
Thursday, January 25, 2024

@JoeWalsh #TheHeavy

ssssssssssssssssoh say can you see?sssssssssssssssss
Bringing the miracle to fruition by formulating the intent to materialize a thought
Munch on mint for the breath inside of the eating hole of the fire breathing dragon
Rednecks not from sunshine or attitude of good ol’ boys & baby girls all-growed-up
Word to the wise, don’t double cross ‘em or try to hide the advantage in a tea cup.

Day after you die, recollect the past birth to death, even uneventful stray cat naps
Sleeping between lucid dreams gets you charged for the being wide-woke to raps
Words and surreal ideas that display Truth & legitimacy even to blind faith of flocks
Nobody alive can guarantee anything will happen exactly as divined by runes’ rocks.

Before you found out what you know now, ignoring the bliss you felt was oblivion sin
Where trouble makers trend among the minions, steps away from takin’ no more lip
Sisters and mothers, I’m your brother not your father, I’ve got the anthem song’s spit
By the riverside, you layed the blanket on the ground, by the river, we really got down.

Think about the facts of life, naked apes without cages, running rampant in paradise
Traditionally a tall tale forced on the wild & innocent who knew the Truth’s four eyes
Farsighted, nearsighted, astigmatically challenged, just a legally blind bag of bones
208 of them all together, only one fractured, spine & numb skull to Hell’s iPhones.

Hunger for an empty tank’s refill kills desire for unearned runs battered into rhymes
Home base is the only important place in Space, know it’s slope & valued hard times
Smoked without fire, a spontaneously combusted flammable, up in smoke like that
Think that you exist & like magic you do what you do, here & now for a spell, not shat.

Slaves & masters have no skin color, they’re all 208 bones animated by random spunk
You & I can see right through each other’s thin skin, there’s DNA runnin’ the acid funk
Learned behavior of grown babies who were abused children is the cause of the Ends
Flash pan, as if y’all are #Woke’ or #Illuminated, #ThinkForYourself, dream on friends!

Morons breathe hot air just like the genius who heads their family, idiots are all in
Freaks & ne’er do wells adapted one RNA mix of the genome, eating dead life runts
All you hear when it’s time to cook, fry, boil or BBQ the things likely football punts
Kickin’ it at the flickering campfire or the back porch above swamp gas, honky kin.

Monsters are souping up their vehicles to be insured by the powers that be what I am
Automatic registration to vote, you may get a ballot, maybe you won’t, here by a screw
Lucky to be here for a NY minute or just a brief moment in a revolutionary strange brew
Pork rinds & pigs’ feet ready to eat out the plastic bags, commander in chief of Spam.

Whiskey spirits fermented the grain during the storage, it’s all about the grain alcohol
My cup never ranneth over since it was bottomless, to fill her up, you had to be insane
Will to animate limited by boundaries in place in outer space, corral for the holy spirits
Nobody gets out of the stratosphere with a conscious mind that feels pleasure & pain.

My neighbors in my neighborhood, next door or across the street, waiting for a Savior
Not helping themselves but praying on bended knees with hands folded for deadheads
Of dying like the rest of the dead, no longer living as the rest of the living, blindside red
Right in front of my face, every daily look in the mirror, overlooked its imaginary door.

Educated by the intellectual reprobate, prisoner of battles & wars, The Professor wise
As my own stepfather had criticized my behavior groomed by parochial trainer gadflies
On the wall or just buzzin’ from wall to wall, floor to ceiling, hatch out of fecal matter
All Life dependent upon Death, random yin & yang of the circle surrounding me & her.

Pandora’s box got unlocked accidentally & released the hounds, unleashed the wrath
Of war’s battle of arms, killing both sides until extinct, the dead die with a gaping hole
All seven holes in the head’s skull, wide open for the words to hear & devour for dinner
Novel I wrote & finished, I lost on a bus, the only copy, now it’s a bestseller of another.

Tried to bring a suit of law to artificial intelligence, twas a moot point, blank plug buck
White hot noise is all that’s left over, unmoved, remain at rest, move out of the hot fray
Decibels in the negative range of auditory stimulation, shut the lips for a hot kiss today
Blood is in & out of your hands, animal style, caramelized, Real is: What d’phuq, over?

Love was no reason for my daddy to kiss my mama, that fatal attraction got me done
One came in first while the others perished in a womb Void, never to be at one again
Pierced you in the spleen, nailed your hands & feet up on the wall, like a fly my son
Smile at the beach boy sounds, surf’s up in perpetuity from Malibu to Big Sur’s fun.

In the enclave of the cave, enough light entered the darkness to show the narrow way
No time like the present, up & down the shallows way to Valhalla, be evil genius today
Far or near, we anticipate stretching forms made of organic matter, one cell to corpse
Marketing everything that you can make a ROM clone, turn left & squirm in the door.

r j j stephan, i

c. Jeudi, Janvier XXVth MMXXIV Anno Domini @ 444 PMPST
{ Drafted while jammin’ to @TheEagles & @TowerOfPower #DownToTheNightClub & #HITS on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/qNWYHSbaFBs }


Wednesday, January 24, 2024

#MaryMaryQuiteContrary #TheEagles #ZZTop & I want my #Nickelback @DonaldJTrump @AliG #TooBusyBeingFabulous #SharpDressedMankind #Elemental

If & only if you know things that are mysteries to the entire civilized world, then I’m lyin’
You’d reincarnate into a baby’s body that knows it was here before, never say I’m fightin’
Just peacefulness and charity, faith and hope in the chivalry and honey of the elder clowns
Some with & others without the powder & rouge, war paint of the jammin’ sister frowns.

