
Monday, December 16, 2019

#ForNoLoveOfGod #HumansAreIndeedAllTooHuman #DogIsDead #WORDup @ThePolice #ThePolice @GrouchoMarx

Richard Joseph Stephan · Monday, December 16, 2019 #BirdIsIndeedTheWord

You can call me out whenever you think you want to hear the Truth of the Husky race track
Between the cold wars that bit off less than they could chew, just a leader of a ice-sled pack
Bunches of wolves from Siberia not knowing anything but blue, white-out and dry blood red
Kind and ferocious at the drop of a dime or a Canadian Mounty-hatted man, it has been said.

Corn-fed or wheat bread & butter from Winter to Fall, simmer down in Summer post Spring
A circular jerking and wobbling of the conglomerate astral fecal matter, smells of star’s stuff
Like Chicago, the city of bad smells, stench from dead fish and the words of ape-men lingo
Laws to regulate unintelligent, immoral beasts who ignore categorical imperatives for bingo.

Wrote and said something about things themselves, the essence of the origin and bitter Ends
Where brave men fear to tread, past the known into the darkness, I dive in a diaper, I deepen
In an empty Void of humanity which is all too human, a skeleton’s keys my Rolls to extinction
Killers used to be my friends until they came for me, to kill a free bird who lives to mock Sin.

Liberty inherited from the dissatisfied fighters for a Space and Time they call their Own joint
Willing to fight and die for the Way of the Warrior, free from kings and queens who dictate in
Suits of sharks and pinstriped shysters who move their keesters for nobody, jokers’ on point
When it comes down to getting out of trouble before you meet death’s crushing blow, I win!

Thank you if it pleases you to think and know you’ve come to Earth as a holy, orphanage egg
From a microscopic dot of DNA to your mother’s holy womb, hot pocket of rock concert swag
Utterly senseless, the First Cause makes four moves, up, down, in and out of Saturn’s o-rings
Insightful reflection of nothing at all gives you the epistemological edge of philosopher kings.

Stare at me and I stare at you for seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, years of spin to fade
Wobbling, rotating, revolving like things we sense do, we are what it is, matter’s in retrograde
Now hear this, right here and right now, your brain and mind will sink fast if you’re poisoned
Nobody in cosmic soup’s worth dying for, to kill your One life, so keep it alive or be The Dead.

r j j stephan, i
c. LUNDI, FREEZEMBER 16TH, 2019 A.D. @ 7:11 AM PST
{ drafted with love thoughts of the solar system in retrograde of its own natural ecliptic, fading #FakeNews conceptual analysis, while listenin’ to #SuperIntelligence - 24/7 Binaural Beats Focus/Concentration jams @ https://youtu.be/DyYrIxRXFeU & for my infinite pleasure, Gwen Stefani & Blake Shelton #YouMakeItFeelLikeChristmas link @ https://youtu.be/3ZT9_H4-hbM}
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