

Thursday, November 08, 2018

#TimeAndSpaceIllusionsDreamsMyths #ricoSacto @ricoSacto


Richard Joseph Stephan · Thursday, November 8, 2018
When you had found yourself swimmin’ with the fishes, it was a bit too late, breathe it all in
It’s all about the fun baby, beating hearts in this form of animated flesh, a skinny, blue boner
Regardless of tall tales told, mythological salve, Truth distortion of anthropmorphic jinn
Live, continuous coverage of the paramecia and amoeba swimmin’ in the wake’s uncool air.

Cocky, absolutely sure scuttlebutt like magic writing on the wall, more scat, let’s all be fair
Perfectly fine from one to nine, ad infinitum, such as we are, a WTF Supreme Being’s error
One of the mortal or venial or possibly an original malfunction, a freak of natural sharkskin
Godhead hid in a Marxist dreary, proletariat gobbledygook, rock poundin’ sand in Pei-king.

A freak show on the stage in front of all the blind men who cannot see the light all night long
This will not be easy but it won’t be complicated either, just wait until the #EndOfDays bong
Fire it up and listen to the music rock and roll down the mountain’s flow of volcanic ashtrays
Dreams of boys and girls dashed in geography and history classes, attention to #Ends daze.

Group of morons and idiots over here in front of your eyes, your dreams’ve become such fun
To become what should have never been yet the present is what it is, exploded aster debris
Ground pounded the water leakin’ out of the blue watermelon vine, 100 % Grade A and #1
Watch this my friends, go fishing at the lake or down by the river, even middle of the ocean.

A flowered, silver dream makes golden smiles in me, something the folks gave me, #Liberty
It came from out of nowhere, like a shooting star in the middle of the pitch, black night of ‘G’
Faded DNA solution of electrons and neutrinos of the #BigBangSpawn, inbred one, god-Sun
A joker’s quantum broken heart’s all alone, no spades, clubs or diamonds, drinkin’ #151Rum.

r j j stephan, i { #MightBeALittleDustOnTheBottle #SweeterWithTime <3 a="" amp="" booze="" class="_58cn" d="" data-ft="{"type":104,"tn":"*N"}" dear="" europe="" grandpas="" href="https://www.facebook.com/hashtag/finewine?source=note" my="" of="" target="_blank" wine="" your="">#FineWine
#SmoothMash #AngelsWings }
c. BLOWVEMBER 8TH, 2018 AD @ 11:11 AM PST
{ #WORD squeezed out of #Lemons given the #Occult nature of the origin of being, while listenin’ to Jo Dee Messina #HeadsCarolinaTailsCalifornia & HITS on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/78rdaVuzRSE }
<3 p="">

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