Above and below the four corners of hell, it’s sundown bled to Earth, a firin’ pin’s pistol pow
Full metal jackets and grenades to meld on bunkers, nowhere to hide, all I know, man it’s fun
What I don’t know will hurt somebody but it won’t be me, I am prepared like the boy scouts
Imagine my dear kin, allowing yourself to be enslaved or beaten and eaten by heathen louts.
Whiskey in my magazine and bullets in my bottle, I’m a sharpshooter marksman, I’m drunk
For no reason, I got snatched from my mama before I was ready to go, no shrimps can dunk
A tankful of alcohol and medicinal herbs grown from the mother of us all, consumed by me
Laughing more than a happy man should but that’s what I do, my writing on the wall’s free.
Rocks and stones thrown from the top of the mountains to the depths of tunnels I do wander
Holy living things live, life’s a liquid, quid pro quo, a fait complet self loathing fear of thunder
Mirror image of no form or matter, living form absentee in utero and afterbirth, unto the fist
Singin’ and playin’ with the Word, lovin’ in the flesh and blood, makin’ love to the wickedest.
Rain and Fire mixing up the genome’s acid, I poke fun at the Father, the Son and Holy Ghost
I’ll be forgiven in confession by a priestly man inside a pretend, outer conscience way up high
My sins, original and mortal were trivial compared to a Big Bang and only son’s soul, the host
Yet, it is what I’ve got since the cold case in the city of Bad Smells, dead fish & rolls of the die.
At the edge of the black hole’s event horizon, infinity took a quantum leap and I just morphed
From an old man with white hair to a young man with a bald head and torso all uber-dwarfed
It appeared that I’d become ONE part of an armed band of gypsies, WORD armed, dangerous
Psychoanalyze a cowboy’s dreams and look deeply, rice patties, desserts, jungles, aw shucks!
You can never go wrong if you always know the truth about everything, you would be alright
Innocent infant to imbecile or holy child who morphs into hu-man, woman or man of light
Alabama to Alaska, California to Maine around to Hawaii, the land of the free knows it clear
Straight up ahead, to the left and to the right, to the rear and up/down, Last Call for BEER!
r j j stephan, i { *HEADER’s in honor of my brothers & sisters #WhoGaveItAll eyes down. }
c. April 12th, 2019 A.D. @ 6:66 PM PHT
{ drafted while sane and listenin’ to the Grateful Dead #Truckin’ & HITS on youTube link @ }