
Saturday, March 30, 2019

#ThisIsRareEarth #Militarize or give up the cookies! #ResistWeMuch

Richard Joseph Stephan · Saturday, March 30, 2019
You can’t tell when something is going to fail, it’s the nature of being alive down home, here
On the Earth, the dirt, black, red and gold lucky to be alive for a moment, all of this is Fear
Of being all alone in the middle of nowhere with nothing but an empty vacuum to ponder me
It is one of the facts of life, these quantum theories of everything are in the computer’s scree.

Come home when you’ve been away forever, it just won’t look the same in the cosmic rod
Complete spunk and funk coming out of seven holes in God’s face’s skull, a dead demi-god
Golden God, yes sir, be obedient to The Master, there’s only One Way for High-Tech stipends
Live alive and be dead in death, that is all you can do, all you will do, unless your dream ends.

If you look around or deep inside, it’s identical, within and without a head, we all gotta die
It doesn’t matter if you’ve been loved or if you’ve loved anybody or anything at all, souls fly
It’s either an empty conceptual analysis of the things ratcheting up my bloody hemorrhoid
Or it’s an incredible notion that all of these things themselves come from nothing but a Void.

The inferior needs the superior to compare the mirage, instant ghosts in every orgasm spurt
It is how the spirit enters into the genome’s spunk, to be or not to be extinct in wipe-out Dirt
Star dirt is the used-up, gas emissions of the black holes and white dwarves, ghostly coolers
Punk rock and classical overtures come in dead people’s suits on the hook, dead-god killers.

Didn’t ask for a kiss but you took one from me without permission, it was sweet, we, all good
After time and space were swept under the mat, decades rolled by, I died, you died, we all did
Once upon a time, twice, thrice, multiple times, NUKE war OTW, ad infinitum 5G ping-pong
Boys and girls taught to obey the law, press buttons on and off, pay the tax to bang the gong.

Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Air Force, Coast Guard and reserves of warriors defend this chit
Stand down and don’t defend yourself, see what happens tomorrow, actually, you won’t see it
Eyes won’t be wide open, the mind will not be bent to the pleasure and pain of being the Man
Hu-man being specially created or randomly evolved in a clap-trap, a star-kissed a tuna can.

r j j stephan, i {*Header is a masterpiece of rock hard, human symbol of the ORIGINS!}
c. March 30th, 2019 A.D. @ 2:22 AM PST
{ drafted while listenin’ to NewsRadio KFBK-1530AM the Richard Syrett spouting tantalizing broadcast, paranormal, conspiracy, #AI & whatever the Cosmos hacks into! Boom, link @ https://www.iheart.com/live/kfbk-fm-am-217/ }


  1. gotta love this! Here's your rewards.... enjoy the life! #GitGit @ricoSacto #ricoSacto https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=06SQaM9jqUk


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