
Sunday, July 04, 2021

#DoThisAndDontGetMad #YoureMadArentYou? #DrunkOnTequilaOrJack

Tractors & pastures got us here in the middle of the best fortune of alternate time, alien DNA
Inside of a pickle with the vinegar that makes the cucumber's underground, a UFO rogue RNA
Than the mud and the blood that ran over the topsoil, bad men and bad women are all good
It's the facts of life that my father neglected to tell me, bark alive & then you die, it's the end.

Little girls and most if not every single boy cannot handle a truth about what I am, me thinks
An evolutionary anomaly with the luck of leprechauns and sprites with magic out of a syncs
In the same vein that you shoot the miracles of medicine, concoctions of the #AllTooHuman
Uncommon subjects predicate objects that get blamed for nuclear fission afire, scat superman.

Y'all can drink a fifth on the fourth, another round to light 'em up, but darkness can't stay hid
Movin' on with or without Double Barrel Black Jack, Smirnoff or Jim Beam and Mogan David
If you can't understand the heavy nature of the information to be understood, forgetaboutit
Heartbreaks don't matter when they happen, some come while you're drunk & high, no chit!

In or out of the hood with the cherry AK-47 in your mind's eye, One at one with a mortal sin
Middle of the path of the central road from my conception to my resolution, a granite rockin'
It ain't my fault that the river is lucky to have been used as my veins for a moment in timing
Beds no more softness from the silk of the skin over your spirit that moved me to sssss.sing.

Moving or unmoved, One is both many & still One at the same time but it's so revolutionary
To the uninformed who might agree with the Truth if they could only find out without Force
It's a sort of psychological tool for the fool, it goes like this, "Whatever you think's cool," hey
Somebody other than me is not going to know that when our heartbeats stops, it's a divorce!

Ignorance is bliss for certain, that's the Way to be happy as humans are intended to be, right?
No king or queen, no leaders of packs of these and those, us and them, give me a good fight
Against the core of the center of our planet Earth, that's where my back is, God damn i-Phone
I saw it comin' just before the switch and button went FIRE, US Navy, Air Force, Army all gone.

Seventh shot of whiskey goin' down nice and easy now, words begin movin' up & down tokes
On the page, even before the words are typed, they float from my fingers' keyboarded strokes
Life's tough y'all, y'alls ancestors gave us memories that survived y'alls mothers' skindeep fear
Seamus' course of 36 holes, fired-up cherry AK-47s, smokin' dreams away, killin' It in a mirror.

Liberty from your 208 bones & adaptively accustom to what ain't the answer to suffer, po' kid
A dead guy now plays alone, the song and you remain the same, be happy, a bull's eyes target
With or without me, targets are the necessary reason for being alive, wounded, ain't dead yet
Runnin' godsmack phantasms by my mind's eye two lips moved all 3 R's, full stop, finale skid.

Got along from the place where my six year old was abandoned in the city in 1957, stuck it in
An empty playground without a nun or a hired boy walker, forgot to take me home, it's a Sin
Abandoned so young in the middle of nowhere, putting a puzzle together, carcinogenic clues
Dreamland continued 65 years, tequila & dead flowers' THC/CBD, gimme the keys, you lose!


r j j  stephan, i
c.  Dimanche @4:44 AM with a #FifthOnTheFourth, startin' with some @Ripple & listenin' to @MorganWallen @FloridaGeorgiaLine #SummerCountry  @ https://youtu.be/cdu5b76VVag }

Friday, July 02, 2021

#MyWayTheOnlyWay #TheWay #ToBeOrNotToBeTrue #ThatsLife #SINATRA @Frankie #Happy71stAnniversary Ma & Pa July 2nd, 1950 A.D. @ChrisJanson #BeerMe

Got a wake up call the night before last, you remember what I had told you
It was a dream within a dream like the one you're havin' right now, booboo
Callin' me out & draggin' you right behind me to keep it cool, my sins to ban
Smokin' kills the fire, not impossible, why blame the burn for the fire, man?

Cracked nuts before I knew I had one, dreamin' in a dream again ad infinitum
Peculiar like my conception from the virgin's egg & the inseminator's scrotum
Finite boys and girls turned into morality & ethics enforcement for us to trace
Blue or black, either way it's all easy to trace by the tears on your & my face.

Screaming up & down the scales, drummin' skins of treetop wood, holy wind
Babies came from love and lust, admiration and jealousy of others' golden find
Babes in adult pampers, gettin' ready to become wasted in a valley, apple hill
Cannot make it up, the fiction is incredible, the Truth is forever unknown still.

Symbolic imbeciles and morons running the economic & political social Tea
Inherited systemic racism, blue blood inside runs red outside the skin's time
Sweet as a honey bee reject, a sting remains, I want no part of a fool's rhyme
Yes to the sunny days and the rain on the track that makes the slope slippery.

Off of the cliff you jump since there was nowhere else to go, had to fall down
It was a ring around the roses, you were my glass of wine, I was a shade tree
Monkeys get stung just like the rest of the apes, forms & matter unjustify Me
OK man, you get no nickel back when you're all washed up down by the river!
r j j  stephan, i
c.  Vendredi, July 2nd, 1950-1954 Anno Domini @ 07:59 AMPST
{  Redacted from sister JoJo & mom Teri & pops Al & #1Bro Al Jr. #ALL4RIP & I flung this out the #Cosmos listenin' to @Nickelback #LiveAndLoud link @ https://youtu.be/j2t7nBsH83A }

Thursday, July 01, 2021

#SINATRA #OldBlueEyesHits @BobMarley #Rastafa

In #FoldsOfHonor, the riff raff sings of the days before they died in battle, too young to die
In jungles and sand boxes, forests, undersea of the oceans, in and out of Time, we're flying
Through nowhere you can imagine, the astronauts & cosmonauts & titans of commerce go
Come back here to home and being a displaced soul isn't as easy as they were told it'd be.

In fact, a new set of rules only for them, the disconnected from gravity, dead end's kids
Like a perpetual buzzing, hissing inside of your head, not a sound for anyone else in sin
Silence for the minions who've arrived by accident or on purpose, yet deranged the Ids
Psychological machines your grandma yelled for you to watch out for, automatic rockin'.

There's no stairway to heaven and no underworld of hades for the faithfully departed set
Take my word for it, I'm a baptized, Roman Catholic skeptic leaning, atheist, one free man
Not a slave to God, not a slave to men of any kind, rich or poor, lawful citizen or incarcerate
Neverland will return evermore at any momentus event, a Big Bang of God, I am the apeman.

It ain't your fault nor is it mine but the cause is still the Cause of everything in a dirty Tball
Supermen and suprawomen have no inkling about the unfathomable, yet they redirect It
Supply and demand of the controllers without identity, maybe one, maybe more, that is all
You will stop the faith, the hope and the charity the moment, the moment. . .  ah, shi....t!

r j j  stephan, i
c.  Thursday, July 1st, 2021 A.D. @ 5:55 PMPST
{ Drafted while listenin' to #AngelzGuidance in 1111Hz @ https://youtu.be/4GmHsFr7_3A & some #SinatraInPalmSprings @https://youtu.be/uApTZjtc-PM }