Tap dancing on your grave because you said you’d like to dieNot go to hell but to heaven where all the saints like Pat do
Higher than the buildings can reach, near the stratosphere tip
Light & brighter, the whole shebang is less than a poker chip.
On the infinite table of contents where demigods knock my boots
Listing it all A to Z, every language in the tower of nuts & fruits
It’s innocence & climax in concert, a whiff of success in holy hell
The grail is in the tabernacle of empty cause and effect, oh rebel.
Tickle both of our fancies, stirring stiffening skin & broke bones
Full of the polar opposites when the tank is running on empty tones
Shots in the back & down the hatch, either way it’s a setup score
Getting revenge for the wrong done, recoil the stolen secret door.
Mummy in a tomb or yo’ mama in her grave, preserved forever too
Until the end of the world, as we know it, me & you, y’all are blue
Beds made, pillows fluffed for the baked head under the pale moon
Candle is burnin’ out slow, window open, breeze flowin’ to us soon.
Last call of the wild at 2 AM, fishin’ in the dark was a fair idea
Town of the immaculate conception only a back seat of a Chevy, duh
Hearts need fallin’ & boots needed knockin’ a cowgirl’s royal blue
Original sin wasn’t really anything more than a nut, cracked crew.
Birds stalked and killed by the cats that prowl for no chance prey
Height above & below the marks of me & zorro, 4 quarters for pay
Dribble, pass, shoot, rebound, fast break, behind the back & a dunk
That’s the way of the narrow B-ball gym, dishin’ as is, a dope funk.
I’ll slam the door shut, if need be, I don’t need to be told to rule
I have got telepathic tendencies & for some reason ain’t no fool
I could have been but Theresa & Al decided accidents happen too
Fault of nobody that genii are born on a ghetto dead-end street.
Debunk the fake love, blind faith & ridiculous hope, anti-disasters
Know the present presence, it’s what you’ve got for certain, hers
Or either, neither & nor the spell from the tower of Babel get said
Conflate the area & confuse the genius, get orgasmic, y’all dead.
Ice & whiskey is all that’s left in my glass, it never empties, ever
My glass is at least ½ full but never ½ empty, it’s not a joke man
I wouldn’t kid you about serious things like that, drinkin’ forever
On St. Patrick’s Day, we had fun, we think, I can’t recall, human!
r j j stephan, i
c. Lundi, March 18, 2024 A.D. @ 911 PMPST
{ Now then, here we go again, #KnockinBoots @luke_bryan link @ https://youtu.be/4WWkBC4MVz0?si=sDIOqFm6XtBCq2DJ }