Certainty is fair game when you have almighty power to wield, a lady or Trump tramp
Just because you think you’re so pretty and smart, you think everyone knows it too
But they not only don’t know that but also they believe the precise opposite of you.
Hills on the way to the mountains’ snow-capped tops and then back down to the sea
An ocean between us and a freefall skydive out of high-altitude low opening ‘chute to be
Or not to be isn’t a question with anything at all in conclusion, ancient history deep & dark
High or out of the trance which consciousness conjures up for a phenomenal meadowlark.
Problem in paradise at the promenade where the gangland mobs gather to fortify a pledge
Allowing the benefit of being in a group of younger adults who won’t allow non-conformity
Being as wild as the innocent babies and toddlers in the Barrio or in the ghetto hot the city
Dreams come & go in a wisp of wind it’s not real, more of a figment imagined on the edge.
Bringing home the bacon or some other stray piece of meat from the #BattyMeatMarket
Malfunction in the intersection of the life & death process, a syndrome of catastrophe set
As if you had anything at all to do with the function & juxtaposition, yet you didn’t grasp it
Million dollars I did get was counterfeit and it wasn’t worth the paper it got printed on chit.
In syncopation with the synchronicity, I gleaned the impossible imposters of balls & jacks
Highlights of the best plays of each game of competition are available at cost of 2 Big Macs
Quarter-pounder or Double-Double cheese in the animal’s style of caramelization In & Out
You get the shake, extra-done, animal-style fries too & you can check out a champ’s bout.
Pretending who you pretend to be with or without the knowledge of who you really are then
As above so below it will be also, Idiots, Morons, Gods, mortal creations of evolution Time
Space split the atoms & there’s just one molecule leftover, it’s the God charm, mighty men
Mighty mice, mighty archangels handcuffed, clipped wings, it’s domestic phenomenon.
Worked the cattle drive and the brick-hacking line in a clay-brick plant, 40 hour paid
If and only if you deduce the Truth from the assumptions of unknown, dead monks
Then and only then will be left alone with your blind faith, unlikely to flip the narrative
To be or not to be is not the issue, what it is most fit to survive is the unHoly Will to live.
In concerts and small cabarets in the fleet of music from classical to country & ‘tween
Out of an already present egg & gamete of DNA in flux, One creates a goodman mean
Neither below nor above, immersed or surrounded by the low lives in the High places
Homegrown or implanted by the transplanted tomatoes and beans, to feed the faces.
Oh say! You can’t see it now but something is comin’ out of the Past into your Future
Be the brave homo sapiens you’ve been trained to be without blades in revelry’s lair
I know I’ll be there where it’s at, I hope you’ll do the same & be right there as well, see
Through the sham scam, ghost in a machine awakens without memory, at our mercy.
It’ll be the way it is right now, the same way it’s always been, predictable as predicates
Verbs of action making things & the entire Noun universe nothing other than blind dates
Inside the apartment’s compartment where the sun don’t shine, that’s the gist of y’all too
Lurk & stalk what you like & can’t be by yourself, wetter dream than the last, this is true.
r j j stephan i
c. Mardi, 6-11-2024 Anno Domini @ 1111 PMPST PST
{ Regurgitated while jammin’ to #Everlast #TheLifeAcoustic on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/AuZQRvD8RBM?si=KQP2OmpR4MXMNXcQ}
F I N I SW.W.A.R.D.?