

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

#NotCoolMan #ItIsCool #NoRomanceForMe #WordUp #LivingInATentInBackOfTheDumpsters #CalExpositionAndRiverParkDrive

Richard Joseph Stephan · Tuesday, October 22, 2019
-------- S O S ------------------>>>>>>>>
Isolation on the ground of being, as above, so below the clouds that force the wind, raining
To make the rivers and lakes of our personal part of the MilkywayGalaxy’s black hole internet
You’ve got the handle and the URL for the dream you’ve forgotten that you exist in, you bet
In the invisible vastness, you go to priests and scholars for a holy grave in a violent ending.

I’m only gonna say this once to trigger the emptiness within the DNA you reflect, a supernova
Blown to smithereens from the gravitational collapse and cataclysmic explosion, TNT’s papa
Oh, vortex of UV light that blinded all the eyes, that adapted to dark, swirling stardust portals
Death and living the human culture’s customary Will to Survive is like black hole immortals.

Astronomers and the faithfully departed have found identical answers to faux questions porn
Why am I alive other than that my ma and pa mated, conceived DNA in a cell unit’s fake form
Imagine your and my last blink, permanent sleep just like you do every day, you’ve no choice
At dusk, over silvery, dirty gold hills, Time erupts in Space, opens a black hole, now, silence!

From Pluto to Uranus, Neptune, Saturn, Jupiter past Mars, Venus and Mercury, the sun God
What’s more powerful than the sun that shines and allows our life, our existence to be Good
Think about the Categorical Imperatives, the Forms, the Substance, the Essence, then expire
Like the date on your milk carton and yogurt, it gets rancid and rotten after a while, it’s Fire.

What can be said about random Rules of our ancestors’ reactions to being a Big Bang sloop
This and that is all there is, the light comes because the Earth is revolving on an orbital loop
Gravitational attraction and the love of being close to a star, for the cozy warmth of happiness
Dust from the explosion of gas, the matter is left to move itself, to cause life from a death star.

Exploding the garbage to eradicate the homeless unicorns, the gods have been us blacked out
Here and now is the answer to the question that nobody can ask without a #me2 twist-shout
You’ve got to forget about what you see and hear, do not be a Russian asset or honest site-bot
‘cause I am gonna fly under a bluemoon witchhunt while the band plays on, with no blogspot.

r j j stephan, i *I’d be your #Mississippi, #Honeysuckle!
c. Mardi, ROCKTOBER 22nd, 2019 A.D. @ 7:11 AM PST
{ drafted while listenin’ to #HoneyBee Blake Shelton & HITS on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/iNKl0z30slU?list=RDiNKl0z30slU }

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