

Tuesday, March 11, 2025

#GiveMeABreak #WhyIOughta #YosemiteSam #TrapperTrapped

Now and then, there comes a time to repeat the original pain in the cervical bone, need a hit
Seniors & Juniors came after Freshmen & Sophomores like there was no tomorrow for chit
No surprise, bye & bye, revelation at Ends of New & Old testaments, Greek or Sanskrit Live
Saga is set in the Wild, Wild West before Law & Order was assumed by brave men vs. Evil.

Harm comes to the weakest among us and annihilates the strongest who survive fixed trials
Tribulation & jubilation alternate like the seasons, depending on the wobbling rotation of hills
Your chops are the words you use to persuade the unpersuadable blind faith mongers of pills
They know not what they do has any effect other than their smell & taste of the high piles.

Come over to the light side where even the dead heads can see the brightness of the acid trip
Flashing back & checking out before the trip’s termination, you smile & keep a stiff upper lip
Mighty mice and skinless hotdogs used to be in charge, they’ve failed & resist the success chit
Poor people caused by Demoncrats & Repubicans because they need the target of bull’s S#it.

Y’all come on over to the sideline & listen to my coaching tip, the next play you’ll tie the game
Droppin’ dead beautiful, everyone knows what that appears to be, even blind folks, the same
It’s a feeling, a touch, a scent of the thing itself while living and covered in scents of whiskey
Honey or not, I’ll take a shot or two, I salute all my dead friends & relatives, bottoms up!

A song, long or short about the way it is for me & you from now until the last gasp of America
Word for word, repeat ad infinitum, it’s a pleasing thing to be thankful for the benefit of Sins
Secret kept close to the vest, young strugglers to survive, sheltered, to be or not to be as blasé
As above since the Big Bang, so below it still is & always will be a Singularity, y’all gods, I see!

Dots and dashes between sounds and sights unable to recollect after death, yet pre-life injects
Into the soul, the spiritual nature of the thing grown from a microscopic byte of love and sex
All in the game, run the rules through the fine lines and they disappear, everyone’s free for all
Liberty & servitude look like the same thing, stuck in sticky Space, just ‘cause you got bawled.

Know this well or not at all, in a realm of retro-funk, there are pioneers and veterans of fights
All Time and Space on the head of a straight pin is a bit better than on the head of a needle tit
Side by side, atop or beneath the load of mass you & I carry on balance, it’s a balance of lights
Critical mass appears at will at the moment of every corpse’s rigor mortis, Friday night fights.

Higher than the underground ever wanted to be, below it all, undercover mothers of godsons
Knowledge & wisdom created outta nowhere with nothing to disprove but invalid conclusions
Beginning with unprovable assumptions and leading to the inevitable ends of the final ends
As one cannot imagine, it’s lonely at one being all alone forever, hence, God made The Man.

It’s inside of the Golden Earrings I listened to in an infinite loop in 1974, in a high #SKOR
Wet hands on the wheel, got the power dust in my skivvies thanks to the houseboy’s tipper
I left him nothing & got early out of his realm; reward was an itch physohex couldn’t cure
Karma for 50 years plus how many ever I extend it to, that ROC Mama got radar love Pure.
r j j stephan, i

c. March 11th 2025 AD @ 222 PMPST
{ Got Nothing cornered in three dimensions, tracked Nothing at all while flickin’ these words aloft while jammin’ to @CarlosSantana  link @ https://youtu.be/bgZrHpL8jZ4?si=ULEg9JhnXByjlbda & @PINK concert link @ https://youtu.be/tkUGg5kbmJw }

Monday, March 10, 2025

GRIMMER THAN GRIM FINAL X SPOT X MARKS THE SPOT @artificiallyUnintelligent otay @PaulRevereAndTheRaiderz

Laughing ain’t an option when you've no mouth nor breath to exchange gas, man unknowbody
Crispier to the bite, a chew just a few moments away from the blood rush to the brain’s mindset
Cause and no defect, do the thing itself the justice it deserves for creating the whole shebang debt
We owe, y’all owe everything you have to the Unknown Nobody, I call unknowbody for kicks.

