
Wednesday, June 05, 2019

#UnfairGame #SevenToTheNines #FeelinNoPainYet

Content to be at peace, in one piece not in a million separate joints without skin in the game
Desire to be or not to be a creator of more humans to feed the machine, the UFO firelighters
Quenching never an option for you or me bein’ always hungry & thirsty for #FakeNews tears
Nevermore final than One, until the last squeeze of air through grounded BBQ s, H2O lame!

Gift of life given to the bacterial and viral infections of DNA in the human genome, OMG
Riff Raff and the descendant primate population has become extinct, time after time out
Pretending that it isn’t the case doesn’t spot the Truth to be believed blindly, gangsters G
In the name of self-defense or love or patriotism, naked apes kill the living, they eat, see?

For the sake of brevity, the million years or so from the origin of life to the extinction, pffft
In a wisp of melancholia and indefensible trash double-speak, chaos causes the law’s order
Coming out of nowhere, out of the darkness’ void of lighted blown atoms of gas’ night shift
I’ll back down the day they lower me into the ashes, into the salty water, a zero gravity lair.

Covered up the skin of the naked, sexy apes who roam the planet on wheels and two feet
Hooves extinct with the goats and sheep, all the original sins of baking fire of man & wife
Left in a garden or a desert with or without a clue about what to do and how to do it, finis
Over before it starts, a dream inside of a nightmare’s somnambolistic treasure, that’s Life!

I don’t know about you but I’m not going to back down until my final gasp of gas, I’m mortal
Nobody alive is going to be living in the same body ever again, make the most of it, got it pal
It will crumble like all rock and dirt does, it’s the nature of the sun’s blown-out cowboy boots
Like rivers’ of snow out to black seas, our lives’ world wars, spill the wine, stillbirths’ hoots.

Configure the abortion of the gnome genomes, when they look like tadpoles or alien shapes
If and only if the fetus appears to look like a human infant, abortion is fine with the humans
But they balk when the infant/fetus moves like a living being, ready to be grown up or catsup
In the end, nothing really matters and if you’re ignorant, you too are gone, way down not up.

r j j stephan, i
c. June 5th, 2019 A.D. @ 9:11 AM PST
{ squeezed this out of my gullet this AM while listenin’ to Armstrong & Getty parroting #SocraticWisdom and supporting #FreedomOfSpeech for anyone with a brain! link to Talk 650 KSTE LINK @ https://www.iheart.com/live/talk-650-229/ }

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