Just because you think you’re so pretty and you blackened both of my bloodshot eyes
You didn’t ever fight fair but I had too much Jack Daniels down the hatch of no return
I ain’t bulletproof, I ain’t made of steel and like atomic glass, I’m fused up, ready to burn
Ready to blow but in a good way, an eruption and a flow downhill to Dixie and Dubai.
Current affairs and historical record oral and written may not match but who gives a hoot
There’s been an eternal feud between the good and the bad, it turns out to be really ugly
Like what you don’t want to see in the light or in the darkness, frightening face of reality
Pinched to see if I’m awake and I ain’t, it’s a dream for me and for you, you’re in my city.
I will go away in the dust and wind eventually regardless of your knowledge of the facts
As you will I’m sure, find that there is nothing in this world more important than love
A distraction from the apparent desolation and abandonment in the middle of our Space
Calling the passing, the Time spent animating, thinking, growing and decaying, saves face.
Bowing in reverence of the ones who’ve figured it all out, there’s nothing to worry about
There’s no sweat for anything you used to worry about, life moves on, without you fool
In the colors of the spectrum, rainbow from ultraviolet to infrared, invisible to a scout
I’m smilin’ and you’re cryin’ and I can tell you why, I know she screwed the pooch, tool.
I can’t remember today yesterday and can see tomorrow like it’s right here, right now
It ain’t no party my friends and crazy haters of this brand of pure logic and reasoning
Practical and metaphysical it all flows out of the mouth like a deluge flood of blessing
How high is out of this world, above or below the wobbling poles, mardi gras my plow!
Asleep in a dream, awakened in a dream and nothing is different, it’s all in the game of love
Original sin is these people got us here without our permission, souls, remember the flood
You’re not mud or stone, you’re really only part of the Earth since you eat and drink the dove
It’s the brilliance in the middle of violence and axle grease to be whipped into a frenzy, blood.
r j j stephan, i *Header is a swirl of whirl
c. Wednesday, February 27, 2019 A.D.@ 1:11 PM PST
{ wrote somewhere on a beach, while my
& angel flies through the air through the mighty wind to Jersey & listenin’ to some #ZZTop #WorldOfSwirl & #HITS on youTube link }

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