World is all the same now as it was before I arrived on a hot August day, lucky me, no bull scat
It was either me here or aborted to the inner sanctum of a sucking motherlode of godly gold dust
Buried inside of the rocks that used to be liquid star stuff, not just blown nose snots of the lust
Bring your mother and father, oh they’re already gone? Well then, kin. Oh, they’re all of that!

Freedom a word, Free & doom, could be a type that nobody knew, it was Free & Dumb merged
Down a middle way from here to there, you’ll get there one or another, ain’t no free will splurge
You gotta do what you gotta do, hem and haw around with the folks who like to hee haw spat
Guffawing now, I can’t stop it, no joke man, this is the real thing, for reals, no lie or bull’s scat.

Tell me about kicks I had and the kicks I’ll never have, stars shine above for sure, the sun’s One
Kicks just keep getting’ harder to find once you’ve found & had them all on one day or another
School from five to ? just to get the gold and happiness ever after without my mama’s flying rug
Papa said I’d make it until I located the best fit for my skin and bones that had no creative blog.

Hot or frozen stiff depending on the bake and frost, as the world turns the wobble & spin deal it
Weather, rivers flowing pole to equator without ceasing, one eye woke while the other dreamed
In relative synch with the method of madness, a matter of survival of the most lethally dangerous
Dangerous only to the deadly, never to the innocent nor uninformed, a genius without evil dead.

Party members are all who split the zygote, regardless of the content of a mess hall of solar-acid
All in the party, that party of every living human who has ever & will ever exist, all that you did
Every single person’s recording the Karma, you won’t change it, certainly, you will see it unfurl
In the backend of my dad’s station wagon, I ‘watched’ the movie lying down in blankets, oh girl!

Beams comin’ out of nowhere from my brothers, sisters, cousins, God’s alive in all of them, I see
Without the ancestors y’all stardust bein’ blown by the Singularity’s vacuum cleaner of my scree
Bums all over the city, down & out like it’s the dust bowl of the Depression of the USA’s necks
Whiskey fire in the liquid to fuel the wind in my sails, just like yours, I got none to spare, dicks!

Shadows dark but I don’t care, what could happen other than death rings my bell, who GAF? X
Unknown as it is and will always be since it’s been that way from the Get-go, it’s all @Space-x
Flying point on the dream within the dream, blind faith that this evolution to be a cyborg’s It
Madness that human species will evolve into the robots of the Jetsons, Flintstones all bulls#it.

High as Mt Everest & as low as the center of the fire, Hydrogen & Whiskey with my gypsy
All I ever needed was the open opportunity to light up the darkness with hot fire & blue sea
Pencils, pens, digital signatures & cyborg fetishes leading to the freaks without parental IQ
Lumps of veal calves & mutton-meat sheep for the aliens of the Other Place, House of Blue.

Yeah, I got some junkyard poetry, rhymin’ words for the wounded but still free, shout Holes
Shakin’ it up to groom the ones who’ll be left behind with the wounded, kissin’ ‘em farewell
Hound dogs and the silent gods only in the words of the books, they ain’t all that s#it rolls
Hominy grits in your belly, ready now for the white lightening, 7 day 365, this ring a bell?

Jagged rocks just an accident of the explosion, super nova blows & black hole sucks it all
Back & forth, I’m hip to the rigmarole in the tides, the river flows, the spin and wobble
Bloody thunder scared me at first, now it’s the reminder that I’m not dead yet, I am real
Not forever, it’s the Truth, be One now though, I am what it is to be One, I’m Knowbody.

