
Monday, December 02, 2019

#EverythingIsBroken #SpeedOfLightExceeded #PanHandleMe #ArmstrongAndGettyRadioShow #EINSTEINIAN #CCR #Dylan #Lavette & #MastersOfWar

----------------- #KEEPyourRVhome ---------------
God and the gold buried deep in the planet Earth, it’s unknown what’s outside, Done
Men and possibly some women have manufactured the historical hysteria of solo mio
A place in Space occupied by an imaginary being, yourself, myself, ourselves and chit
What we have in the pot in the middle of nowhere, microbial Life and Death of DNA1.

Of course, snow on the mountains cannot be avoided when the dirt and stone froze, to save
No sunshine from the burning, blown star, the sun, apollo of our dream’s dark, sacred cave
Where we through ancestral heritage hid from the predators who wanted to eat our young
To rape the females of the tribes of our roaming carnivore grandfolks, they smelled of dung.

In a crushing, toxic atmosphere, something survives and pretends to be living chimera-self
Alter-ego, super-ego or just the Id-ego runs amok during the season to be the jolly holly elf
Nutrients added to a complex of agar, the universe’s cosmic slop yield the virus’ bacterial arms
Creation of the things that move, animated by nothing other than pure blown atom charms.

OK, alright, it’s going to be fine, no reason to panic just because you swapped kingdom come
From conception of your being in the womb of your mother, merged DNA of flagellate scum
Above and below the Mason–Dixon line there is nothing but the dirt, rocks and T-bone racks
Hung muscle and sinew under colored wrapping of thin skin that allows penetration of crack.

Fundamentals are important after the fact but prior to the Big Bang, you and I are Nothing
You must take this fact to heart as a blind faith belief without absolute proof other than logic
Reason suggests that our conclusions are based upon highly probable premises, argued well
That you may have a rational conclusion based upon facts and assumptions, you’ll go to hehl.

Whether in a spirit’s soul form, ethereal, undetectable social something, program’s corrupted
Molecular light of the cosmic and gamma rays perpetuate this myth of being immortally dead
Praying to the long gone ones who came before us who remain gulping air and water, recycler
That seems to be all you can conclude, simply Nothing, I’m drunk in God’s womb, MotherF!

r j j stephan, i
c. Lundi, FREAKZEMBER 2nd, 2019 A.D. @ 5:55 AM PST

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