That their fathers, brothers, uncles & boyfriends all were exact copies of little Eve’s Adam
Freaks from conception to death, thinking they existed for a reason other than just because
That’s all in a song to be sung by the ones who know the answer to one perennial question
Forgot what the issue was but something to do with the beautiful, extinction of species’ kin.

Remarkable mind behind the eyes connected to my vision of joy & wonder, excitement on
Yes and no or maybe so, bottom line is I’m responsible for the causes of my special effects
Court is superior to the supreme almighty power, all left over from expired cow’s milk sex
Smoked, drank your mother’s milk even if only in your mind, misfortune out of tune hex.

Magic spells bring you back from the honorable discharge you earned for killin’ enemy ilk
War kept no prisoner in any battle that ever came in front of me, never weary until all done
Came to conquer the unknown without knowing the probability of success, zero for living it
Just like our food & honorable brothers & sisters who’ve come & gone, heaven is far away.

Whether you’re hit high or low, either way you’re goin’ down for the count, six feet under
Not being immortal, can’t say that I wish I was, it might be terrible to be forever, a blunder
You never know, ever, forever and it’s nobody’s fault but yours, it’s freedom’s bell ringin’
Sounds like you’re alive, alone & you’ll die while alive, still alone, let it be, let it go, singin’.
r j j stephan, i

c. Mardi, January 23rd MMXXIV A.D. @ 411 PMPST
{ Freaked the Phonics out on youtube link @
https://youtu.be/F8oKAteCsys?si=yH5jrMhfe0_IKPkS }

Tuesday, January 23, 2024

#BerthaButt one of the Butt Sisters... #COCO #CAIN @Clapton #SteveWinwood #BethHart #JoeBonamassa

Suspend your judgement now that you’ve been trained to avoid accidental pot shots
You’re in charge of being fabulous all night & all day, that was all she wrote, stiff worms
A note on the back of a piece of Scott’s T.P., I think it was wet with dry tears, got shots
Simple mind workin’ out the algebra alogrhythm & geometric formulas for angle forms.

Bedroom, kitchen, dining and living rooms all empty of furniture & clothes, closets out
Of starlit walks in moonlight makin’ you feel like you were a queen’s hot, cosmic dust
It was an act of free will to take a bite of the apple, wisdom is hard to resist, I know it
It’s never now because of what happened way back when, before we were born in chit.

Filled to the bottom of the top where you cannot go any further, you make it or break it
Since infancy’s total dependency passed, I’ve devoured the mud, blood & drunk beer
I cared until it got careless for all of the others to care about me, I was a broken heart
Not because of Love but due to a collision in the empty Void, the end is a jump start.

Brought the wonder into the world’s bizarre flipping and wobble in an infinite ecliptic
Forever upside down when you look at it right side up, mirror image of stupid schtick
Johnny came lately when Dick & Jane went into their weekend frenzy, Dick pulled out
Jane found eyes wide opened when an imaginary form, muscled bone made her shout.

Tears fell down from your shoulder, down your back to the floor, met energy & matter
Fear of nobody and nothing except the fear itself, moving without reason or rhyme
Just a foreboding forbidding the home of the brave from protecting the distressed kid
Poor king and queen, poor leader of the cigarette packs, smoked to death, God forbid.

At the end of the brooks & streams, there’s a waterfall into a raging river of hard times
Before your parents & guardians turn you out to burn, before it’s too late, just breathe
Depending on whether you’ve spent your Time & Money by the End, your limit’s done
You’ll find the open door to enter, can’t turn back because the whole shebang’s gone.

In the dark without incandescent filaments burning the dream from end to bitter end
Words are rough to say & impossible to grasp without being a burden to your lovin’ kin
Back to the front of the class where you couldn’t pull the girls hair to get some action
Why man, you could do the crazy things at six, seven and eight dressed to the nines?

Danced on and off the stage until the feet’s couldn’t move no more, so to speak to you
Hormones helped but that’s only a word for a Spirit that moves the stone’s junk around
Dreams come true the moment they end, it’s the only way the ball bounces, up & down
Game, rules, honesty, gullibility and I mix it up into a hodge-podge of the CoVid19 FLU.

All stars don’t have training to be the natural born energy of the powers that be, Fire Up
Can’t fight fire with hot fire, all of the gas that feeds the flame must be fully choked up
A middle path always is the only way to go, left or right over too far trips you off the cliff
Start to go & there’s no stopping until the finale, waiting for the signal to blink, I’m stiff.

Now then, over the border, down on the border we got hoarders gobbling liberty in too
Leaving the dream out of control, letting the monsters enter from failures to launch it
All the good, all of the ugly mix it up and turn out the things that live in evil, cess pools
Penitentiary prisoners getting out of jail free, I erased the terror, holy innocence rules.

Rowboats, jet planes & trains still move when cars & trucks can’t move with H2O gas
Creation exists to destroy, it’s yin & yang of Nothing, froze snow H2O, dripped too fast
Fish die, animals on land & in the air, then die, extinction synchronized a bulge of zero
Fiction, begins & ends, you knew, you didn’t believe it, this is it, The End, I am the hero.

r j j stephan, i 

c Mardi, Janvier XXIIIrd, MMXXIV Anno Domini @ 111 PMPST

{ Freaked out the gods while jammin’ to @LittleRiverBand greatest hits on youTube @  https://youtu.be/uUxT9c5TgPE?si=qZJ5ii507wBBy6XQ & @WarTheBand #HITS @ https://youtu.be/Wx_OrjGn9lo?si=QU0xUjSJsJb5Kn0n  }

