Reality is just what you see if you’re blind, it’s a matter of being at One with the sources Ideals & many unsatisfactory results from First Cause’s effects on the dinosaur nests
No place in a UFO race, all too human as we all once were, first utterance of an ‘Ugh’
Gloria, spelled any other way remains identical, hosannas on the highest hu-man/bug.
Primary to tertiary playin’ the drums and the juice harp, harmonica & concertina too] her
Preview of the narrow way going to the ending without a map, able & willing to fight you
For a prize there at the end of the lies’ & hoodlum fabrications of Truth, so cold ice blue
Vaccinated for the duration of the tokin’ in the oxy-nitro-hydroxide, assimilated adapter.
Common denominator comes over the number One & remains the same, it’s indubitable
Nobody can deny the conclusion if the identical premises are assumed, ringin’ a holy bell
In or out of the books full of verbatims of dead philosophers & ladies of holy knights’ grail
Final gasp in your face, headed to your blood via lungs, up to your brain-dead mind’s hell.
All lost in Space without a trace, without a clue or pathway to the way to go, one crossroad
Nothing behind, to the sides’ ways, North, South, East & West allstars inherited daddy-load
I’m playin’ you for a fool, not because I can make you change but your true color’s unhappy
What you are, who you’ve related your life to, friends, foes & strangers pluggin’ Dam Skippy!
Hair of the dog is all in my head, my throat inside my neck down to my lead belly’s snake pit
Killing performance for bravo applause with the encore from the mothers who invented chit
Means to the Ends are all justified for survival of the Self, the only One that matters, it’s You
Nobody else is as important as you & your Ego, it’s the same for everybody, code DNA mu.
Fish I hate to smell, hate to eat & crush the bones of the tiny sardines and minnows of seas
Lucky to be alive for a minute, no need to allow freedom to annihilate, be all powers that be
Beat the heart, beat the drums & cymbals of the set, shake the stage until the final co-exit
Then it will be alright, the only time for a mystery to be known, your God, your dad, he did it!
What is next after this thing itself’s trip on Earth? Not even in the lingo’s lexicon, LSD trip
You and Dr. Timothy Leary could explain the narrow synapses roles in the DNA cell’s tip
Monkeys in paradise quite the animated quest for food, sex & a safe place to crash & chit
Apes can’t tell it’s their image in the looking glass, they fear the hairy checkmate moves It.
Once the clear & present danger is identified as nothing but the one you identify with to live
Just One, neither a split of one into two or more nor a zero count between negative-positive
Playin’ beats of songs I’m singin’ words that mean some mystery is a clear & present tease
Jive flowin’ like a river downstream from the lakes & mountaintop pools, peaks to valleys.
Fished the lakes empty, rivers don’t have the fish spawn and runs form the hatchery sea
Just the land stinkin’ animated ones, killed then fired up to BBQ degrees, nothing’s free
You had to murder the suspect to eat it, saying the meal was succulent or not, point moot
In court or off court floors and benches, judgements and shots made, Adam’s apple fruit.
Being good, bad and ugly isn’t always easy but it’s the nature of this beast, all too human
From the gamete to the corpse, it’s a matter of Time in Space for no reason other than luck
To be or not to be is not your choice, random chaos wins the day, heroes fall to rigor mortis
Nothing you can do, just know it’s comin’ because it may be any moment, but You got this!
No place in a UFO race, all too human as we all once were, first utterance of an ‘Ugh’
Gloria, spelled any other way remains identical, hosannas on the highest hu-man/bug.
Primary to tertiary playin’ the drums and the juice harp, harmonica & concertina too] her
Preview of the narrow way going to the ending without a map, able & willing to fight you
For a prize there at the end of the lies’ & hoodlum fabrications of Truth, so cold ice blue
Vaccinated for the duration of the tokin’ in the oxy-nitro-hydroxide, assimilated adapter.
Common denominator comes over the number One & remains the same, it’s indubitable
Nobody can deny the conclusion if the identical premises are assumed, ringin’ a holy bell
In or out of the books full of verbatims of dead philosophers & ladies of holy knights’ grail
Final gasp in your face, headed to your blood via lungs, up to your brain-dead mind’s hell.
All lost in Space without a trace, without a clue or pathway to the way to go, one crossroad
Nothing behind, to the sides’ ways, North, South, East & West allstars inherited daddy-load
I’m playin’ you for a fool, not because I can make you change but your true color’s unhappy
What you are, who you’ve related your life to, friends, foes & strangers pluggin’ Dam Skippy!
Hair of the dog is all in my head, my throat inside my neck down to my lead belly’s snake pit
Killing performance for bravo applause with the encore from the mothers who invented chit
Means to the Ends are all justified for survival of the Self, the only One that matters, it’s You
Nobody else is as important as you & your Ego, it’s the same for everybody, code DNA mu.
Fish I hate to smell, hate to eat & crush the bones of the tiny sardines and minnows of seas
Lucky to be alive for a minute, no need to allow freedom to annihilate, be all powers that be
Beat the heart, beat the drums & cymbals of the set, shake the stage until the final co-exit
Then it will be alright, the only time for a mystery to be known, your God, your dad, he did it!
What is next after this thing itself’s trip on Earth? Not even in the lingo’s lexicon, LSD trip
You and Dr. Timothy Leary could explain the narrow synapses roles in the DNA cell’s tip
Monkeys in paradise quite the animated quest for food, sex & a safe place to crash & chit
Apes can’t tell it’s their image in the looking glass, they fear the hairy checkmate moves It.
Once the clear & present danger is identified as nothing but the one you identify with to live
Just One, neither a split of one into two or more nor a zero count between negative-positive
Playin’ beats of songs I’m singin’ words that mean some mystery is a clear & present tease
Jive flowin’ like a river downstream from the lakes & mountaintop pools, peaks to valleys.
Fished the lakes empty, rivers don’t have the fish spawn and runs form the hatchery sea
Just the land stinkin’ animated ones, killed then fired up to BBQ degrees, nothing’s free
You had to murder the suspect to eat it, saying the meal was succulent or not, point moot
In court or off court floors and benches, judgements and shots made, Adam’s apple fruit.
Being good, bad and ugly isn’t always easy but it’s the nature of this beast, all too human
From the gamete to the corpse, it’s a matter of Time in Space for no reason other than luck
To be or not to be is not your choice, random chaos wins the day, heroes fall to rigor mortis
Nothing you can do, just know it’s comin’ because it may be any moment, but You got this!
r j j stephan, i
c. Dimanche, May XIIth MMXXIV Anno Domini @ 111 PMPST
{ I’m alright, nobody worry ‘bout me… @KennyLoggins on youTube link @ }