
Friday, May 29, 2020

#DuckDuckStopItNow #GuidedByPoliticalPressure #BidensHidin'

Richard Joseph Stephan · Friday, May 29, 2020 
------ #AMAZINGLYsimpleminded ------
Fear’s beginning, I was not here or there or anywhere but now I am present, #How high noon
Something unknown is about to be uncovered, the reason for your birth and death on Earth
Get ready for the best or worst day of your life, it’s comin’ down the pike, you’ll know it soon
Time cannot be slowed down, it’s the spin of the Earth around the sun’s ecliptic of it’s moon.

We are a moon of the sun, a son of that OG God, the one who left us here, we’re all done son
A garden where you can’t eat so there’s no need to recycle the waste, heaven has no sun, duh
Nothing is heaven sent, nobody knows but everybody hopes that heaven or nirvana is the fun
Not the struggle here on the dirty ball full of rocks that roll, a dream in a dream is a chimera.

Pulled out of high school to move away and get shot and killed, blown to smithereens in hell
Where good angels never go, to war with the evil dead things, soul, invisible evil is the genes
Nobody’s fault, not yours or mine or anyone alive on Earth, it’s the Dead that caused this fall
Now, what to do from this point to the point of no return? We’re The 64,000 human scenes.

Compare your present moments in life to the ones that will be in the future house of divinity
Either your master or your gods will determine your fate in our personal existence, humanity
From the innocence of embryos through the travails of childhood and adulthood, keep tryin’
After you’ve exhausted all of the possible options, only one conclusion is the lifeline of satin.

Face masks over your ugly American face, that face is a DNA mutation due to the fools’ genes
Balls of fire have descended and caused the beginning of the DNA extinction caused by aliens
You are in an epidemic of pandemics, out of pure spite before our Time-Space matrix history
In or out of our upward downs, the graves underground or undersea are the god holy destiny.

Debt of the world WHO is owed to whom? Which Face’s mask do we wear to get back, home?
Just because you think you’re so pretty my friends and enemies, it means nothing to the Void
Your body shapes and forms that appear as hairless ape mutants, those forms are an android
Reproduced in the end for an extinction of species, death is like a pandemic, a divine gnome!

I give you nothing and I get it right back from you, as it should be, you live and die, all alone
Even when brothers and sisters come near you, they always leave in the end, bam, long gone
No lies when you tell the Truth, meaning of that statement is a big fat Homer, We always lie!
Morons and idiots moving the bacteria and virus, Truth on It’s knees, just pray to a third eye.

r j j stephan, i
c. Friday, May 29th, 2020 A.D. @ 5:55 AM PST
{ Upchucked the Words above while listenin’ to #StStephen #NotFadeAway by The Grateful Dead link @ https://youtu.be/cx2pCQDG_Q4 }

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