
Sunday, June 23, 2019

@BrooksAndDunne #EyeBelieve @SherylCrow @JoeWalsh #PathOnTheRedDirtRoad #BackAndForthToTheTasteeFreeze

Richard Joseph Stephan · Sunday, June 23, 2019
A moment before Time began here in this place in deep Space, anointed ones wear a ring
Perfectly the absolute, whole shebang of every atom in the universe, First Cause is Nothing
A final question of consequence is What is This First Cause? Up and away, mother’s got laid
In a hole, in this world open wide gash, since anointment as a dot of Singularity, a fake fade.

Get it straight, there’s no doubt that there’s a reason for being alive besides being Earth dust
Your mothers and fathers, by physical or general orphan enculturation, at random DNA fuss
Have become the First and only Cause we’ll ever have of this skin and these bones of matter
Knowledge is Power if you didn’t already know it, that is the Wisdom of the ancient masters.

In a deep or shallow waste of my Time in this Space, drippin’ lined scars down my two faces
I’ve got one for you and one for me alone, when nobody else is paying attention, it all erases
Left behind in the collective memory, historical and fictional, blind faith in Tim being wasted
I told you so like you told me so, everything important is all in your mind, rips are all pasted.

Fabrics are like that, ripped to be sewn back together again, like a desperado Raggedy Andy
Or any doll or dummy of any apoplectic personality can become a doctor or president or me
It’s not a matter and form that can be anything other than mortal, conceived to be unboxed
Allowed to put two and two together in mathematical addition, conditionally equal, deluxe.

Shaped up because I finally got aboard and shipped out with my port call, suddenly I was It
No longer the object of another, no domestic or foreign policies, subjectively lions are in a pit
Waitin’ for a metaphorical Nothing of sixteen pieces, king, queen, bishop, knight, rook forces
Eight pawns directed a strike with force without allowing exchange, Joe Walsh rock scorches.

Flippin’ you on your side is important if you need to stop your bones from the pressure grave
If your ass muscle, gluteus maximus being It can move you to orgasmic punchin’ a holy wave
Just sayin a Word, without a need or went to survive the ordeal with this here Skippy cake
#Hooty or #Blowfish all up in yo’ Lamatra expansion, “Everything is Nothing, a news’ fake.’

r j j stephan, I
c. June 23, 2019 A.D. Sunday @ 1:11 AM PST
{ #AdviceAndConsent #Special & #General in fact, #WhenTheGeneralsTalk ...you better listen to them #POTUS, my friend, drafted this ditty while listenin’ to Sheryl Crow & Joe Walsh #StillTheGoodOldDays on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/AqFD2ja-9Fs }

1 comment:

  1. #NeonMoon @BrooksAndDunne https://youtu.be/ewiodUlKey4?list=PLDE951C160F862D0F


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