Sky ain’t black, you’re observing Outerspace a billion miles from anyplace else, 1 Earth ball
Only in your mind, your head makes it up to feel the embrace of a spirit unknown, it’s y’all
Hunters, gatherers, fishermen and hoarders of the gatherers’ wealth & gold, it’s a Wall street
Perfection ain't an option, sentenced to birth & death ad infinitum, on yo' knees, fait accompli.
r j j stephan, i

c.  Lundi, 3-10 MCCXXV Anno Domini @ 1111 AMPST

{ Kicked out the jams while listenin’ to #WhiskeyAndWheels in a loop, link @ https://youtu.be/bDFEwOd3YBY?si=YrChKOwnqv30GzqS }

Sunday, March 09, 2025

#MA #MAMA #Forever I want my @Nickelback! #ShakinHands @WHEREisLaFlaca? #ShesOnTopNow #LaFlaca @CarloSantana #LittleBitOfThisAndThatGameofLove

An astronaut on the moon

AI-generated content may be incorrect.
There may or may not be air outside of the Earth’s atmosphere, yet we’re in Limbo rockin’, son
As if the afterlife isn’t important, look at the pyramids and cemeteries full of headstone carving
In granite rock to roll around in the infinite earthquake that come to be without any notice et al
Now is the time to appear in the darkness before the supernova light that ends atomic fission.

On the way to the end, narrow way that it is, not even One soul is allowed to ignore the karma
Wounded or rewarded for things you can’t recall, all done & gone in the past, yet are so dharma
Punks never drunk on liquid, yet high on fumes ala burnt leaves of weeds & roots of funky feces
All or none of it originated & evolved during long periods of Time’s random mutation of species.

How time flies when you’re havin’ fun & drags when y’all bored or tortured with fear & loathing
It’s the variation of conscious awareness awarded to fortunate sons of reverent diva daughters
Guessing no conclusions not based on true premises posited beforehand, conditional ifs & thens
No need to think about the reasons for being alive on Earth, it’s an accidental egg drop of hens.

On or off Easter, the day a man who claimed to be divine, reversed corpus dillecti & disappeared
A blind belief system set up under commands from an unmoved mover, invisible to naked dead
All blind men cannot see this as the Truth, every living thing dies & doesn’t go to heaven or hell
Back into the dirt, recycled only after the ash & bones become independent of wood and metal.

Grammatically expressed to hide the actual Truth about the whole shebang, it’s the only option
To know Life before it was created is to be at One with the Thing Itself, Nothing known, my son
Believe me or not, it’s incredible that you’ve even been conceived & born, much less survived it
Birth & Death on the way to infinity, sideways 8 out the gate, atoms come around & go around.

Enhancement of the field of vision, I come out of the Lincoln Park, above & below the ‘hoods
Fear ain’t in my repertoire in the Windy City where my grandfathers & grandmothers spawned
Y’all got nothing at all to say about this or that, positive or in negativity I get in evil, live moods
Same as I, you are living to die in happiness and health, no pain or suffering, belong to a dawn.

Golden or Quicksilver buried in the continental dirt and embedded in the sea’s salt, it’s a secret
Now you know, you’ll die just like you would have if you had never found out, it’s ready & set
To go onto the finish line around the other side of the tracks, other side of town’s dark matter
Required the magic potion and the magic spells to keep the pendulum swingin’ in God’s favor.

Lost Nothing, I had Nothing since the day of my first breath, gasp of the Windy City arsehole
That is the origin without being necessary, it never mattered, accidental orgasm in an ol’ ho’
A-Z & between the sheets it all happens, sometimes just a divine pig in an all too human pest
Other times from The Past are impossible to recollect at all, just the educated have guessed.

The sheep follow the shepherd, without which they’re all blind without purpose or direction
All extinction is immanent without the one who maintains the herd, clean slate’s origination
You will see nothing inside of the casket, after you’re light leaves your spine, Man, It is done
Hands and feet on the ends of the fingers and toes that hold the bones’ Being solid, at One.

I was the innocent son of a fireman’s son, put the fires in Chicago out as quickly as hydrants
Without that man, I’m not here, without his wife, I shudder at home with my sibling infants
Young boys and girls to grown old men & ‘elderly’ women, that’s about the size of all the Blues
Nothing more to say or comprehend, you’re here, they were here & now they’re gone & U2z.
r j j stephan i  ( & the #WickedWitchofTheWest )

c. Samedhi/Dimanche, 3-8 & 3-9 MMXXV Anno Domini @ 1212 PMPST
( Scorched this out of my solar plexus this AM while jammin’ to #WhoopAMansAssSometimes @Trace_Adkins on youTube link @ https://t.co/UnZjnkE2Sq }