
Monday, March 11, 2019

#SNAKESNSNEAKS #GetTheDirtyLowDownYall

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Richard Joseph Stephan · Monday, March 11, 2019
Get down to the brass tacks my friends and stare deep into the black hole’s dire essence
It is as it’s always been and always will be, don’t take my word for it, sit on a picket fence
Between reality and the eternity faced by what existed before the sun exploded, not God
Caught in the gravitational collapse of the solar systems in the galaxy, Eros is my blood.

In the middle of the stream’s current, life’s blood, gas in liquid forms flow into my mouths
At the sea’s edge, the foam bubbles rise for the last time on their trip up to the stratosphere
In the perpetual, possibly eternal motion of the solar system, as if it’s electrons and neutrinos
For the worst among us, myself included, the miscreants and errors in DNA acid’s cheerios.

Punks rose and stomped the snakes and eliminated the sneaks, silence turned into pure gold
Rush to the hills before it turns back to the lead of pencils and erotic sponge-bob gods of old
You know that nothing matters anymore when you find out you’re gonna die and that is all
Ends of the memories of good, bad and ugly things that were causes of the effects, so I’m told.

There are perks which come with this wisdom and knowledge that faith in your leaders, kills
Not just figuratively but literally, stray bullets or assassinations, intentional. accidental bills
Everything is loaded into the canon to be fired at will, will of at One’s fatal gunpowder blows
In a New York minute, your sixty seconds are gone before you knew you the falls, river flows.

Historical records written by clerks is the truth of the past? Come on, we can do much better
Look into a crystal ball to scree the Future’s Past, overlook the fleeting Present’s pain in vain
The First Cause of everyone’s being, Entrance into the chain, but you can just forget about it
Pull in the favors sneaks and snakes, y’all gang of fools and specter of devils, gamble on teat.

Really, it’s the tribe, the leaders to the followers who metastasize into the cell of the Earthball
Completely stoned beyond anyone’s wildest imagination, the genius pines with the sirens
Screaming bloody murder to the high hills, echoing in merging harmony of an infinite fall
Down from the dimension higher than the Sun and Earth, do you hear me? Not of this ball.

Millions of years not a hundred or a thousand have spun this Earth’s condition, our legacy
What we see written on the walls of caves and on the papyrus of the trees that aid or breath
Oxygen and carbon dioxide in teardrops of my eyes, falling down for the love of heaven’s sake
On this side, ride on other side, Doppler effects appear to be only One effect, a sneaky snake!

r j j stephan, i
c. Monday March 11, 2019 A.D. @ 3:33 PM PST
{ drafted while listenin’ to #BlueOnBlack & HITS by Kenny Wayne Shepherd & CARLOS SANTANA & @CreedenceClearwaterRevival  & OTHERS on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/V94pBlA4n7U }
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