
Monday, October 14, 2024

Schism without the Jism Gism, whatever... #WTH do you mean by this? #ThisMeansWAR! #HukunaMatada

All raving on about everything under the burning star, our sun 1/10th of a billion clicks
Harm done to nobody anywhere for any reason, it’s called a Christ-like self-made Man
Fear of the haters comin’ at me with the mob ahead of them, agitators of Flim-Flam
Safe or in jeopardy matters little once you bargain for the last breath reprieve, bam!

Higher than the highest snowcap-hilltop where nobody can breathe, out of O2 for us too
Caves yay deep in the crevice’s cracked up state of being, a cool monster meteor of H2O
Lost Space & found in Time’s revolutionary war, orbital trajectory in gravitational collapse
Singularity inside of this black hole, Raptors digested & disintegrated, TNT drones’ swarms.

Corks stuck into the bottle tops of wine & spirits that can’t be contained like a genie smoke
Bums and junkies calculated the odds of them surviving the night, avoiding death down low
Beneath the surfaces, infants rule your activity from first to last gulp of milk, suckin’ #woke
Eyes’ lids remained wide-open when rigor mortis attacked the cerebral cortex, attack #toke.

Taking cache bids for a contract, a dollar to a billion of them, compounded daily etc, etc, etc
When you see what every living thing sees the day you die, you’ll know for certain, it’s Ra
There has always been a creature that came after Nothing was Present, unaccounted it all
Holy of Holies, we revered the thing itself, reverence above our own parental DNA, our pall.

Bread and butter now in sight of the meal, scrumptious & delectable collectable are States
Of fifty, more or less, some on & one-off continent states you fly over of satellite blind dates
Intel gathering by UFO’s which are yo' Time-Space invaders, here they come, ready to aim
It’s Fire, like AC/DC sang out loud, twenty-one-gun salute, now, just do it, a cryin’ shame.

Baffle me & confound you to put us both in a pickle with an empty jar, 1st grade homerooms
Hardware and the less hard, dense matter is all there is in the Cosmos, no more to sing
Halls like caves between dirt-packed floors & walls, darker than yo' mama’s smokin’ wombs
Familiar with nobody’s family, the inquest of ancestors has reached it’s final, happy ending.

Caring for your name from Aaron to Zach, it’s about minimum wage to launch you to Europa
It takes five years, you’ll sleep four years and then rejuvenate for the landing on God’s papa
Where beaches and H2O mix with the lightning and thunder form the orbital friction spark
This here and that there, a thing itself forms, sees its reflection in H2O, no wavelength dark.

Bums and the junk accumulated in the wake of failure, educated by drones & angry birds
Targets have a bull’s eye, aiming for the center will hit the hole, splitting the emptiness herd
After life, after death, you ain’t here anymore, you’re nowhere to be found by anyone else
Smaller caliber than .22, a derringer of two rounds of powder to derange the mind’s aisle.

Higher than the stratosphere, empty Void brought the garbage together in a dump to stir
Construction paper, plastic & organic matter, a la pre & post-fecal out-houses submit to her
Mother Earth on a roll along a narrow path it’s always been on since the Big Bang, elliptical
Your memory of a moment before your material conception, that’s it, that’s all there is pal!

r j j stephan, i
c. Lundi, 10-14-2024 AD 222 PMPST
{ Cracked out of the nut while listenin’ to #DreamLover in a loop by @RickNelson on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/V77qc-77Rkc?si=Z5YInnY6lGtfIiJk }


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