Richard Joseph Stephan · Saturday, May 23, 2020
----------------- #AllEyesHave -------------------
Dig. Opened arms yet ready to be the drop dead gorgeous one who generates a frozen freezer
Where the things can be dealt with for the sake of survival, to be the fittest of the conned ones
Just because you’re a favored one of the Godfather of earthbound DNA, old rum 151 and guns
Senility and brain washing are all you need to enculturate the minions, they’ll follow a leader.
Sun rose the day after I died and everything was shakin’ out just like it always does, it’s done
There were no diamonds in the golden ring, there wasn’t any gold in the diamonds either, son
Theories of Evolution and Special Creation abound in the books of boys and girls, dipped sex
Beyond the legends that nobody hears if they can’t be told and can’t be ready or said in a hex.
Magic of being in the right place at the right time is realization that intention directs the will
Perfection and defection as sweet and low as the pearls at the bottom of the Dead Sea’s krill
Dream work at the bottom of every bottle of Starbuck’s Mocha con Leche, switches my toggle
Full mug to the brim, whipped cream and cinnamon sprinkles, breathing in the hornswoggle.
He said to hold these things as self evident, that nobody knows how to do what God can’t face
No evidence of God at all here on Earth, in this or any other country on the planet or in Space
Assuming there’s a moon, planets and other stars besides our white dwarf or red giant pizza
Wow, the haters will really be hatin’ on spare WORDS I got here, #HatersHate an influenza.
How can you foment a congregation of people when it’s forbidden to commiserate with One
Gods watch all of this living and dying, like it or not, they cannot be bought or sold with gold
Save it for your survivors to spend on the tomb and casket or urn full o’ shards of yo’ hipbone
Creatures we all are for our moments of animation and intuition to create the Way we get old.
If it is true that your conscious ego and Id live beyond the grave or the urn, then whoopee doo
You got more than you deserve since you didn’t earn any special favors being conceived fool
It’s not your fault that you read the words and interpret the ambiguity in your malignant way
Because you’re mean and jealous of the ones you perceive as much better than you, today!
r j j stephan, i
c. Saturday, May 23rd, 2020 A.D. * Happy Birthday @CarolAnnStephan #71 eye

{ snatched listenin’ @Chic #LeFreak link @ https://youtu.be/QpCoSf8QmQM }
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