now, here Covids
Vaccine my arse, virus made by China, man, we besmirch a Fauci crooked finger
In a lab, in a rat or a bat, man-made mankind, it’s one way to extinguish species.

Quit your bitchin’ about this & that, the bed you made after your folks died off too
No free choice, just get over it or die in a hole, buried if you’re lucky, eaten if not so
Human too much for me, divine not enough to pitch a fit but it’s getting’ to the point
I have every Truth I’ve heard about it all, under this sun, my pop’s name was Sonny.

I made the most of draggin’ around the heavy balls on the chains, blamed it on the kid
My friend, a Kid who said he needed Ends to be near his graveyard, close to the vest bid
Lived right across the street from the boneyard, in his mama’s basement, single mom pit
Where mama landed ‘cause she didn’t wanna waste that 4 year Catholic education chit.

Pitched my tent on the sidewalk next to the other blue and orange lean-to messed up huts
I don’t cast aspersions just sayin’ there’s garbage, refuse & excremental urination, no buts
Lawyers all gone, courts all closed for malfunction at the junction, capitol offensive doubts
Streets & sidewalks thoroughly hosed down from the dead weight of high school dropouts.

Whining still? Don’t believe me, listen to your own guilty conscience, world owes you zero
Don’t be a drag like a ball and chain, it ain’t my bag & it shouldn’t be yours even down low
Suffer in drag and underground below the civilized & inoculated, mortals dead in a century
Or even before the age of Reason, a variable that’s never an absolute, asteroid in the sea.

Apes dream of food & mates, that’s it for the pre-maggot state of being, nothing divine in it
Did I mention to quit ptchin’ a fit & to get over it sooner rather than later, life is too shorted
Whole shebang squeaks until I pitch a fit, then the oil greases the gear before a hot crash
I can’t get over it, I’ll need some help, I’ll go to confession & be forgiven for the Dana Bash.

Above and below, one and the same, nobody but I’ll die when it’s time for me to croak it
208 bones shuffle off to Buffalo or dumped in the great Lake Michigan with the fishes chit
Either way, it comes & goes, clarity and a lucid vision of what’s goin’ on here and now too
I will get over it, I can’t get over it now, it’s a badge of honor, poor little cry baby Boo-Boo!

You’re so weak, you may want to consider getting over it & get over your self, you’re a mess
High dive off the board, jack knife or backward double flip cannon-ball splash, I do confess
Point those crooked fingers back at yourself, three point at you & only one at me, now I see
It’s just an accidental crash you didn’t see comin’ & you still gotta get over it, cringe worthy.

Bring the back up with you when you come for what I call self-defensive offense, fast fists
Such a whirlwind of smacks, kicks & pokes, nobody on Earth but Bruce Lee ever manifests
If anyone says that they quit and that they’re out of the game, cuttin’ off all ties to this & that
Stop at the red light, even if there’s no traffic comin’ either way, don’t go, it’s cool alley cat.

I found a full bag of cash on my gravesite, no headstone yet, I ain’t dead yet by the stash pit
My mind was in a gutter since my parents died of living life walking in their sleep, not woke
They exited the planet warning, don’t follow me, I’m out of here, let it go, go have a hissy fit
Thoughts & results of ideas look exactly like the sh#t you can’t get over, you’re an egg yolk.

Crooked finger pointing at me when you got three of your own pointing right back at you fool
I ain’t the one who wants to live like a king, kings suck and can’t get over their mortality, I do
Follow arguments to their irrational inductions, faith in hooks, lines & sinkers choked upon
You know your big sisters and big brothers were right, it’s too late for everyone, It is all done.

Meanwhile it is academic for the losing streak aficionados wallowing in the muck and mire
Knowledge and wisdom without ignorance is the hard way, see the Truth, shock the monkey
No working for you, King of Nothing, mommy & daddy ain’t lickin’ your mortal wounds at all
Games played, you’re in them now, know rules of cheaters, y’all go have a red rubber ball.

Purpose of living awake 16 hours every day, sleeping for 8 hours every night, unknown is “X”
Nobody knows so they lay down blind faith to remind you and me of this Truth, I’ll get over it
Outside Earth is what astronauts call, not a God’s damn thing, moon 190,000 miles away
Everything’s Nothing, so insignificant it makes me wanna cry, feel sorry for myself all day.

r j j stephan i
c. Mercredi, 9-3-2024 Anno Domini @ 611 AMPST
{ Drafted while jammin’ to #EarthWindAndFire #September on youTube link @

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