
Sunday, April 21, 2019

#God #Holly #Holy #Hole #Ho #H2 #Fear #Sorrow #Loathing #SacredLove #Bollywood #Hollywood #HolyWorld #BlackHoles #WhiteDwarves

Richard Joseph Stephan · Sunday, April 21, 2019
No juice for the thirsty and no blood left to flow in veins or streams or rivers to seven seas
What is the Holy gold for the wasted radiation of the lead and plutonium, the suns of fleas
Atomic and nuclear reactions to compression’s gravitational collapse, free-masonic rocks
Queens in need of a temple for worship of the Void’s nothingness, oil, holy underground.

Speed of light is faster than an eye blink, becoming ignorantly enlightened with wisdom
From the future time to the past time in Space’s void matrix, you and I become this One
Think of the thing dreaming before you awaken and then opening your three eyes, widely
To know the Truth of this dream within A Dream is to become alienated from the Hostess.

Neither Cupcakes, Snowballs or Twinkies will kill you if you eat them before you die, DUH!
Murder is nothing but annihilating your own essence of being, your ego and hot rod’s bonfire
What moves the thing you call your body of bones is a manifestation of a singular, divine idea
To lie down flat on your back and drop into an eternal coma, for the good, bad and the uglier.

Alright to eat the C6H12O6 designed into eggs, chicks’ peeps, malted cow milk balls’ plastics
Way to high and dry to become enlightened with the grace left over to my minions & spastics
Ones without parents or significant others, in a military herd of killers who protect Liberty
Slavery of bones that move when ordered, to manipulate thoughts and matter, is AOK I see.

I’m not what you see or who you hear or who you think I was tomorrow, mind bent backward
What I am is a thing, like other things, first I was not here, now I am and one day, I won’t be
That’s all, no angels in heaven, no satanic drones in #Hades or purgatorial purge, no dad, ma
Why didn’t you say it, didn’t want to ruin the trip, so innocent and tender, Oh My God, dear!

Let me get this straight, I won’t see any of the dead I knew in heaven or hell? There is none
Therefore, the purpose for living life here on Earth is an accident of fortune and Void space
Nothing personal to it, no punishment for crimes committed, guilty or innocent, Bliss’ ace
Sorting the Good from the Evil and siding with one or the other, it’s the Way, a winged One.

r j j stephan, i
c. April 21st, 2019 A.D. @ 6:66 AM PST
{ Subsequently, a dead man’s tomb, Stone rolled away, be blinded by light, see E=mC2 ! }
*drafted while watchin’ ROFLing, listenin’ to #MontyPythonsHolyGrail on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/GDT2YOg8WSQ }

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